Destined Martial God

Chapter 1441: Taishan Emperor Battle (second more)

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Anyang Village, located in the southwestern part of the Central Region, faces the Meilin Mountains in the east and the tributary of the Weihe River in the west, is a quiet and remote small mountain village.

Anyang Village was built more than 200 years ago. Although it has a population of only a few hundred, no one dares to provoke it.

The reason is that the owner of the village is the Qian family who has influence on the situation in the entire Tianxuan continent.

Like all ordinary villages in the Tianxuan mainland, the members of the Qian family are husband and wife, living in the courtyards of the village, living independently, practicing and practicing.

Only the ancestor sacrifice at the Spring Festival every year, or the red and white happy event between the people, all the people of the people will gather together.

On this day, Anyang Village, which had been calm for almost half a year, suddenly became lively.

The men and women of the village, young and old, whether they are children who have gone out to practice or strong men in retreats, all gather in front of a stone monument in front of the village entrance, and discuss each other with excitement. Yu Fei was very confused.

"Sister Su Qi, are there any great happy events for your family today?" Following a dignified girl about 20 years old, came to the village stone monument, An Yufei pointed to hundreds of people gathered at the village entrance and asked Road.

"That's for sure!"

Gan Suqi nodded hard, and said with infinite expectations in her eyes.

"Today, a distinguished guest is coming to sit in our Gan family."

"Sister Su Qi, because of the special status of your Gan family on the Tianxuan continent, even if the patriarchs of the inherited family such as the Shang family and the Zhou family come in person, I am afraid it is not worth your enthusiasm for such a move!" Su Qi, who is full of infinite expectations in China, asked An Yufei, who was more confused.

Later, she pointed to the middle-aged man who was standing in front of the crowd, about forty years old, wearing a gray robe and with a cold temperament.

"Moreover, even the first strongman in your family, Uncle Tianyu who has been in retreat for ten years, has personally greeted him."

"Can it be the Lord of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace, or the patriarchs of the four guardian families in person!"


Immediately shook his head to deny An Yufei's guess, Xiuquan clenched Gan Suqi whispered excitedly.

"Feier, the guest who came to my house today is the first master of the Tianxuan Continent. He is the champion of the Qianlong League in the southern region. The only horseman in the Qin Empire is Yu Haoran."

"It turned out to be him!"

After hearing Gan Suqi's explanation, An Yufei's eyes were equally shocked.

With the return of countless strong men who visited the Qianlong competition in the Southern Region, the events that occurred in the Qianlong Fortress in the Southern Region also spread quickly.

Unexpectedly, due to the unfair treatment of the seven Venerables of Qianlong Fortress, they smashed the wheel battle arranged by the strong in the purple clothing, and used the spirit of the ancient family's descendant, Guli, to make the taboo man Dan, which has achieved unprecedented colorfulness Dragon, coldly refused to marry Huang Fu, one of the three great beauties of the Tianxuan continent, to refine the elixir that can cause countless strange beasts to attack.

Everything that Hao Ran did in Qianlong Fort in the Southern Region was enough to cause the entire Tianxuan continent to shake.

This also allowed his fame to quickly spread to the corners of the Tianxuan continent, and also allowed him to reach the level of top sects and lineage patriarchs.

More importantly, everything he did in the Qianlong competition is a thing that countless young people want to do, which has also reached the peak of his popularity among the young generation.

Don't say that Gan Suqi is very excited, even if An Yufei's eyes are showing the same look of expectation at this moment.

When all the members of the Gan family arrived, the void in front of the village stone was suddenly torn.

Then, a young man in a blue gown, with a beautiful appearance and a slight smile on his face, emerged from the torn void.

After seeing the hundreds of people gathered in front of the stone monument at the village entrance, the blue-eyed boy stunned for a moment, and then said with a grin to Qian Huiying who was standing in front of the crowd.

"Senior seniors, juniors have specifically told you, don't be so enthusiastic, why don't you just listen!"

"Yu Dandi, do n’t blame me for making things happen. This is all arranged by my elder brother, the patriarch of our Gan clan." Qian Hui, who stepped out of the crowd, pointed to a green robe beside him. Middle-aged strong man contends.

"The junior Yu Haoran, I've seen the patriarch of Qian!" At the same time when Qian Hui was embarrassed, he was also indirectly introduced to him as the principal of the Qian family.

"Yu Dandi, you're welcome!" Seeing Yu Haoran solemnly salute the juniors, the head of the Gan family rejoiced immediately after rejoicing.

"Yu Dandi, this is my third brother, Qian Tianyu, the first strongest member of my Gan family." After Hao Ran and his elder brother saw each other separately, Gan Huiyi immediately pointed at the cold look, exuding a trace of silk on his body. Indifferent middle-aged strongman introduced.

"The younger Yu Haoran, met the Tianyu predecessor!" Seeing even Tian Tianyu, the number one among the top ten casual repairs in Tianxuan mainland, personally came out to greet himself, Yu Haoran stepped forward and saluted immediately.

"The short period is two years, the long period is three years. Your cultivation will definitely break through the realm of Emperor Wudi, and your strength will be able to catch up with me!"

Since Yu Haoran appeared in the village entrance by tearing the void, Qian Tianyu has been watching him secretly. The more he watched, the more shocked he became, and the more excited he became.

Therefore, he showed that not only was there no reply, but instead, after introducing Hao Ran's advancement and strength, he directly sent out an invitation to fight.

"Yu Haoran, do you dare to participate in the Taishan feudal battle three years later?"

"Yu Dandi, the so-called battle of Emperor Qinshan is so ..."

Seeing Yu Haoran frowning slightly, his eyes were even more confused, Gan Huiyi knew that it was limited by the age and experience. He certainly did not know the Qinshan feudal war only known by the most powerful men. Voluntarily came to him and explained.

The so-called Battle of Emperor Qinshan was initiated three years ago by the Lord of the Yuxu Palace Tiangong, and he fought against all the top martial masters in the Tianxuan Continent who had the impact on the realm of Wu Di. At the top of the battle for emperor.

What is Emperor?

Unique for the Emperor!

Consider the geographical division of the Tianxuan continent, as well as the customs of Wenwu No. 1 and Wu Wu No. 2, passing through the Lord of the Yuxu Palace, the patriarchs of the four guardian families, thirteen family patriarchs who passed down ancient and medieval times, and During the discussions between the leaders of the Jingshi and Hell forces, the Emperor Qinshan was set up as the emperor of the East Region, the emperor of the Western Region, the Emperor of the Northern Region, the Emperor of the Southern Region, the Emperor Zhu of the Southern Region, and the emperor of the Central Region.

Author Yan Yunyu said: Today, Kavinka is going to die, and I don't know if I can successfully complete the five chapters. If it can't be completed, Yan Yun will explain in Chapter 4, if it can be completed, it may be too late.

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