Destined Martial God

Chapter 1446: Gui Guzi, the hidden power (second)

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In front of the Merlin Mountains!

"Yu Dandi passed the prize!"

Although he said humbly on his mouth, it was difficult to lift the smile on his face from the dry step, which shows that Yu Haoran's praise just made him very happy.

"Elder Bumai, please!" Putting away his sigh, Yu Haoran signaled with a smile.

"Yu Dandi, although you and I have the strength of the top Wuzun realm, but in the Meilin Mountains, there are not only powerful beasts, but also many natural traps that can threaten Junwu Emperor's powerful powers."

When stepping into the Merlin Mountains, dry step reminded solemnly.

"So Bumai hopes that Yu Dandi can keep up with me, and must not do anything reckless to avoid incurring unnecessary trouble and crisis."

"Elder Bumai is assured, Hao Ran knows the size." Yu Haoran nodded and motioned.

"Yu Haoran, if only speculation in Qianlong Fortress in the Southern Region, then I am 100% sure that the owner of the cave house discovered by the Qiang family must be the old man of Plum Blossom." , Ta Ling in the sea said with a smile.

"Ta Ling, how is the formation of the old man Meihua? Who is stronger than who is weaker than you?"

Seeing Qian Bumai intending to walk to the cave house left in the depths of the mountain, Yu Haoran followed his footsteps, while admiring the scenery of the mountains, and understanding the means of the old man's plum blossom master in advance with Ta Ling.

"The realm of the Emperor."

After a brief introduction to the realm of the old man of plum blossom, Ta Ling said arrogantly.

"In the practice and insight of the formation method, the gap between plum blossoms and me is like a cloud of mud!"

But then, Ta Ling put away her pride, and said a peculiar look in her eyes.

"However, Gui Guzi, the old man of Meihua, is a weird man who can't see me through."

When Ta Ling persuaded him to accept the second condition proposed by Qian Yuan Jin, he briefly mentioned Gui Guzi, the master of plum blossoms.

Afterwards, when he was rested in the Qianlongbao No. 9 Courtyard in Nanyu District, he also carefully recalled that he found no information about Guiguzi in his previous experience.

So when he heard Ta Ling mention Gui Guzi, he couldn't help asking.

"Ta Ling, who is Guiguzi?"

"A wizard who possesses a supernatural power, but is willing to remain silent."

Looking through the barriers of the sea space and looking at the depths of the Meilin Mountains, memories began to appear in Ta Ling's eyes and began to introduce Guiguzi.

Guiguzi was destroyed in ancient times. A hidden world appeared at the beginning of the Middle Ages. How high is his cultivation and how strong is his strength? Even the seven most powerful men in the Middle Ages are also unclear.

Because he is proficient in the power of various laws, he has never really dealt with people, and he has never had any conflicts with his personality following the hidden world.

And the reason why he really can respect the innumerable strong men in the Middle Ages is because of the anti-sky means he taught his disciples.

One of the seven supreme powerful men in the Middle Ages, Xing Tian, ​​who is known as the beast of the world, is his big disciple.

In the Middle Ages, the level of Dan Tao was second only to Lao Tzu's Li Er. His original disciple was able to assist the warrior to directly advance to the dreamless Dao of Dan Shen Yuan, which was his second disciple.

In the Middle Ages, the realm of Taoism was second only to Yun Zhongzi. He was a three-disciplinary man who once refined the omnipotent human being who used the four magic swords of the magic weapon.

The strongest in the realm of Fu Dao in the Middle Ages, the four old disciples who created the old Fu Sheng who can instantly copy the charms of all living things.

In the Middle Ages, he was known as the first person in the battlefield, and his original disciple was the five disciples of the Xuanxuanyuan who was the original star who fell and died.

In the Middle Ages, he was known as the first person in the art of Taoism. The old man who was known as the chaos in the past and the mystery of breaking the secrets in the world is his six disciples.

In the Middle Ages, he had the poisonous path, and the real source of poison that could easily kill the powerful gods in one breath was his seven disciples.

As for the old plum blossom master who is also proficient in the method of array formation, he is only a named disciple of Guiguzi. He has listened to his sermons on the practice of array formation several times.

The strongest person who can simultaneously teach martial arts, Dan Tao, Qi Tao, Run Tao, Zhen Dao, Shu Da and Tao Dao can not only prove the strength of Guiguzi himself, but also explain his comprehensive views on the practice of Taoism.

After hearing the spirit of Gui Guzi in the Middle Ages, Yu Haoran had no other thoughts except admiration and admiration.

Although he is also proficient in martial arts, dandao, poisonous, tactics and battlefields, compared to Guiguzi, he is undoubtedly different from the bright moon.

"Ta Ling, since Gui Guzi is able to teach the strongest person in the art path like the old man of state of mind, it shows that he is not only equally proficient in the way of art, but the state of the way of path must not be lost to the old man of state of mind."

Admired and admired, Yu Haoran couldn't help but a hint of doubt appeared.

"With his ability in the art path, he can certainly calculate the cause and time of the destruction of the Middle Ages in advance. Then why did he not prepare for the defense in advance and eventually died in the destruction of the Middle Ages."

"Yu Haoran, who told you that Guiguzi died tragically in the ruins of the Middle Ages!" Faced with Haoran's interrogation, Ta Ling could not help but rolled his eyes back.


Ta Ling's questioning left Yu Haoran wondering how to respond for a moment.

Because the relics of ancient, medieval and recent times that he broke through in the previous life, there are many supreme strongmen who have been famous throughout the entire period, and are ultimately trapped in the destruction of heaven and earth in their respective periods, so he took it for granted that Guiguzi also died in the medieval period In ruins.

"The old man in the state of mind is the last disciple received by Guiguzi. After the old man in the state of mind was born and refined, Guiguzi completely closed the hidden world, and no one in the world knew where he was going."

Withdrawing his attention from the Merlin Mountains, Ta Ling said with admiration.

"Moreover, with the strength and means of Guiguzi, even if it is confronted with the crumbling crisis of the Middle Ages, I am afraid that there will be no trace of damage. Who in the world can get his life."

"Yu Dandi, we are here!"

It is because Hao Ran intends to question Gui Guzi who could not die in the Middle Ages and the Ancient Times. Why hasn't he been born? The sound of stepping suddenly came from his ears.

After hearing Qian Bumai's reminder, Yu Haoran immediately suppressed the thought of questioning, and then looked up to observe the cave left by the old man of plum blossoms, his face immediately appeared shocked.

According to the cycle of plant growth, plum blossoms generally bloom between March and April after spring. At the same time, the blooming time of plum blossoms was basically maintained at about seven days.

But the plum forest that appeared in front of it was when ten thousand plum blossoms were blooming, and it was now late autumn and September.

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