Destined Martial God

Chapter 1464: One to kill, two to be slaughtered (two more)

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Central area, sky above Qianlong Fortress!

Ji Wenlong slightly taunted the provocation, let Yu Haoran immediately stop his boxing, then looked down without any anger to appear in the courtyard, a personable, extraordinary, wearing a purple starry gown.

"Wen Long has seen Master Yuwen!" As if not very accustomed to looking up at others, Ji Wenlong flew to a position equal to Yu Haoran and the black-haired young man, and greeted the long-haired young man in black.

"Yu Wenhao has met Brother Ji!" Facing Ji Wenlong's active greetings, even the long-haired young man with black temperament, he did not dare to neglect to return to the court immediately.

"Yu Haoran, your life is so big!" After nodding in response to Yu Wen Haofei's gift, Ji Wenlong turned his eyes to Yu Haoran, with a slight annoyed sigh.

"Ji Wenlong, tell your younger brother Ji Hanyu, if you want to save his life, it is best to kneel down in the ring and admit defeat. Otherwise, you will not only lose his younger brother, but also the Lord of the Heavenly Palace will inevitably send his black hair in white people."

The reason for Ji Wenlong's annoyance was that he successfully cracked the upside-down Qimen array and the Four Seasons Reincarnation array, and safely left Meihua Meilin, letting the Lord of the Heavens Palace take the opportunity to kill himself.

Looking down at the No. 48 other hospital, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a cold light, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, it is also possible in your heart of Ji Wenlong, wishing that Ji Hanyu died in my hands in Yu Haoran."

"After all, as the heir of the Lord of the Yuxu Palace, how can you Ji Wenlong allow a wild species to defile the pure blood of the Ji family?"

"How is it possible to tolerate a waste that is not enough to succeed, and to undermine the reputation of Yuxu Palace that has maintained the top seven denominations of the Tianxuan continent for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Yu Haoran, shut up for me!" After hearing Yu Haoran's ridicule, or his sinister intentions, Ji Wenlong, who was furious and angry, immediately shouted and shouted.

"Hurry, guilty!"

In the face of Ji Wenlong's desperate anger, Yu Haoran immediately pretended to be shocked, his voice filled with incredible questioning.

"I can't believe it, I guess, you Ji Wenlong just wants to kill Ji Hanyu!"

In fact, the ridicule that Ji Wenlong and Ji Hanyu had just made was not a word of mouth.

Because in the previous life, while avoiding the chasing and killing of the strong men in Yuxu Palace, Yu Haoran once heard the expert chat sent by Ji Wenlong and learned that he was strongly dissatisfied and disgusted with Ji Hanyu. He also knew that he had been deliberately trying to deal with Ji Hanyu secretly.

"Sure enough he wants me to die!"

In the bedroom of the 48th courtyard, hiding away from Ji Hanyu, who did not dare to show up, saw Ji Wen's anxiety, and after seeing a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, his face was gloomy and murmured to himself.

Subsequently, a gray jade bamboo slip was taken out of the storage ring, and Ji Hanyu continued to whisper to his teeth.

"Ji Wenlong, since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being a brother."

After gnashing his teeth, Ji Hanyu took out more than a dozen blank jade bamboo slips, and then copied the contents of a gray jade bamboo slip into the blank jade bamboo slips.

"Yu Haoran, don't continue to play tricks. If you have the courage, you will directly die and die with Ji Wenlong." Knowing that Ji Wenlong, who could not continue to engage in a verbal confrontation with Hao Ran, immediately took out the exquisite weapon of exaltation, he was very murderous. Facing Yu Haoran invited to fight.

"Meet your wish to find death." Yu Haoran, who immediately smiled, answered coldly.

But before moving on with Ji Wenlong, he turned his head to provoke Yu Wenhao Hao, who was going to watch the show.

"Anyway, one is killing, the other is also slaughter. You Yuwen Haofei will go together!"

"Boy, arrogant!"

In the face of his own central region, or the strongest of the young generation of the Tianxuan mainland, Yu Haoran not only did not have the slightest fear, but also invited Yu Wenhaofei, the strongest of the young generation, to fight. Suddenly there was a feeling of contempt and humiliation.

After an outcry, Ji Wenlong directly applied the town palace method of Yuxu Palace Tiangong, the level of reaching the peak of the order of the heavens, and the white dragon condensed from the world with one stroke, taking directly from Hao Ran's key points.

"Yu Haoran, you are looking for death!"

At the same time, Yu Wenhao Fei, who also felt humiliated, screamed in violent anger, and in his hand presented a black sword with a superb sword, cutting out a black dragon with a stench.

"Fist Town!"

Looking at the two black and white dragons rushing towards himself, Yu Haoran stepped back without any fear, and then left and right fists simultaneously punched out the boxing skills of the two Jizhen towns.

As the twelve ancestors with the strongest ancient strengths co-created boxing, the power of boxing in the boxing town was enough to shake the entire ancient continent.

Accepting the memory and inheritance of the twelve ancestors, Yu Haoran, under the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun and the practice of amazing understanding, has already won the essence of boxing.

Therefore, the mountain formed by the boxing method just broke away from the left and right punches, and the Qianlong Fortress, which was not lost in a city, immediately trembled, which made all the players who lived in the board room and other hospitals vacated in advance.



With the two deafening roars, the two mountains formed by the boxing method directly smashed the two dragons of the Black Dragon, and continued to smash into Ji Wenlong and Yu Wenhaofei without any loss of power.

Whether it is the white dragon limping to the world, or the black dragon formed by martial arts martial arts, Ji Wenlong and Yu Wenhao Fei have almost used the strength of nearly eight layers.

In the case of using eight layers of strength to join forces, not only was it impossible to defeat Yu Haoran, but the powerful punches played by the opponent broke the joint force, which made Ji Wenlong and Yu Wenhao Fei couldn't help but change their faces.

Taking a look at each other, Ji Wenlong and Yu Wenhao Fei screamed at the same time, and directly exerted more powerful methods of cricket and sword, blasting towards the mountains.

The previous blow has allowed Yu Haoran to fully realize the results of his retreat during this period of retreat. While the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, his left and right fists are then used to carry out the second method of ancestral witch tradition.

I also felt that one hundredth of the essence of fist broke through the sky.

"Yu Dandi, please stop!"

However, just when the boxing technique had just formed and it was not really blasted out, a sound of familiar blocking suddenly came from the attic on the central square of Qianlongbao.

"Zun Zun, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran questioned, looking at the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes that appeared instantly in front of Ji Wenlong.

"Don't misunderstand Yu Dandi, this deity is not malicious."

While explaining, the middle-aged strong man in the purple clothes used the divine transmission to explain the reason why he had just stopped.

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