Destined Martial God

Chapter 1481: Do not give face (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

Yu Haoran's detailed introduction to Qinghun Detoxification made the crowd at the scene unable to help but feel scalp numbness, but also wanted to know what he would do with Qinghun Detoxification.

"It's very coincident that I Yu Haoran is not only a master of the Dan Dao realm, but also a poison master who is proficient in poisoning. He can use the breath of the green soul to bite the poison and track the once intimacy with the blue-eyed black cat and beast. People. "

Seeing that his face was slightly pale, Liu Juan flashed in his eyes, Yu Haoran threatened with a smile.

"So, you better admit immediately that you are the murderer who drove the blue-eyed black cat and beast to attack my brother. Otherwise, I will let you taste the three souls and seven souls forcibly separated from the spirits, and then one by one. Point to swallowed pain. "

The sudden emergence of fear in her heart made Liu Juan reluctantly take three steps back, and the panic that appeared in her eyes made her want to open her mouth and say something suddenly.

Then, surprise replaced Liu Juan in horror instantly, and looked up calmly to Peng Yanfei in the air and hugged.

"Master Peng Tang, the junior and Brother Wu did not know each other, and they did not bother to drive the blue-eyed black cat and beast to secretly attack Brother Wu. Yu Haoran completely slandered the junior."

"Moreover, the younger speculated that the reason why Hao Ran slandered the innocence of the younger is likely to be a means of killing him with a knife, the purpose is to eliminate the opponents who can threaten him in the wheel battle in advance."

"After all, the junior is the 16th strongest in the Central Dragon League competition."

"So, I implore Lord Tang to be able to uphold justice for the juniors and return them to a fair and just innocence."

"As the saying goes, catching **** and getting double, catching thieves and getting stolen!"

Facing Liu Juan's grievances and complaints, Peng Yanfei immediately pretended to act in a fair manner.

"Yu Haoran, since you suspect that Liu Juan is a murderer who secretly drove the blue-eyed black cat and beast to attack Wu Zhengjun, then please bring out sufficient evidence, otherwise, the owner of the church will directly blame you on the charge of violating the rules of the game. Kill on the ring. "

Ignoring Peng Yanfei's pretense of threat, Yu Haoran stared straight at Liu Juan, who appeared proud in his eyes, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, since you want to enjoy the process of being engulfed little by little by three souls and seven souls, then I will satisfy your wish."

The ten fingers quickly made a mark, and then directly into the body of the blue-eyed black cat and beast.

Subsequently, the black blood floating in mid-air quickly flew to the corpse of the blue-eyed black cat and beast, and then merged directly into the corpse from the wound.

Just after the black blood was incorporated into the body of the blue-eyed black cat and beast, Liu Juan's brow with faint black spots began to gradually darken and expand, and soon covered her entire face.

"Last name, what exactly did you do to me?" Liu Juan could not help but mutated his face with the strange changes in his face and the familiar poisonous atmosphere.

"Breathing back to the soul!" Looking up at Peng Yanfei in the air, Yu Haoran replied with a sneer.

Breath Soul Surgery is an upgraded secret technique of tracking. Even if it is separated by millions of miles, it can also be used to track the opponent's precise position based on the breath of items that the opponent has touched.

However, the breath returning soul has been lost as early as ancient times.

Yu Haoran also discovered the jade Jane that recorded the breath returning soul from a cave house left by the ancient martial saints when he was in the forbidden area of ​​the death swamp.

"Yu Dandi, can you look at the patriarch's face and forgive Juan's fault!" After hearing the answer given by Yu Haoran, a middle-aged man in a purple robe with hawk-nosed eyes, at the top of the western stand The man asked for help.

"Do I know you!" Yu Haoran questioned, looking at the middle-aged man who turned his head to glance at Eagle Nose.

"The Liu family inherited from the Han Dynasty in the ancient times must have heard about the Emperor Dan!" The middle-aged man chuckled indifferently to the indifferent questioning, and then introduced with a look of triumph.

"never heard of that!"

Even Shang Jie and Shang Baizhan, who passed down the Shang dynasty in the Middle Ages, did not look at him, let alone inherit the family in the ancient times.

What's more, Liu Juan had originally planned to admit that she was the murderer who drove the blue-eyed black cat and beast secretly. The reason why she suddenly calmed down and thought of complaining and complaining with Peng Yanfei must be someone reminding him secretly.

And this person who uses God's thoughts to remind him secretly must be the head of the Liu family who begs for Liu Juan.

Therefore, Yu Haoran replied indifferently.

The smug smile on his face ended instantly, and the middle-aged man threatened with a gloomy face.

"In that sense, Yu Dandi does not intend to give this face to the clan chief."

"Get off!" For the threat of the middle-aged man, heavy pressure caused Yu Haoran, who was upset, and responded directly and arrogantly.

"good very good!"

Not only did he not give himself the face of the patriarch of the ancestral family, but he also dared to yell at himself in front of countless strong men at the scene. This made the patriarch of the Liu family suddenly angered and closed his eyes slowly. .

Subsequently, he began to use the special secret method to contact the family ancestors, intending to directly kill Hao Ran in front of countless strong men at the scene after the five-domain Qianlong battle.

"Yu Dandi, I was wrong. I secretly drove the blue-eyed black cat and beast to attack Wu Zhengjun. Please let me go!"

When Liu Qing was found to be intoxicating in the invasion of the sea, she had begun to control and strip the three souls and seven souls from her soul, and Yu Haoran ignored her father ’s threat at all, and finally she could not bear the threat of death. Begging for mercy.


After Yu Haoran's indifferent reply, Liu Juan, who didn't bother to begin to scream and howl, turned to look at Zhong Lishuiqin standing beside him, his eyes hesitated.

"Yu Dandi, Shuiqin knows the deep relationship between you and Xiaojun, and also knows that certain things need your consent, so if you have any doubts, you can know everything and say everything."

Originally, after confirming that Liu Juan was the murderer who drove the blue-eyed black cat and beast to attack Wu Zhengjun in secret, Zhong Lishuiqin planned to use the most brutal means to torture her severely.

However, after seeing Yu Haoran's use of Qingling's soul-stealing poison to deprive the three souls and seven souls, he knew that the torture methods he had mastered were too pediatric, and he had no idea of ​​shooting.

At the same time, during the time he was in contact with Wu Zhengjun, Zhong Lishuiqin knew that in his heart, Yu Haoran was not only a brother who guided him to practice, but also a brother who guarded his growth.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's attitude is the key to the success of the marriage between the man and the man of his choice.

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