Destined Martial God

Chapter 1484: Dragon's inverse scale must die (two more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress!

Watching a friend's eyes shed two lines of sad tears, a middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi sitting beside him, asked with a worried look.

"Brother Tao, are you okay!"

"Thank you, Brother Wen for your concern, Tao is all right."

To the middle-aged strong man in Tsing Yi who cared about himself, he nodded his thanks, and quickly gathered up the tears of the Tao family leader. After getting up, he raised his hands and asked Yu Haoran on the ring.

"Yu Dandi, since Chuan Ming is dead and you have won, I wonder if I can return Chuan Ming's body to Tao."

In addition to sadness, the tone of the request of the head of the Tao family did not have any resentment and murderousness, which shows that the other party is a person who follows the martial tradition and follows the rules of the game.

Such a pure martial artist is a person who has always respected Yu Haoran.

Therefore, he used Yuanli to enclose Tao Lianming's body, as well as the top sword and three sacred paradise weapons that fell on the ring, all of which were delivered to the head of the Tao family.

Thanks to Yu Haoran, the head of the Tao family quickly took out the crystal coffin that had been prepared in advance, and then carefully put the body of Tao Lianming into the coffin.

The actions of the Tao family leader also made the strong men who had threatened the Hao Ran a little bit more complex, and looked at the Tao family leader with resentment in their eyes.

When the number behind the name became eighty-six, He Pengfei, who was ranked fifth in the Northern Territory list, was forcibly brought to the ring.

"Either concede or die!"

Because He Pengfei's strength is slightly stronger than Tao Chuanming, it is difficult to bombard each other in a short time only by means of martial arts.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't waste time and continued to take out the white sticks. Instead, he put his hands on the back of the Supreme Glory and put his choice indifferently.

"I surrender!"

It was because Hao Ran's voice of choice had just fallen, He Pengfei immediately gave up without hesitation, completely beyond the expectations of the northern players from the stands in the north side and the ring.

If it is fierce, Yu Wenhaofei from Tianzong Zong is not lost to Hao Ran at all. He Pengfei dare to fight with his life when he fights with him, why did he actively surrender to Hao Ran in the face?

He Pengfei turned around and jumped off the ring. When he saw the doubts from the eyes of the players from the Northern Regions, he couldn't help feeling proud.

"What do you idiots know? Although Yuwen Haofei is fierce enough, Lao Tzu's strength is only slightly worse than him. Even if he fights to the end and fails, there will be no life worries."

"But Yu Haoran is different. You just think he has a powerful inheritance boxing method, but you don't know that he only uses less than one tenth of his strength."

"If Lao Tzu chooses to fight with him, he will definitely be exactly the same fool as Tao."

Just after the name became eighty-seven, Bingxuanyu, one of the top seven denominations in the Tianxuan continent, ranked No. 5 in the Western Regions list. Bing Xuanyu was forcibly brought to the ring.

Although Bing Xuanyu does not have the peerless looks of Yu Siqi and Qin Lingfei, but her cold temperament, proud twin peaks, and slender waist, she has developed countless suitors and gradually developed a kind of high above her. Character.

Moreover, Yu Siqi is also a disciple of the Bingxue Palace, making her even more fearless.

Therefore, after two feet on the platform, Bing Xuanyu not only did not take the initiative to admit defeat, but put on a proud look at Yu Haoran, waiting for his active salutation.

"Xuan Yu's strength is too visionless. How dare you easily provoke Haoran to kill this **** at this time."

Seeing Bingxuan Yu's arrogant look, the elder elder from the realm of Zhunwu Emperor in the Frozen Palace shook his head with disappointment in his eyes.

"Elder Tai Shang, anyway, Yu Siqi is also my disciple of the Frozen Snow Palace, a sister under the jurisdiction of Xuan Yu. Does the surname Yu dare to hurt Xuan Yu?" The middle-aged beautiful woman who has just broken through the top of Wu Zun's realm, and has been promoted to the deputy palace host, retorts with a look of pride.

"I hope so!"

Looking at Yu Haoran's eyes without any emotional changes, the elder Tai Shang only secretly prayed. The fact of praying was just as the deputy palace said just now. Li attitude.

"Either concede or die!"

Cultivating the full version of Taishangwuqingxin, successfully opening the special physique of Tianchen, Yu Siqi, who has officially reached the path of supreme practice, will certainly not return to the Frozen Palace, nor will she be a disciple of the Frozen Palace.

Therefore, in the face of the arrogant Bingxuan Yu, Yu Haoran still said indifferently.

"Yu Haoran, even if your sister Yu Siqi met, I will respectfully call you Sister Xuan Yu. How can you, as a younger brother, be so rude and rude, and do not know how your parents taught you to grow up? Adult. "

Seeing Yu Haoran's undifferentiated attitude, he was instantly irritated by Bingxuan Yu, yelling at the head and covering his face.



Just after the sound of Bingxuan Yu's reprimand fell, two horrific murderous horrors directly came into the sky, one horrible horrorous horror came from Haoran, and the other came from Yu Siqi, who guarded Wu Zhengjun.

Because in the hearts of Hao Ran and Yu Siqi, the accidental death of the parents is a scar that can never be touched, it is the inverse scale of blood that must be touched.

The core disciple Bingxuan Yu from the Frozen Palace is dead!

This is the thought that came out of the hearts of countless people at the scene when they saw the fierce horror and murder of Yu Haoran and Yu Siqi.

The elder elder from the Frozen Snow Palace and the deputy palace can't help but change his face as well, with a worried expression in his eyes.

"Damn bitch, even if your ancestors of the Frozen Palace climbed out of the coffin today, don't even want to save your life." With the continuous rise of fierce murder, Yu Haoran screamed with fierce anger and anger.

"Yu Haoran, you dare to abuse me!"

Not paying attention to Hao Ran's rising fierce murderousness, Bing Xuanyu's attention was focused on the word stubbornness he mentioned when he drank.

As the most important core disciple of the Frozen Palace, she has the temperamental beauty of countless followers. She has been praised and flattered by the surrounding Bingxuan Yu. When did she suffer such humiliation?

Moreover, Yu Siqi's brother, who was simply despised by himself, was humiliated face to face in the lobby.

This caused Bingxuan Yu, who was burning in anger, to completely lose his mind. He took out his sword and roared exhaustedly while taking out the sword in the imperial realm.

"Yu Haoran, I must kill you, and then I will directly crush you."

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