Destined Martial God

Chapter 1487: Strange Fuxi Bloodline (Five)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

After thanking the elders of the Frost and Snow Palace for his profound sense of righteousness, Yu Haoran suddenly felt that the sincerity he had just thanked was not enough.

After all, Bingxuan Yu and Bingzi, which he just killed, are a core disciple with the potential of top evildoers, a deputy palace master with heavy power, a representative of the denomination's future, and a face of the denomination. .

In the face of two people who are so important to beheading Zongmen, the other party can take the initiative to let go of their grievances and express their apologies anyway.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran immediately took out the sword swords from Emperor's Realm that had just been collected from the tower, and then used the means of Yuanli to send it to Elder Shu.

"Yu Dandi, thank you!"

Looking at the sword in the emperor's realm before him, Elder Shu thanked him in surprise.

"Elder Shu need not be polite!"

After waving a hand in response, Yu Haoran turned around and continued to wait for the next player to be brought on the ring.

"Xia Qi, the core child of the Xia family, has seen Brother Xi!" Yu Haoran, who looked indifferently and stared at himself, was the fifth place in the Central Ranking list, and Xia Qi did not show his respect in the least.

"Yu Haoran has met Brother Xia!"

It has nothing to do with the other's origin. The reason why Hao Ran changed his normal return is because Summer Qi gave him a sense of threat. This shows that the other is a top power whose strength does not match the ranking. It is worth him. Dear opponent.

"Brother Yu, before the official fight, Tian Qi has a question to ask Brother Yu, I wonder if Brother is willing to enlighten me?"

When Yu Haoran changed his normal response, while summer Qi suddenly felt good, he couldn't help but want to question the backlog of his heart for a long time, but felt that none of his peers were qualified to answer questions.

"Of course!" Yu Haoran nodded in agreement.

"Brother Yu, you must have played against Xiagu Fengze during the battle for the wheel of the Qianlong League in the Southern Region. I wonder what you think of Xiagu Fengze?" With Yu Haoran's consent, Xia Qi asked a little nervously.

After hearing Xia Qi ’s question, Yu Haoran flashed a stunned look, then closed his eyes while recalling the original confrontation with Xia Gu Fengze, while discussing with the Taling in the sea.

"Yu Haoran, if I didn't guess wrong, the reason why Summer Qi asked you this question may be related to the heir of the patriarch of the Xia clan." It was not equal to Haoran's initiative to interrogate, Ta Ling answered with a smile.

"Why?" Ta Ling answered with too much confidence, which made Yu Haoran quite puzzled.

Whether it is cultivation and strength, or vision and education, as well as dealing with people and manners, the gap between Xiagu Fengze and Xia Xiaqi is fluorescent and Haoyue.

As long as the patriarchs and seniors of the Xia clan are not blind, Xiagu Fengze does not threaten and affect the qualifications of Xiaqi's heirs.


Ta Ling's simple answer made Yu Haoran's inner doubts more than half.

After all, the Lord of the Worry-Free Valley can become the leader of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace, the strongest of the scattered repairs, and the strongest side-by-side of the Sovereign Sovereign.

Then, as the son of Wuyou Gugu and the Xia clan patriarch, Xiagu Fengze will certainly have a certain advantage over Xiaqi in terms of blood lineage inheritance.

However, the advantage belongs to the advantage. If the advantage cannot be converted into its own strength, then the advantage can only be reduced to a joke in the end.

"Yu Haoran, do you know why two people who are not much different in age, why Xiagu Fengze, who has the advantage of blood, is far from the reason why Xiaqi performed well?" Faced with doubt about Hao Ran's remaining half, Ta Ling asked with a smile.

"I don't know!" Yu Haoran replied.

"That's because the bloodline inherited from Xiagu Fengze's body came from the famous Fuxi Supreme in the Middle Ages."

"I understand!"

After hearing the source of Xia Gu Fengze's inheritance of blood, all his questions were resolved.

Just as Supreme Master Xing Tian relied on **** killing and Lao Tzu Supreme relied on stunning Dan Tao, Fu Xi Supreme relied on omniscient and omniscient fame throughout the Middle Ages.

However, unlike Xing Tian and Lao Zi, when they were young, they had shown the potential of supreme supremacy. Before Xiu Xiu achieved Xiu Zun, he was just an ordinary genius with a little talent and potential. The highest achievement in his life was nothing but Wudi.

But no one thought that after nearly a century of hard work, when he successfully broke through the realm of Wu Zun, the blood in his body transformed, which not only gave him the potential to achieve supreme supremacy, but also his cultivation in the path It is also making rapid progress.

Later, the descendants of the bloodline inheritance owned by Fuxi Supreme also possessed the characteristics of ordinary qualifications before Wuzun Realm and the transformation of qualifications after Wuzun Realm.

And this information comes from the Fuxi gossip chart that assisted him to successfully enter the art path.

"Brother Xia, I don't know how to evaluate Xiagu Fengze in detail, but if I compare the two of you."

After opening his eyes, Yu Haoran looked at Xiaqi Qi, showing a look of pity, but then put away the pity look, then said solemnly.

"Then the gap between you and Xiagu Fengze is like the glow of rotten grass and the bright moon of the heavenly heart!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's evaluation of himself and Xia Fengguze, his face was pale and papery, and the summer oddness stepped back one after another, and a painful struggle appeared in his eyes.

Because Yu Haoran's evaluation was exactly the same as that of his father and ancestors. At the same time, it is precisely because of this evaluation that the family has long established that Xiagu Fengze is the next family heir.

Under the ring, he also paid attention to Hao Ran's Xia Gu Fengze. After hearing his evaluation, his face suddenly showed a horrified look.

Because in his opinion, during the battle for the wheel of the Qianlong League in the Southern Region, he used the power of Wuyou Valley and the Xia clan to oppress the other side to take the initiative to admit defeat, which will certainly leave the other party with a bad impression of bullying.

But what he never expected was that Yu Hao would give such a high evaluation.

In fact, it was not only Xia Gu Fengze who did not expect that everyone who was familiar with Xia Qi and Xia Feng Fengze at the scene had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Brother Yu, can you tell me the real reason?" Xia Qi asked with intense anticipation after reluctantly calming the flustered mood.

Because when the family determined that Xiagu Fengze was the heir, he and several core children had questioned his father, questioned all the elders, and pleaded with all the ancestors in person, but their reply was just a secret.

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