Destined Martial God

Chapter 1494: Brother (second)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, Yantai!

Ji Wenlong abruptly stopped and looked at the jade Jane holding tightly in Ji Hanyu's hand, a flash of panic appeared in his eyes.

Because the several things mentioned by Ji Hanyu just now are the evil things he had done before.

However, when thinking of those things that I have done are very hidden, it is impossible to leave any handles, and it is not possible for the other party to collect any clues. Ji Wenlong, who was replaced sharply by the panic moment, intends to take a hard lesson. When Ji Hanyu, the other party suddenly threw Yujian in his hand.

"Ji Wenlong, you still have to look at the records in the jade book, and then decide whether to take the lesson and teach me." Ji Hanyu, a brother for nearly two decades, is too familiar with and understands Ji Wenlong's character, knowing that he is a man who does not see the coffin and does not cry , So when he directly threw Yu Jian in his hand to the other party, he reminded with a sneer.

Reaching out to catch the jade Jane lost by Ji Hanyu, Ji Wenlong quickly used his ideas to look at it. Then his face was pale and frosty, and his eyes were filled with horror.

Because the secrets recorded in Yujian not only make him completely ruined, but also cause riots in Yuxu Palace. At that time, the first person who would not let him go is to hurt him and favor his father.

After the panic, Ji Wenlong's heart burst into endless anger.

Because he didn't expect that Ji Hanyu, who seemed to be stubborn and timid, would be so deep-hearted that the means would be so insidious.


The influence of anger makes Ji Wenlong unable to control the power in his hand, and crushes the jade Jane in his hand directly.

"It's ok!"

The jade Jane who threatened Ji Wenlong was not crushed in the slightest, and Ji Hanyu was a little flustered, reminding him with a proud look in his eyes.

"Anyway, I have copied a hundred copies of the jade bamboo slips beforehand, and put them in different places."

"If I have nothing to do, hello I am okay to everyone."

"If I have an accident, then a hundred copies of jade will easily appear in various places in the southeast, northwest, and central regions. In the end, Ji Wenlong will not escape."

"You're ruthless!" The threat of Ji Hanyu's Chiguoguo, while Ji Wenlong forcibly suppressed his inner anger, said with gritted teeth.

"Mutual each other!" Ji Hanyu responded politely.


After a cold hum, Ji Wenlong turned and returned to his original position, then closed his eyes and adjusted his mood while thinking about a solution.

Even if Ji Hanyu didn't show the jade Jane who recorded the scandal, what happened just now will probably disappoint his father and many high-level officials in Yuxu Palace, which will definitely affect his position in Yuxu Palace.

If you want to change this passive situation, there is only one way, and that is to get more blessings from Qianlong, and the impact will be higher.

If his cultivation is able to reach the peak of the top Wu Zun and Jiu Pin, then the senior officials of Zongmen have a lot of dissatisfaction and have to endure hard.

If you cultivate to be able to advance to the realm of Emperor Wudi's power, even if the secrets in Yujian are exposed, it will have no effect on you, at most it will only tarnish your reputation.

And to get more blessings of Qianlong's luck, the biggest opponent is Yu Haoran standing on the ring at this moment.

Thinking of Peng Yanfei's secret promise just now, Ji Wenlong finally decided to answer the party's request.

After watching the anti-objective drama performed by the brothers just under the ring, Yu Haoran flashed a mocking sneer, and then took out a second-order and one-quality Qibao Huihundan from the storage ring, and whispered to Xia Qi.

"Brother Xia, the four seasons of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation in four seasons can only relieve part of the damage of the Blood Devil Dan. If you want to return to the peak in a short period of time, you must use this second-order one-quality Qibao Huihun Dan . "

Looking at the fragrant elixir in his hands, recalling what Hao Ran had done to himself, Xia Qi forcibly suppressed the urge to cry, and then made a decision.

"Haoran, if you don't want to abandon, you and I will be brothers of life and death in the future!"

Although the tone of the decision was casual, Yu Haoran was able to feel the sincerity and risks of Xia Qi making this decision.

After all, if you are a man full of enemies, whoever lives with you is your brother, you need to bear the risk of being chased by countless powerful enemies in the future.

And this is why Bai Dongsheng, the descendant of Bai Qi, did not dare to make the decision to be a brother, no matter how moved he was.

"Hao Ran has met Brother!"

Since Summer Qi has this sincerity, of course Yu Haoran will not refuse.

What's more, the reason why he just played with him was merciful everywhere, and he was willing to accept the backlash of the law and martial arts because he felt that Xia Qi was a worthy person.

"Haha ...!"

After hearing the change in Yu Haoran's title, Xia Qi laughed joyfully.

As soon as the laughter was recovered, he rose up and aggressively threatened the players from the five regions under the ring.

"Yu Haoran is my brother Xiaqi, who dares to hurt my brother is against my Xiaqi, and then against my entire Xia clan, so I hope you can know it well."

In the face of the threats from Jian Wujin and Yu Siqi, everyone just had fears, so in the face of Xia Qi ’s threat, the remaining 300 players felt deep fear.

As for Xia Qi and Yu Haoran's brothers who lived and died together, and threatened the contestants with the Xia family, Xia Miancheng, the ancestor of the Xia family, not only did not speak against it, but expressed his approval.

The reason for the praise is probably only known by top inheritance families who truly understand the origin of the Supreme.

After threatening the players in the ring, Xia Qi looked up in the air and directly conceded.

"I surrender!"

Before leaving the air, Xia Qi smiled and encouraged Hao Ran with hope.

"Haoran, defeated all the contestants, won the unprecedented Qianlong luck blessing, and then became one of the top powers in Tianxuan mainland in one fell swoop."

"Brother rest assured, I will do it." Nodded heavily, Yu Haoran assured.

After Xiaqi left the ring, the list of re-emerging players' names continued to arrange for opponents to appear on the stage.

However, after seeing that the players who were forcibly brought to the ring are ranked 73rd from the Eastern Region list, and only have the strength of the ordinary Wu Zun second product peak, even secretly reached with Ji Wenlong and Shang Baizhan Peng Yanfei of the agreement still looked gloomy.

This indicates that Qianlong Qiyun gave Yu Haoran time to recover his strength by arranging poor players.

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