Destined Martial God

Chapter 1507: Chess game (one more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on a miniature chessboard!

Although Yu Haoran was not good at playing chess, he got the second avatar of the exquisite chess game, but under the careful guidance of Ta Ling, with the help of accelerated time of the tower, the level of the chess course was getting higher and higher.

In the layout, the second avatar holding the black chess piece quickly occupied the corner position, followed by the corner offense and hanging corner to form the offense and defense on the corner, and finally took the advantage of the mid-range by means of dismantling and split shooting.

The absolute control of the situation of the chess game, and the judgment of accurate splitting and eating, let him gradually gain the upper hand when the mid-board tear.

However, the pocket chessboard is not an ordinary chessboard, and the second avatar and Oriental Huaiyun are not ordinary chess players.

At the moment when the midfielder tore off the key moments, both the second avatar of the black **** and the Eastern Huaiyun of the white **** began to integrate into the array of techniques he mastered and mastered.

Gradually, there is a dazzling connection between chess pieces and matrix formations, between matrix formations and chessboards, and between chessboards and chess pieces, making it difficult to see the formations.

"Fine, miscellaneous, wonderful, chaotic, deep, Austrian, can't see through, the old man can't see through the entire chess game now!"

If the battle between the second avatar and Dongfang Huaiyun is to be discussed, who is the most excited at the scene, it is the same as the step of the master of the front.

The chess game has just begun to layout. When the second avatar and Dongfang Huaiyun merged into the chess pieces, he was able to talk to Hao Ran who had a different feeling for Hao Ran, and An Yufei who was interested in who had the advantage explained the entire board in detail Trend.

However, the mid-board has entered the strangulation trend, and after integrating each of the inscrutable formations into each of the spirited and energetic chess pieces, the voice of Gan Bumai's explanation is getting slower and slower, and his words are becoming more and more cautious. In the end, he shook his head directly to indicate that he could no longer explain the final trend of the entire game.

"the student surpasses the master!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who was cold and ice-cold, and looking at the eastern Huaiyun with a weak temperament, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Whether it is the realm of the formation, the understanding of the formation method, and the ability to arrange the formation as a whole, Yu Dandi and Eastern Huaiyun have far surpassed the old man."

"Grand Mai, is it possible that both Emperor Dan and Sister Huaiyun have achieved the status of emperor?"

An Yufei, who has a special relationship with the Gan family, is very familiar with the strong family members.

In her opinion, the frontier realm has reached the peak of the Grand Master's peak, and it is infinitely close to the realm of frontal master.

Then, the front line repair ability and the formation method ability have surpassed the dry step Yu Haoran and the Eastern Huaiyun, I am afraid that can only be a higher front line.

"No, they are still one step away from breaking through the realms of the Frontiers."

In the face of An Yufei's speculation, Qianbu stepped and shook his head to deny, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Although it is only one step away from the battlefield emperor, it is as difficult as possible to break through."

"Yu Haoran, although the second avatar occupies the middle plate, but the little girl in Dongfang Huaiyun has formed a dangerous situation of swarming tigers and swallowing the dragon in the entire middle plate through steady edge removal and placeholders."

Seeing the use of Jingqi Shenning to take out the second avatar of the black holder, he never dropped the chess piece in his hand for a long time, knowing that Yu Haoran didn't know much about the chess spirit of the chess game, and he reminded him solemnly.

"Every subsequent set-up is not only related to the final result of the entire formation, but also to the final realm of formation of two people."

Although he didn't quite understand what the dangerous situation of the group dragons and dragons was, Ta Ling's judgment on the realm of the second avatar and the Eastern Huaiyun Formation made Yu Haoran extremely shocked.

"Ta Ling, is it possible that Huaiyun in the East also has the power to attack the emperor?"


Nodded, Ta Ling's gaze toward the Eastern Huaiyun revealed a further explanation.

"Just as the second avatar is focused on the practice of frontal formation, this little girl, Dongfang Huaiyun, is also a pure frontier who is obsessed with the formation of frontal formation. . "

"Today, by virtue of the pocket chessboard's ability to accommodate one side of the world, and then using the countless arrays of luck to converge the entire chessboard, whoever wins can be the first to advance to the realm of the battlefield."

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran suddenly became nervous, staring at the second avatar on the chessboard and Oriental Huaiyun, and carefully watching the changes of the two people's looks after each fall to determine who occupied it. Advantages of chess moves.

After nearly half an hour of thinking, the second avatar decided to keep the advantage of the mid-range, cut the original corner with the tail of the dragon, wipe out the corners occupied by the other side, and finally form a lore of envy.

After seeing the position of the second avatar, Dongfang Huaiyun couldn't help but frowned slightly, showing that the white pawns with the essence of energy and the formation of sentiments could not fall on the dragon-eating position or retreat to himself. Corner advantage.

After more than half an hour of careful consideration, she finally chose the means of defense and counterattack, first defending her own advantage, and then nibbling at the chess pieces little by little, and finally reached the lore of the tigers and dragons.

Next, each time the second avatar and Oriental Huaiyun settled, it took a short time of ten minutes and a long time of one or two hours.

Yu Haoran only spent less than one day and one night in more than four hundred wheel battles, while the battle between the second avatar and Dongfang Huaiyun took three days and three nights.

From this point alone, we can see how dangerous and difficult the battle between the fronts and the fronts is.

However, even after spending three days and three nights, some strong players who are proficient in chess and formation on the spot still can't determine who will win the battle in the end, and the two are still in a close match.


After seeing the white pawns just gathered by Dongfang Huaiyun, it took only less than three minutes to land directly on the mid-board position. Yu Haoran suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yu Haoran, what happened in the end?" Yu Haoran's long-sighing move suddenly shocked Ta Ling who was obsessed with chess, he could not help asking.

"The second avatar is already in control!" Yu Haoran replied with a hint of excitement.

After hearing Yu Haoran's reply, Ta Ling re-observed the trend of the entire chess game, and did not see the hope of the second avatar, and could not help frowning.

"Why do you see it?"

"Victory is in martial arts!" Yu Haoran replied with a smile as he stretched out his hand to signal the tower's faster and faster Eastern Huaiyun.

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