Destined Martial God

Chapter 1514: Questioning (three)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

Turning indifferently, he glanced at Zhou Chu's ancestor on the stand, Zhou Hao, and Yu Haoran ignored the threat from the other party.

Looking back, while walking towards Zhou Mengling, he calmly responded to her accusations just now.

"First of all, the immortal sword is not your innate sword weapon of Zhou Mengling, nor is it the inheritance and supreme weapon of your Zhou clan.

"Secondly, not only will I have to recapture the Celestial Sword for the supreme friend of Tongtian, but I will also recapture everything that should belong to her for a poor girl."

"Finally, you need to tell your father Zhou Youze a word for me."

When he came to Zhou Mengling, who appeared with complex expressions of anger, panic, panic and doubt in his eyes, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Zhou Chuxian with a grim expression, and said solemnly.

"Zhou Mengling, after the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong List, go back and tell your father that cooperating with ancient protoss will undoubtedly seek skins from tigers. Do n’t come to the funeral of your own daughter in vain at the same time, but also send the entire Zhou family into an endless In the abyss. "

After hearing Yu Haoran's last need to tell his father, Zhou Mengling's eyes emerged with deeper doubts, and he didn't understand the relationship between the family and the ancient gods.

However, Zhou Chuxiong in the stands couldn't help but his face changed, and his eyes flashed a strong killing.

"Zhou Chuxun, what exactly do your Zhou family want?" Yu Haoran finally told Zhou Youze, and the shocking secrets revealed, let Huo Shanyu from the Suzaku family rise directly into the air, and then asked aggressively.

The four guardian families have prepared countless years of plans, and it is about to reach the critical moment of closing the net. If the protoss of ancient times suddenly descends on the Tianxuan continent at this time, it will certainly affect the plan of closing the net.

If the ancient Protoss and the Zhou family joined forces, it might even cause the four guardian families to suffer unimaginable damage.

At the same time, Zhong Lishuiqin and the elder of Yuxu Palace also flew up in the sky, looking at Zhou Chuxuan with fierce and murderous eyes.

Because the Zhongli family and Yuxu Palace also have their own plans, the union of ancient protoss and Zhou family can also threaten the interests of their forces.

In this regard, Qianlong Qiyun in the list did not come forward to stop it.

"Girl Zhongli, Elder Fire, Elder Ji, don't listen to the blood of the surname Yu, the ancient protoss have long been destroyed in the Great Destruction. How could my Zhou family have any connection with the dead race."

Formidable psychological quality, while Zhou Chuxiong calmed down quickly, for a seemingly impeccable reason, the three people who emerged from the air directly turned to Yu Haoran on the ring.

"Pretend, just continue to pretend me!"

Faced with the seemingly impeccable reason given by Zhou Chuxuan, Yu Haoran sneered at the irony and looked up at Zhong Lishuiqin.

"Shuiqin girl, before the battle for the Qianlong list in the southern region started, I once entered the Qianlong fairyland, which is the sole part of the Great Qin Empire with the army, and saw with my own eyes the powerful Protoss of the Tribe who reached the realm of Emperor Wu, and I personally cut Kill a young Protoss who uses a special coffin to devour the essence of the alien beast. "


Seeing Wu Zhengjun who needed to testify on his own, he immediately stopped the breakthrough of the state of mind, and at the same time nodded to confirm, further confirmed to Zhong Lishuiqin.

"If you still don't believe it, now you can use the magical soul-searching secret method to directly check my memories in Qianlong Wonderland."

"I believe in you!" How could he perform soul-searching on his beloved man, Zhong Lishuiqin quickly signaled.

Huo Ran continued to look at Huo Shanyu, who was looking at the Suzaku family.

"As for why I said that there is a connection between the Zhou family and the ancient protoss, you just need to continue to look at my next means."

After nodding his head, after returning to the stone chair on the east stand, Huo Shanyu watched half of Zhou Chuyong's attention, and half of his attention was on Yu Haoran, to see how he confirmed that the Zhou family had alliance with the ancient gods. Sinister intentions.

"Zhou Mengling, Yu Haoran thinks that his talents and potentials are already quite good, but I still don't have the confidence to pull out the immortal sword that can kill the peak of the seven gods of Valkyrie."

Looking back at Zhou Mengling, who was full of doubts, Yu Haoran questioned through his own performance.

"And you Zhou Mengling is neither a descendant of the Heavenly Supreme Bloodlines inheritance nor the powerful strength I have, so how did you pull out the immortal sword?"

"This sword is still in my dreams, which shows that it is related to my Zhou Mengling."

Forcing suppression Hao Ran just broke out that the family and the ancient Protoss alliance caused inner confusion, Zhou Mengling lied hard.

"Since there is a fate with each other, then how strange is it that I can easily pull out the sword!"

"Haha ...!"

Zhou Mengling's blushing and heartbeating lie made Yu Haoran laugh loudly.

"Yu Haoran, you shut up for me!" Yu Haoran's laughter sounded very harsh in Zhou Mengling, which made her already very guilty and could not help yelling loudly.

"Of the four predecessors of the Heavenly Supreme Supreme Deity, the Sword of the Immortal Sword, although the Sword of the Immortal is the worst one, but the power it exerts is enough to easily kill the Seven Gods of Valor.

"If you want to pull out the immortal sword in the scabbard, you either have the strength of the Emperor Jiupin and the demi-god realm, or you have to pay for your own potential."

Yu Haoran, who suddenly stopped laughing, questioned immediately when the smile was replaced by anger.

"Zhou Mengling, you have just pulled out a peerless sword just now, why don't I see that your potential is slightly damaged."

"Yu Haoran, I have explained to you very clearly just now that this sword is obtained in my dream. If you want to pull it out, you don't need the two situations you just said."

"Zhou Mengling, it seems you really don't see the coffin, don't cry, don't you look back without hitting the south wall!"

Seeing that Zhou Mengling still used lies to explain, Yu Haoran sneered at the irony, and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with her.

Following the opening of the mark by the towering spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge, while yelling loudly, the mark formed into the exquisite chessboard.

"Star Wars!"

Accompanied by Yu Haoran's violent drinking, Zhou Mengling's platform immediately appeared a pentagram formation, each of which formed an energy column of different colors.

Red, yellow, blue, green and purple five energy beams that are as thick as arms.

Subsequently, five energy pillars channeled directly into Zhou Mengling's body, and then a red, yellow, blue, green, and purple five-colored energy pillar emerged from her head.

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