Destined Martial God

Chapter 1518: One move to win or lose (two more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

Carefully recalling the various relics and caves that have been smashed in previous lives, and the famous mountains and rivers that have traveled, Yu Haoran finally thought of a good place for Zhou Mengling to retire, and immediately took a blank jade Jank from the storage ring and used the **** Mark a detailed map of where to go.

Later, he handed Yujian to Zhou Mengling and said solemnly.

"Sister Zhou, the predicament you are facing is caused by me Yu Haoran. This jade book has a bit of my heart, and it can be made up for some of my owe to you!"

"Brother Yu, don't say that."

Facing Haoran's regretful apology, Zhou Mengling hurriedly shook his head and motioned.

"If it wasn't for your brother to take advantage of the special formation method and deprive me of my qualifications, then my future destiny would be ten times or even a hundred times worse than what my brother said."

"So, not only do you not owe Mengling what it is, brother, in turn, Mengling should thank you for your life-saving grace."

Zhou Mengling's empathy shows that after experiencing the ups and downs of life, she has gradually changed her indifferent and selfish character.

And with this change in personality, Yu Haoran was relieved, and the guilt that came out of him was even stronger.

Therefore, in addition to choosing a suitable paradise for her in the hidden world, she will help her to regain the contradiction in life when Dan Dao's realm is sufficient to refine higher-quality elixir.

After having a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran didn't continue to say anything about debts and compensations, but only signaled Zhou Mengling to take a look at the information in Yujian.

"Brother, this is ...!" Zhou Mengling asked with surprise in his eyes after reaching out to take Yu Haoran's handed Yujian in front of him, and looking at the map marked in Yujian.

"Don't say, don't ask, just remember it!" Nodded, Yu Haoran reminded solemnly.

After nodding heavily, and then using the divine mind to memorize the map in Yujian, Zhou Mengling immediately destroyed Yujian in his hand, and looked at Yu Haoran full of expectations.

"Brother, will you see me in the future?"

"Yes!" In the future, Zhou Mengling also needs to refine the elixir suitable for breaking through higher realms, so Yu Haoran nodded in response to her expectant eyes.

"Brother, thank you!"

After a hint of sweet Zhou Mengling thanked him, he left the ring with a happy smile on his face.

However, she did not leave Qianlong Fortress immediately, but sat directly on an open field with her knees bent, using top-notch elixir to make up for the loss caused by her lost potential.

Guiyin Mountain Forest, just not doping the world, does not mean that she will give up the martial arts she pursues.

Although being deprived of the potential of the top evildoers by the footsteps, she is still a strong player in the young generation of the Celestial Continent. With her hole cards in her hands, she still has the strength to hit the top ten of the list.

The five-domain Qianlong list competed for the top ten blessings of Qianlong fortune, which was enough to make her become a peerless powerhouse of about six top-ranking Wuzun in one fell swoop.

At the same time, she was very clear in her heart that she would not only give up the pursuit of martial arts, but also practice ten times more than before.

Looking at Zhou Mengling who left the platform, Yu Haoran turned his head and glanced at the disappearing position of four persons, such as Zhongli Shuiqin, and found out that under the circumstances of the three of them attacking Zhou Zhou's ancestor Zhou Chuyu, it made him heart Feeling slightly stressed.

However, as the list continued to forcibly bring the contestants to the ring, Yu Haoran quickly drew attention and then went all out to meet the next game.

"I confess defeat!" There was no hesitation. The player from the 36th place in the Eastern Conference list immediately acknowledged the loss as soon as his feet touched the platform.

"I confess to losing!" The 36th magic player in the North League list also chose to confess to losing.

"I surrender!"


In less than two minutes, ten players from the five-field rankings all started and conceded at the moment when they first entered the ring. This also made the number behind Yu Haoran's name become 410. six.

Eyes swept under the stage one by one, young robes from the Eastern Region, Yuwen Haofei from the Northern Region, young Jinpao bald youth from the Western Region, and Huang Fuying infantry from the Central Region suddenly raised a strong war in Yu Haoran's eyes.

As long as he defeats the four regional champions in the next match, he will not only create a miracle since the creation of the Qianlong Qiyun battle, but also gain a blessing of Qianlong Qiyun beyond imagination.

Moreover, with the help of Qianlong Qiyun, which is beyond imagination, he will realize the transformation of his cultivation and strength, and become a truly powerful person enough to affect the situation in the Tianxuan continent.

"Under the head of Liu Yunzong, the chief disciple Qu Yunlong has met a fellow brother!" The robe youth who was forcibly brought to the ring table by the list, looked at Yu Haoran with a gentle expression.

"Under the main seat of the Baifengmen Qingfeng Yunfeng, the nine disciples Yu Haoran met Brother Qu!" Yu Haoran replied in the same manner.

Different treatment of Qu Yunlong has nothing to do with the opponent's cultivation and strength, and has no connection with the other person's person, simply because the other party is competing for the title of the Eastern Qianlong Qianlong.

The basic courtesy to the other party is not only a respect for Qianlong's luck, but also his own respect for the Southern Qianlong list to compete for the championship.

"Brother Yu, through the first few thrilling games, Yunlong knows that he is not your opponent."

The courtesy of Yu Haoran's different treatment made Qu Yunlong suddenly feel a kind of highly valued excitement in her heart, and she also expressed her thoughts before boarding the platform.

"However, as the champion of the East Dragon Qianlong list, if Yun Long takes the initiative to admit defeat, it will not only damage the reputation of the entire East Territory and the division, but I will also be unwilling."

"But after all, Yunlong is an ordinary person who has flesh and blood and possesses passionate desires. He is afraid of losing everything he has now, and he is afraid of losing thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years of long life."

Having said that, Qu Yunlong asked Yu Haoran arching his hands.

"So, Yunlong asks my brother here, can you and I be able to win or lose with one stroke?"

"In this case, Yunlong can not only defeat the oral conviction, but also can use his hole cards to keep his own life, and he can also keep the Eastern Conference of Qianlong standing for the championship."

"Yes!" After hearing Qu Yunlong's explanation and request, Yu Haoran squinted his eyes for a moment and finally nodded in agreement.

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