Destined Martial God

Chapter 1525: Bauhinia Sword Emperor (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the central square!

"Bad, you dare to hurt my lord of heaven in Yuxu Palace, I think you are impatient."

Just in the summer when Qi Qi ’s admitting defeat had just dropped, on a ring platform not far from their game, Ji Wenlong's anxious and abusive sound came.

At this moment, Ji Wenlong's blue gown on his chest was cut by a sharp sword, and a bright red blood flowed out like a stream.

"Ji Wenlong, if it wasn't for the endless trouble for the younger brother after beheading you, I will cut you in half directly with that sword." The abusive voice aroused anger and shook hands with the best sword in Zhongdi Realm. She looked like a frosty threat.

"Bad, the reason why the sword technique you just cast can hurt me is nothing more than using the best sword in the imperial realm in your hand."

Ignoring the threat of no trace of the sword, Ji Wenlong still abused and began to use his biggest hole card.

"Don't you think that Ji Wenlong, as the master of the heavenly palace of the magnificent Yuxu Palace, doesn't have a hole card in his hand to resist the imperial sword of the imperial kingdom!"

"No trace, slaughter him!" He stepped under the ring, Yu Haoran demanded sternly.

"Brother Yu, what should I do with the revenge of the Yuxu Palace?" The sword with a hesitant look in his eyes showed no trace, and asked a little worried.

"No trace. With the grudges between me and Yuxu Palace now, even if you finally let Ji Wenlong pass, our grudges will not be cancelled, and there is still an endless relationship between each other."

In the face of Jian Wu's worries, while Yu Haoran was able to be considerate, he also looked at Ji Wenlong with a stern look.

"If Ji Wenlong is slaughtered now, it may be able to affect the state of mind of the Heavenly Palace Lord of Yuxu Palace, prevent him from successfully being promoted to the realm of powerful Emperor Wudi, and allow the continent to remain quiet for a while.

"Okay, I listen to you!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation and reminder, Jian Wujin immediately appeared a strong murderous look at Ji Wenlong, watching him also take out an imperial superb sword.

Affected by the sharp and murderous appearance of the sword without traces, the imperial sword of the imperial realm clasped in her hand suddenly burst into a dazzling purple light.

Along with the dazzling purple light, a young girl with an earth-shattering face, slowly emerged from the imperial sword sword.

"This is the Bauhinia Sword Emperor who forcibly broke through the realm of Emperor Wudi's power through the creation of the Bauhinia Sword by 200,000 years ago." The peerless girl came out and returned to Zhongli Shuiqin in the stands, shouting in shock.

"Is that the Bauhinia Sword Emperor who has the hope to impact the realm of Valkyrie but is finally defeated by the fate of fate."

Because the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's fame was too far away, and there were not too many earth-shaking deeds left, most of the warriors on the scene did not know who the Bauhinia Sword Emperor was.

Only Huo Shanyu, who came from the guardian family, revealed a trace of whispering words in his eyes.


When hearing Huo Shanyu's speech to himself, Zhong Lishuiqin nodded and confirmed, a hint of irony appeared in his eyes.

"Huo Shanyu, if it was not for the critical moment of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's impact on the realm of Valkyrie, the four ancestors of your guardian family forcibly attacked. I am afraid that the Bauhinia Sword Emperor can really become the first sword **** of the Tianxuan continent.

"With the horrific kendo strength possessed by the Bauhinia Sword God, it is enough to re-create the insufficiency of the Tao of the rule, allowing the entire Tianxuan continent to advance into the thriving environment of martial arts."

"The ancestors have their own considerations when acting, not my junior can comment arrogantly." Faced with the ridicule of Zhong Li Shuiqin, his face was instantly sullen and fiery, and he retorted without any confidence.

In this regard, Zhong Lishuiqin just smiled indifferently, without continuing the irony.

"The martial arts practitioners, bravely move forward without fear of any danger, your heart is too soft!" The Bauhinia Sword Emperor, who was slowly falling in front of Jian Wuhen, had a look of relief and a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Senior, I ...!"

Facing the criticism of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor, Jian Wujin, who was emotionally fluent, immediately wanted to explain, but did not know how to explain it.

"Being able to get the approval of my sword sword also means that you are qualified to be my disciple of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor." Seeing that the sword was still undetected, the Bauhinia Sword Emperor could not help but shake his head. Road.

"No trace, the Bauhinia Sword Emperor intends to accept you as a disciple to inherit the disciples, and still kneel down to thank Shane." Seeing the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's reminders have been so obvious, Jian Wumeng still did not realize the key to the opportunity, the under the stage Yu Haoran couldn't help but remind him.

Hearing Yu Haoran's vocal reminder, the Bauhinia Sword Emperor turned his head to glance at him below the stage, and the original calm water-like heart immediately emerged with a shock like a stormy sea.

"Destined to return, the son of destiny, the opener of the heaven and earth calamity, and the terminator of the heaven and earth calamity!"

"There is no trace of the sword, see Master!"

When the Bauhinia Sword Emperor was completely stunned by Yu Haoran's special identity, the sword reminded by Yu Haoran was no trace, and he quickly saluted on his knees.

Barely suppressing the shock that came out of his heart, the Bauhinia Sword Emperor did not immediately accept the sword without trace as a disciple, but pointed to Ji Wenlong, who also took out the imperial sword sword.

"My Bauhinia jade is proud of my life. Whether it is the guardian family who inherited the ancient four gods and beasts, or the top genius of wickedness, I don't look at it all."

"So, if I want to become a disciple of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor, I must show a satisfactory performance."

"Kill him, and I will immediately accept you as a disciple, and teach you your true mind and martial arts, as well as my spiritual practice in this life."

Whether it is Yu Haoran's explanations and reminders, or the test of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's acceptance of the apprentice, they all have to kill Ji Wenlong who has humiliated himself just now.

Therefore, the sword behind him rose up without any traces, and while shaking the Zhongdi Realm's best weapon, he also took out the sword array presented by Yu Haoran.

"Damn remnant, dare to take the life of my lord of the heavens as a test, I don't see the need for your trace of remnant to continue."

After slaughtering himself, he can collect the sword without traces as a disciple of the inheritance disciples, the requirements of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's residual soul, while letting Ji Wenlong be angry, he can't help but kill the Bauhinia Sword Emperor's soul.

"The sword is born from the heart, the sword is born from the heart!"

Ji Wenlong's threat to the residual soul of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor, after letting the sword of heavy emotion flash in his eyes, he directly used the strongest move of the sword array, and at the same time, he used the sword weapon in the imperial realm to carry on his inheritance.

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