Destined Martial God

Chapter 1528: Give up (one more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Young man, No Trace's disposition is too indecisive, and he will definitely suffer in this regard in the future. Bendi hopes that you can see No Trace's deep affection for you and help her in time when she is in danger." Bauhinia Jade tone begged sincerely.

"Senior, Wuhen is the most important person in my life. I will never watch her accident."

The request of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor was exactly what she had been doing. Su Haoran immediately immediately vowed to promise.

"If the immortal **** wants to hurt her in the future, then I will kill the immortal god!"

"If heaven and earth want to hurt her in the future, then I will break the earth!"

"Young man, thank you!" After receiving Hao Ran's promising promise, Bauhinia thanked him very comfortably.

"Bauhinia jade, if there is no deviation in future destiny, then my Supreme Purple Spirit will personally **** you into the six reincarnations, and then help you get rid of life and death as soon as possible and be promoted to the immortal deities."

Seeing that the Bauhinia jade easily resolved Yu Haoran's doubts about the son of destiny, Ta Ling was deeply satisfied and gave his own promise.

"Thank you Supreme Master Ziling!" After receiving the promise from Ta Ling, Bauhinia was extremely grateful.

He waved to indicate that Bauhinia is not polite, and after her mood gradually calmed down, Ta Ling was ready to interrogate the two questions that had emerged from her heart.

Then it is how the Bauhinia Jade can see the identity of Yu Haoran's destiny at a glance, and how to know his Taoist name in ancient times.

Unfortunately, just when he wanted to use God's thoughts for interrogation, the remnants of the Bauhinia Jade that ended the inheritance of the mantle disappeared and drifted with the wind.

As the bauhinia's thoughts drifted with the wind, he immediately opened his eyes without a trace of the sword and quickly got up. Then he knelt on his knees and struck three heads with tears in his eyes.

Looking at the sword sent down to the ring, there was no trace, still unable to control the sadness and resentment inside, Yu Haoran did not know how to persuade.

In the end, under the initiative of Qin Lingfei, he stepped to Jian Wujin's side, then reached out to take her into his arms, and patted her shoulder gently.

Ever since Jian Wujin expressed her affection for Hao Ran for the first time before the luxury wheel war, everyone on the scene knew that she was a daughter dressed as a man.

Therefore, when they saw the two people hugging tightly, the crowd did not feel any accident at the scene, and there was no hint of discomfort in their hearts.


Looking at Yu Haoran, who was hugging the sword without a trace, Bai Li couldn't help sighing in the stands on the south side, her eyes regretted and regretted.

In the four hundred and twenty wheel races, the players who competed were the best, best peerless and evil-level geniuses in the five domains. As long as they are normal people, they can know the final result of luxury wheel wars.

But no one expected that Yu Haoran not only won 420 games in victory, but also used his powerful deterrence to bring benefits to his relatives and friends.

At the same time, the points gained in 420 games can give him unprecedented Qianlong luck blessing, which is enough to make him one of the top powers in Tianxuan mainland in a short time.

If in the secret realm of the Hengduan Mountains at first, he did not stop Yu Ling from pursuing Hao Ran, would the Bai family also be able to get his blessing.

If Yu Haoran succeeds in the top power of Tianxuan Continent and pays more attention to the Bai family, will the Bai family be able to get out of the harsh White Rhino Mountains?

Compared to Bai Li's regret at this time, originally she had a jealous spirit for Hao Ran, but at this moment she has been able to let it go completely.

Because Yu Haoran is too outstanding and perfect, she is no longer able to contact and extravagantly, a child of her little white family, it is far better to let go and pursue her own happiness.

"Sister Fangling, I'm tired!" Looking at Yu Haoran, who was hugging the sword without a trace, He Ruyu flashed a look of envy in his eyes, and the spirit seemed to be evacuated instantly, and said to Shi Fangling weakly.

Being able to find out that He Ruyu intends to give up the idea of ​​rediscovering Hao Ran's affection, Shi Fangling was surprised and understood her thought.

After all, Yu Haoran was too good and perfect. Only heavenly darling girls like Jian Wuhen and Qin Lingfei were eligible to accompany him to climb the peak of martial arts, and accompany him through the long years of life and death.

It was precisely because he understood He Ruyu's thoughts that Shi Fangling didn't talk too much and encouraged her. She just held her jade hand tightly and gave her spiritual comfort and support.

"Brother Yu, can you let me go first!"

Although being tightly embraced by Yu Haoran, Jian Wuchen was able to temporarily forget the sadness and resentment towards the disappearance of the teacher's disillusionment, but she was too thin-faced and was not quite adapted to the ambiguity of the people in the audience.

"Ha ha!"

After loosening his arms embracing the sword without a trace, Yu Haoran smirked slightly, and then hurriedly cast his eyes on the other platforms to avoid the embarrassment between him and the sword without a trace.

However, when he saw the two cyan giant tails of the wind-tailed fox, which were easily cut off by the fire sword wielded by Huang Fu's infant, he couldn't help feeling a sink.

"Yu Haoran, no wonder that girl wants to use agreed methods to prevent you from using the yin and yang fires that can restrain all fires."

I also found that the towering spirit whose energy was fluctuating in the intense fire system temporarily recovered the depression after the disappearance of the Bauhinia jade soul, carefully observed the fire sword in the hands of Huangfu's infant, and then said suddenly.

"It turned out she had the sixth-ranked Red Lotus Sinfire in the Tianxuan Continental Fire Ranking!"

"Honglian Sin Fire!"

Originally because the two cyan giant tails of the wind-tailed fox were easily cut off by the fire sword, Yu Haoran felt that the situation was not so good.

At this moment, after hearing the reminder from Ta Ling, he felt a little regret for his relatives and friends.

Because he never used the yin and yang fire that can restrain the red lotus evil fire, even if he was not 100% sure, he could resist the sixth fire of the red lotus evil fire.

The opponent was easily chopped off by the two blue giant tailed wind-tailed foxes, and his eyes suddenly showed a terrifying look. He immediately took back the remaining six blue giant-tailed foxes and quickly returned to Jiang Jingya's shoulder. Then the wind-tailed fox creaked. Explained and reminded in her ear.

"I confess to losing!" After hearing the explanation and reminder of Fengwei Hu, Jiang Jingya flashed a little anger in her eyes, and immediately confessed to the list in the air before the opponent continued to wave the fire sword in her hand to attack.

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