Destined Martial God

Chapter 1534: Reward (second more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the square!

There are five spar elements of Jinmu Shuihuotu five elements, one scorching fire crystal, one Xuanyin ice crystal, three drops of the essence and blood of the top nine monsters, and one space spar as the main medicine!

After hearing about Hao Ran's detailed introduction of the nine special medicinal materials needed for the refining of Xuan Dan in the Xuan Yuan Realm, Ta Ling was once again shocked by the ever-changing nature of Dan Dao, and the dissatisfaction that had just emerged in his heart disappeared.

After all, because of Hao Ran's experience and insights, the spar containing space energy is undoubtedly the supreme-level artifact for him. He belongs to the only one who has heard of it, but has never seen it before.

Therefore, his face eased a lot of Talings and said with confidence.

"Yu Haoran, you don't need to continue the idea of ​​towering in my ontological domain, because I will give you twenty space crystals containing pure space energy before you refine the empty elemental domain Dandan."

"Really!" Yu Haoran asked incredulously when he heard the promise given by Ta Ling.

In the previous life, under the leadership of ethereal rats, he wandered through countless relics and dangerous places in ancient, medieval and modern times. He had deliberately searched for the whereabouts of space spar. The purpose was to use space spar to make a kind of rune. Special elixir.

But the result was not only nothing, but even the clues of the space spar were not found. He even suspected that the Tianxuan continent had no space spar.

"More true than real gold!"

While nodding to confirm, Ta Ling explained with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, according to my original intention, I wanted to wait for you to get the void fruit that can assist the power of the law of perception, and then help you find the spar containing the energy of space, with the hope that you can realize the power of the law of space. "

"Ta Ling, thank you!" Seeing that Ta Ling had everything in mind for himself, Yu Haoran, who had not been touched for a long time, thanked him with a touch of voice.

"Okay, do you still need to be so kind between you and me!"

Taling waved his hand with a displeased expression, then reminded him.

"Since you need the space spar to make the Xuanyuan Yuxuan in advance, then after the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong is over, you and I must immediately go to a valley at the junction of the Eastern and Central Regions."

"Because at the core of that valley, there are not many, but they can meet the space spar you need for alchemy and cultivation."

"Talling, listen to your plans!"

There are still more than two months when he agrees with the red beast to **** the fruit of the void.

Before that, if he could get a certain number of space spar, he would be able to realize the power of space law as soon as possible.

Because he had a very strong feeling in his heart, and the law of heaven was fulfilled. When the five-domain Qianlong competition ended, he entered a dormant state, not only the environment between the entire heaven and earth entered a period of prosperity, but also the world ’s disaster. .

Even the ancient protoss who have disappeared for almost two periods will probably come.

With the grudges between him and the ancient gods, the ancient gods who came to the Celestial Continent will probably use themselves to sacrifice the flag first, and the power of space law is an important means to save his life.

It was during this discussion between Hao Ran and Ta Ling that the colorful dragon head rewarded Qian Qianlong's lucky players, and it was his turn to Wang Chuantao, who ranked 10th on the list.

The ninth place in the battle for Qianlong Dragons in the Southern Region, the body of the colorful dragon was 2,100 meters.

Two hundred and one hundred meters multiplied to get ninety-one points in qualifying. Finally, the length of the colorful dragon hovering above Wang Chuantao's head reached a staggering 180,000 meters.

Just as Qianlong Fortress was rewarded with Qianlong's luck at the Qianlong Fortress in the Southern Region, the colorful dragon reaching 190,000 meters has risen directly into the air.

Fly to the void tens of thousands of meters above Qianlong Fort, and then float there quietly.

At the same time, Yu Haoran knew the towering spirit in the sea, and quietly printed the newly formed mark into Wang Chuantao's body, and then waited for Qianlong Qiyun's return to see how he got ugly and how to face the surge of Qianlong Qiyun. .

Looking at the colorful dragons with a body height of 180,000 meters in the empty space above Qianlong Fort, the strong who had participated in the five-domain Qianlong list battle, his eyes showed the look of memories.

Some strong players who failed to participate in the competition, or were unfortunately eliminated, showed envy and jealousy in their eyes.

The gigantic dragon eye's gaze shifted from Wang Chuantao's body to the ninth place on the list, from Wudao of Lingshan in the Western Region.

I don't know if it is his own illusion. Yu Haoran felt a look of disgust from the eyes of the dragon without emotion.

Feeling the gaze of the colorful dragons in the air, a colorful dragon with a body of nine kilometers rushed out of Wudao's body.

Erdao radiates dazzling colorful light. After being directly integrated into the colorful dragon's body, the colorful dragon's body quickly expands.

The Western Dragons compete for the championship. The nine-meter-long colorful dragon is multiplied by the Five Dragons Dragon Ranking to compete for the ninth place in the battle.

Wu Da finally obtained the color of Qianlong, a colorful dragon with a body length of nearly 900,000 meters.

However, Qianlong ’s colorful dragon heads did not give the colorful dragons belonging to Wudao the time to fully show themselves, and their eyes turned directly to Jiang Jingya.

A 2,100-meter colorful dragon sprang out of Jiang Jingya's body. After incorporating two dazzling colorful lights, the body of the colorful dragon also expanded rapidly.

Although Jiang Jingya ranked higher than Wu Da in the final qualifying competition, in the competition of the Qianlong list in each region, the length of ranking and gaining Qianlong luck was much lower than the opponent.

Therefore, the length of the body of her colorful dragon dragon is only nearly 200,000 meters.

For the nervous Jiang Jiangya, the nearly 200,000 meters of Qianlong's blessing was enough to make her feel full of joy, so she did not have the slightest discomfort because the length of the colorful dragon was far less than Wudao. .

The attitude towards Wudao is a little different. After waiting for the colorful dragon belonging to Jiang Jingya to rise to the tens of thousands of meters above the Qianlong Fortress, its sight turned to Yuwen Haofei.

Feeling Qianlong Qiyun's gaze, Yu Wenhaofei immediately looked up at the colorful dragon head in front of the list, with a very excited look in his eyes.

After looking at each other's eyes, a nine-kilometer-long colorful dragon sprang out of Yuwen Haofei's body quickly. After incorporating two dazzling colorful lights, the length of the colorful dragon's body finally reached nearly 850,000 meters.

At the same time, the colorful dragons that represent other players are all suppressed.

The colorful dragon's gaze shifted to Summer Qi.

The fifth place in the Central Dragon List is the second dragon in the battle. The length of the colorful dragon body is only 2,400 meters.

Therefore, Summer Qi finally obtained the colorful dragon's body length of less than 200,000 meters.

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