Destined Martial God

Chapter 1539: Yu Siqi's means (two more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the square!


Huang Fu's infant, who suddenly opened her eyes, filled her angry eyes directly to Wu Zhengjun, about 40 meters away.

It is different from Wu Dao and Yu Wen Hao Fei, who think highly of themselves.

Huang Fuying, who has a clear understanding of his own accumulation and potential, is very clear that he can finally hit the limit of the realm, that is, the state of the top Wuzun Qipin.

As a result, he was stiffly stuck at the top of the top Wuzun Qipin.

The reason is because Wu Zhengjun used the endless martial arts method of the sea of ​​blood to consume too much of the original energy of the Red Lotus Niehuo, so she could not use the original energy of the Red Lotus Niehuo for the final sprint.


However, when the thunderous roar came from Wu Zhengjun, the anger in Huang Fu's eyes was immediately replaced by shock.

Because there was a thunderous roar just now, foreshadowing that Wu Zhengjun's cultivation has successfully passed the top stage of Wuzun Bapin.

Although there is only a small difference between each other, Huang Fuying's heart is very clear. The gap between her and Wu Zhengjun has been officially widened.


Watching Wu Zhengjun, who was successfully promoted to the top of Wuzun Bapin in the early days, still did not stop the promotion of cultivation, and was shocked when Huang Fu, who was eventually replaced, couldn't help sighing.

Afterwards, she took a deep breath, readjusted her state, and then planned to use Reiki and Aura to consolidate the repair after the breakthrough. Then there was a thunderous roar that was not lost when Wu Zhengjun just broke through the top Wuzun Bapin at the beginning. sound.

Just looking up, Huang Fu's infant immediately lowered his head and closed his eyes, and took three deep breaths in a row to calm his emotions again.

Because the person who broke through the early stage of the top Wuzun Bapin just now is the sword that she has never seen in her heart.

The draw in the other side's challenge was because she didn't use a hole card, so to speak plainly was to let the opponent.

The loss in qualifying was because the red lotus, the strongest hole card, had just suffered a severe blow, and had no choice but to give in.

However, the opponents who have always been inconceivable, whether it is talent and potential, or cultivation and strength, have surpassed themselves comprehensively, which makes Huang Fu's infant can only choose to ignore as much as possible, otherwise, he will cross one big realm and seven small ones in a row. The breakthrough of the realm makes the already relaxed mood easy to produce a demon.

I also noticed that Yu Haoran, the sword without a breakthrough, broke through the early stage of the top Wuzun Bapin. After closing the surprise that appeared in his eyes, he glanced at Yu Siqi, who had already hit the high stage of the top Wuzun Bapin, and finally closed his eyes again. Continue to cultivate and improve your strength.

"Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi, Wu Zhengjun, and Jian Wujin are all native players from the Southern Region. They are led by four top powerful men with unlimited potential. They have been silent in the Southern Region for more than 100,000 years. When it comes to recovery. "

Looking at Yu Haoran, who was sitting on the platform with a bent knee, a look of astonished Yuwen sky appeared in his eyes, and he began to calculate silently.

"If you can take advantage of the opportunity to refining the Demon Soul Pill, and establish a deeper friendship with Hao Ran, will you be able to let the magic road formally set foot in the southern realm, in order to enhance the magic of magic road."

"It seems that a high-level meeting of the four families needs to be held in advance to see if treating Hao Ran is to turn the enemy into a friend, or to cut the grass as soon as possible!" The sight swept past the three of Si Qi, and finally fell on Yu Haoran on the ring. Huo Shanyu secretly clenched his fists.

"It seems that it is necessary to invite the deities who have been retreating for a long time, and then ask the three deputies to release Bai Han's seal at the same time, so that Bai Han can be destroyed by Hao Ran as soon as possible, otherwise, this child will be a confidant of Yuxu Palace. "Staring at Yu Haoran on the platform, Elder Yuxu Palace said to himself, gritted his teeth.

Eyes moved back and forth from Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun, and Zhong Li Shuiqin's mind suddenly flashed a bold idea.

"As the saying goes, the elder brother is like a father!"

"If the army's cultivation is successfully promoted to Emperor Wudi's realm, and if Emperor Yu Dan is invited to visit the family in the name of his brother, presumably those influential ethnic groups will not hinder more."

"The only thing that's a little tricky is how to prepare a wedding gift for your relatives!"

"Sacred God, now there are five people shocked by Ma Maye, Miss Siqi, Zhengjun Grand Commander, Her Majesty Girl and Her Royal Highness Princess. It will not be a dream for the Qin Empire to completely unify the southern region!" Looking at Yu on the central square Hao Ran five, Meng Zhengkai said with great emotion.

The previous battle plan for unifying the Southern Territory was not complete. It deliberately avoided many families and cities that have inextricable links with the Central Territory.

It is said to unify the entire southern region, but in fact it only occupied more than 70% of the southern region.


Emperor Qin nodded heavily and clasped the armrest of the stone chair with both hands. At this moment, the ambition that emerged was far more than Meng Zhengkai could imagine.

Because his eyes have crossed the Southern Regions, he turned to a better practice environment and could satisfy the Eastern Regions that the army leads to.


Successfully broke through the initial sword of the top Wuzun Bapin without any traces. When I originally wanted to continue to impact the higher realm, I found that the speed of Xiuwei's promotion dropped instantly. Finally, when the repair was about to break through the middle of the top Wuzun Bapin. Stop completely.

At the beginning of the game, the ranking of the five-domain Qianlong ranking competition was originally expected to be around twenty, and the realm of final impact is the top stage of top-ranking Wuzun Liupin.

Today, the final list not only reached the fourth position, but also was promoted to the top of Wuzun Bapin in the early days, which was far beyond the initial expectations.

Therefore, in the face of the abrupt stoppage of the realm, Jian Wuchen not only did not have the slightest resentment, but was content to take out a sixth-order top-quality spirit pulse and began to use the spirit pulse and spirit to consolidate the breakthrough state.

Yu Siqi, who successfully reached the top of the top Wuzun eight grades, suddenly frowned slightly, opened his eyes and glanced at Yu Haoran on the ring, and found that his cultivation not only reached the top of the top Wuzun eight grades, And repair is still climbing rapidly.

Gritting his lips, Yu Siqi's eyes flashed a resolute chill.

She then cut through her index finger and wrote a love letter on the ground.

Love words written in blood quickly melted into the ground.

Only after more than 20 seconds, more than a dozen drops of blood exuding the essence of energy gradually floated on the ground she was sitting on.

With a wave of her sleeves, she was swallowed directly by a dozen drops of blood exuding the essence of energy.

Using the quintessential energy contained in the blood to promote cultivation is between magic and Taoism, but more often it is classified as magic.

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