Destined Martial God

Chapter 1541: The thunderstorm that has been suppressed (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress!

Although with Yu Haoran's talent and potential, it won't take long to impact the realm of Wuzun Jiupin, but most of the strong can't help but feel sorry for the birth of an ancient miracle.

However, not everyone hopes that Yu Haoran will succeed. Like the elders of Yuxu Palace, middle-aged men with a cold surname, and some people who have grudges with Yu Haoran, a little bit of happiness appears in their eyes. Smile.

"Regardless of whether you have consolidated the realm of breakthrough now, exit the Central Square immediately." After recovering the horror momentum emanating from the realm breakthrough, Yu Haoran opened his eyes and ordered all the contestants under the ring.

"Yu Haoran, what qualifications do you have to order us to leave the central square!"

The battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong list has officially ended, and the rules for Qianlong Qiyun's inability to make shots have also disappeared.

Therefore, with the support of powerful forces, and Yu Haoran who had a hundred battles that could not eliminate hatred, he immediately got up and asked in a loud voice.

"Love doesn't leave!"

After a cold glance at the hundreds of battles in the business, Yu Haoran replied without any anger, and said to Qin Lingfei and the other five people.

"You retreat to the south stands immediately!"


Even if the realm has not been fully consolidated, after hearing Hao Ran's orders, Qin Lingfei, Jian Wuhen, Jiang Jingya, and Wu Zhengjun immediately got up and then flew to the south side of the stand.

Yu Siqi looked up at Qianlong Fort, and asked with a look of worry.

"Are you sure?"

"Sister, when did your brother do something that I wasn't sure of!"

In fact, in the face of the danger of a lifetime of nine deaths, Yu Haoran was not so sure.

But when she saw that she had been promoted to the stateless state, she had not completely forgotten herself, and she was still worried about her safety. He suddenly appeared with endless confidence in her heart, and resolutely replied.

"be careful!"

After leaving an admonition, Yu Siqi appeared in the side of Qin Lingfei and others.

"Sister, what exactly does the horse want?"

Yu Siqi's inexplicable interrogation, and Yu Haoran's magnificent Ganyun reply, showed that she must know the real reason why Hao Ran let everyone leave the central square immediately.

Therefore, after Si Qi appeared in the stands, Qin Lingfei couldn't help asking.

In this regard, Yu Siqi, who slowly closed her eyes, simply ignored it, and also made Qin Lingfei hate her teeth.

"Brother Yuwen, Brother Wudao, and Sister Huangfu, if you believe me in Hao Ran, please exit the central square immediately."

Seeing his orders just now, only a few players from the Southern Region and Xia Qi took the initiative to withdraw from the central square, which made Yu Haoran's heart suddenly emerge a bit of tyranny.

Although he didn't care about the life and death of these people under the ring, he thought that he had promised the alchemy agreement of Yuwen Sky, accepted the invitation of the master of the mountain, and once actively injured the self-esteem of Huang Fu's infant.

In the end, he could only do one last effort.

"Hao Fei, get over here immediately!" Seeing Yu Wen Hao Fei, who was still stubborn and unwilling to get up and leave, Yu Wen Cang from the stands roared directly.

Seeing that Lian Yuwen Cangqiang had come forward to scold his son, Wu Dao and Huang Fu's infant looked at each other, and finally hurriedly got up and left the square.

And Shang Baizhan and others thought that the reason why Yuwen Cangqiang yelled at Yuwen Haofei was because he needed Yu Haoran to make elixir for him, and didn't want to offend Haoran too much.

Therefore, they looked at Yu Haoran with a sneer, and looked at himself and others even if he did not leave the central square, and he could take himself and others.

Ignoring the provocations of Shang Baizhan and others, Yu Haoran looked up at the thirty-three Venerables sitting on the dragon's chair, with a complex look in his eyes.

Although he wanted to kill Peng Yanfei with the help of a life-threatening situation, he didn't want to see Xue Qingyuan, who had a good relationship with him, accidentally, let alone the Jingshi organization created by Qianlong Qiyun.

In the end, the soft side prevailed, and he arched his hands to the thirty-three Venerables in the air.

"Thirty-three Venerables, please immediately retreat to the stands around you!"

Except for Peng Yanfei, who had personal complaints with Yu Haoran, the remaining thirty-two lords had no complaints or resentment against him, and it was clear that the other party would not make such a non-request for no reason.

Therefore, the thirty-two lords who stood up and left the dragon chair quickly appeared in the stands around them.

Peng Yanfei, who had long been afraid of Hao Ran, also left Midair without any delay, and then appeared in the stand of the Eastern Region.

"Ready?" Looking down at Yu Haoran, his colorful dragon head interrogated.

"Ready!" Yu Haoran replied solemnly.

"wish you success!"

After leaving a blessing, the colorful dragon head quickly returned to the list, and the list disappeared into the air in an instant.

The action of the thirty-three Venerables and Qianlong's luck made some players under the ring suddenly realize the seriousness of the problem and quickly got up and left the central square.

"Ta Ling, let go!" Qi Haoran took a deep breath and commanded Qi Qian to take back a half of Qianlong's luck.

As the towering spirit recovered the energy of the tower in the ontology domain, the cloudless Qianlong Fortress quickly appeared and gathered countless dark clouds.

With the rapid gathering and appearance of dark clouds, a dull thunder suddenly sounded within a range of millions of kilometers around Qianlongbao.

"This is a thunderstorm!" Feeling the dark clouds still gathering above Qianlong Fort, Shang Baizhan under the stage murmured pale.

Later, he immediately vacated and planned to leave the central square, only to find himself locked up by a powerful force, making him unable to leave the area of ​​the central square at all.

"Yu Haoran, you dare to harm me!" The fear caused by Lei Jie's lock made Shang Baizhan yell at Yu Haoran.

In this regard, Yu Haoran turned a blind eye.

"Brother Yu, it's my brother's fault. Shouldn't I listen to your reminder? Now, please find a way to get me out of the square, okay?" A contestant who came to the central area was also locked by thunder. , Begging immediately crying.

In this regard, Yu Haoran still turned a blind eye.

"This is an overlapping thunderstorm caused by Jiuzhong and Jiuzongdan!"

Just when Hao Ran began to break through Wu Zun's realm, Gan Yunchan faintly found that something was not right. He always felt that there was something missing in the process of Hao Ran's breakthrough.

However, in the Qianlong Fortress in the Southern Region, Yu Haoran refined too many top-notch elixir, so she didn't remember the moment she was just refined, so she was directly swallowed by Yu Haoran. Bougainvillea.

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