Destined Martial God

Chapter 1543: God Melting Qi (one more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

Although the full version swallows Dafa's transformation speed very quickly, as the number of thunderbolts bombarded by thunder robbers has not decreased by a slight amount, it is gradually too late to transform the thunderbolts, and it starts to bombard the internal organs, blood vessels and meridians of the body.


Without any panic, Yu Haoran immediately used the secret methods of ancient ancestral witches and began to use lightning energy to specifically increase the strength of the internal organs and prepare for the next state of shock.

Lightning, lightning, and lightning are one of the purest energy in the world, without any trace of impurities!

With the continuous conversion of the amount of thunder and electricity by the devouring Dafa, under the blessing of a larger amount of Qianlong gas, the repair has been stopped abruptly, and it is rising rapidly.

Continued lightning scrubbing returned the Qianlong Fortress, which had fallen into the dark, to its light again.

Looking at Yu Haoran like a giant of the sky, he began to use the power of thunder and thunder to continue to attack Wu Zun's realm. Basically everyone at the scene had already guessed his intention.

Although he was really impressed by his guts about using the thunder, thunder and lightning to strike Wu Zun's realm, he didn't agree with him for pushing himself into a life-threatening situation. It's even ridiculous and stupid to many people.

The endless thunder robbery, the doomsday thunder robbery, and the Jiuxiao thunder robbery are called the three death robberies!

According to the records left by the ancestors, it seems that from ancient times to the present, the souls who have successfully survived the three deadly robberies have no one in billions. This is also the vast majority of the strong believers at the scene that Yu Haoran will surely die. An important reason for endless thunderstorms.

"Sister, it's OK with the horse!"

After hearing several strong men from the Central Family inheritance family at the top of the stand behind them, a detailed introduction and discussion of endless thunderstorms and the death trial of Hao Ran's destiny, Qin Lingfei appeared endless panic, and reached out to grab Yu Siqi's arm directly , The voice asked with a hint of crying.

The moment Qin Lingfei grabbed her arm, Yu Siqi frowned, and there was a terrible cold in her eyes.

But after hearing her crying full of fear and fear, she could only forcibly suppress the murderous spirit emerging from her heart, and asked indifferently.

"Since you and Xiao Ran are husbands and wives who share a common affliction, then you should be familiar with and understand his character. When have you ever seen him do something he is not sure of?"

Yu Siqi's cold question asked Qin Lingfei to immediately think of Qin Baijun from Haoran's angry ancestral palace, to his eleven quasi-special beasts encircling the Hengduan Mountains, to think of the second wheel battle that seemed impossible to win, The panic subsided.


At the scene, everyone did not agree with Hao Ran's risk-taking approach, and determined that he would eventually die in the endless thunder robbery. A dark thunder sound different from the thunder roar and thunder came from the Hao Ran transformed into the Optimal Giant. .

With the deep thunderous sound of depression, a powerful momentum that belongs to the top of the top Wuzun Jiupin, quickly rose from Yu Haoran's body.

At this time, only half an hour before the start of the thunderbolt, this is enough to show how powerful the pure energy contained in the thunderbolt and thunderbolt is.

It is a pity that in the face of the thunderstorm that was washed down like a waterfall in the dark clouds above him, the powerful momentum that had just reached its peak was pressed back into Haoran's body.

After being successfully upgraded to the top of the top Wuzun Jiupin, Yu Haoran suddenly closed his open mouth, and then allowed the thunder of endless thunder to start bombarding the ancestral witch's body.

"God melts air!"

While forbearing the pain caused by the lightning bombardment, Yu Haoran sat down with his knees bent, placed his fingers on his abdomen to practice, and drank loudly.

Of the twelve ancient ancestors of ancient times, the strongest ancestor who successfully opened up Dantian before the fall, once suffered an endless baptism of thunder.

It is precisely because of the experience of the strongest ancestor that survived endless thunder and calamity, Yu Haoran was repaired in his state of mind as he could not successfully advance to the Emperor Wudi realm, and in order to get the two treasures left in the Zhenyuan Great God Cave Mansion, eventually Choose to suppress the thunderstorm caused by Jiuzhongdan.

The purpose is to use the baptism of endless thunderstorms to help him realize the rapid transformation of his realm and strength.

Shenrongqitai is the best method for the strongest ancestor to create a lightning storm that can directly melt the thunderbolt and endure the thunder and lightning bombardment. .

Although the process of looting thunder and lightning was very painful, the results achieved were amazing.

After waving the two avatars that absorbed the lightning energy to the limit and sent them to the domain tower, the towering spirit stared at the thunder and lightning that was forcibly incorporated into the body, which changed and improved Yu Haoran's physical body.

When he found that the number of lightning bolts physically separated from the thunderbolt bombarded by the thunderbolt was able to maintain a balance, he was shocked in his eyes, and he couldn't help but curse.

"Shit boy, since you already have the means to cope with endless thunderstorms, why not tell me in advance, causing me to worry about you for such a long time."

The nerves that had been tortured by severe pain were completely immersed in a numb state. Yu Haoran did not hear the laughter and scolding of the towering spirit in the sea, and had reserved a part of the consciousness in advance. He had been paying attention to the physical training of thunder and lightning.

Since the establishment of the ancient martial arts in the ancient times, there has been a legend of a ten-level realm!

That is to say, every realm has a perfect realm of ten products.

After reincarnation, with the attention and reminder of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran has been following the realm of Xiu Wei and physical body to break through the perfection of the top ten since the beginning of the martial arts realm, and then began to impact a great realm.

However, when this situation reached the realm of Wu Sheng, there was a sudden accident!

I don't know if it was affected by the power of the law of perception, or because there is no ten-point perfection since Wusheng. He has used every means possible, and even the towering spirit does not hesitate to use a trace of the original power of the tower of the ontology. It is impossible for the physical body and cultivation to enter the perfect state of Wusheng Shipin.

Frustrated by reality, Yu Haoran would finally choose to use Qianlong's blessing to bless the realm of Wu Zun.

However, as the thunderbolt of Thunder Robber merged into the ancestral witch's flesh, Yu Haoran suddenly found that his flesh was like a hungry child for a long time, and desperately sucked in the face of sweet and delicious breast milk.

And this feeling of hunger is simply not the state that should have just been promoted to the top Wuzun Jiupin Peak physical grade.

Protecting a clear sense of consciousness, with the help of the defensive energy provided by Ruyi Bell, he began to carefully inspect every part of the body, gradually recovering from the numbness of his numbness, and gradually his face was gradually condensed.

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