Destined Martial God

Chapter 1548: Scared Endless Thunderstorm (1 more)

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Central Realm, Qianlongbao, on the south side stand!

As a family member who has the highest purity of blood in the ancestors and has a higher potential in the future, Zhongli Shuiqin has a very high status in the Zhongli family. Not only can he freely enter and leave many forbidden places in the family, but he can also look at some taboo secrets. Records can also understand the secrets that many people do not know.

In the Middle Ages, the highest achievements of the Supreme Masters, before the Supreme Masters did not succeed, everyone's growth experience is very similar to Haoran.

That is, obviously with the top potential of evil spirits, with a bright future in the future, he often pushes himself into the dilemma of a life of nine deaths, thereby inspiring his unlimited potential.

In other words, don't look at Yu Haoran's current cultivation as only the top Wuzun Jiupin peak, but he already has the firm martial arts heart of the Supreme Power.

"No wonder he looks down on me. The gap between me and him was really like a cloud of mud!"

Looking at Yu Haoran rushing into the dark clouds of thunderstorms, Huang Fu's infant on the east stand showed a very shocking look in his eyes, and he felt his heartfelt conscience.

For Xiaqi, Yuwen Haofei, Wudao and others, when they convinced themselves, they felt a sense of weakness that was difficult to catch up and surpass.


As one of the world's top thunder robbers, endless thunder robberies can be said to represent the meaning of the heavens and the punishment of fate.

When all creatures faced the thunder penalty of endless thunderstorms, they all trembled as if they were walking on thin ice. For fear of an oversight, they would be buried under the thunder of thunderstorms. There is never any creature like Hao Ran who dares to directly impact the energy source of endless thunderstorms .

Originally only gathering dark clouds of 9.99 million kilometers, stimulated by the anger of the heavenly consciousness, the dark clouds converged directly to break the limit of endless thunderstorm condensate, and soon exceeded 10 million kilometers, 13 million. Kilometers, 17 million kilometers, and eventually reached a range of nearly 20 kilometers.

Gathering nearly 20 million kilometers of black clouds, the number of thunder and lightning condensed in the thunderstorm clouds has far exceeded the number before the endless thunderstorms opened, which also caused Yu Haoran, who rushed into the thunderstorm clouds, to be excited. A long howl.

Later, he sat directly in the thunderbolt and threw his knees in a thunderbolt. He dared to devour Dafa and relied on the strong and pure thunderbolt energy to begin to strike the top ten perfect levels of Wuzun.

Not once, then twice!

No two times, just three times five times. Anyway, there is a steady stream of thunder and lightning energy gathered around him. Yu Haoran neither feels sorry for the waste of thunder energy, nor is he worried about the lack of energy sources that impact the realm.

In the end, after nine violent shocks, he was promoted to the highest level of martial arts at the same time as the physical rank.

At the moment when he completed the promotion to the top ten ranks of Wu Zun, the flesh under Yu Haoran's blue gown suddenly became transparent.

With only the naked eye, one can see the internal organs, meridians, and blood vessels in his body, as well as the huge Longyang that countless men envy and envy.

"Crystal clear body, flawless body!"

Looking at the crystal-like body, Tal Ling hurriedly reminded Lou Yuran amidst his shock and loss.

"Yu Haoran, the perfect state of Wu Zun's ten products, allows you to enter the special state of a flawless body, and now immediately uses the opportunity to impact the physical rank of Wu Emperor's realm."

After being successfully promoted to the perfect state of Wu Zun, the demand for energy immediately increased by dozens of times. Yu Haoran originally wanted to use the energy of thunder and thunder and lightning to raise the perfect state of Shi Pin to the limit first. Ways to impact the physical rank of Emperor Wudi.

But after hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran, who had some understanding of the flawless special state, immediately knew that this was a golden opportunity to complete his plan beforehand.

Without the slightest hesitation, the strongest ancestral witch inherited the method of the god-melting qi, combined with the blessing of engulfing Dafa and Qianlong Qiyun, began to make a violent impact on the physical rank of the Emperor Wu.

With Yu Haoran madly devouring and attracting regardless of the consequences, the huge thunderbolt and thunderbolt that finally re-assembled, the number immediately decreased at a rate that can be discerned by the naked eye, which also caused a cloud of thunderstorm that represented the thoughts of the heavens. Thinking of retreating.

"Damn endless thunderbolt, come back to me!

The physical grade was about to impact the success of Yu Haoran, and suddenly felt that the energy of the thunderbolt and lightning began to decrease rapidly, and immediately opened his eyes and scanned it, and found that the black cloud of thunderbolt had gradually dissipated.

Thunder and thunder and lightning are the key to his impact on Wudi ’s physical rank. The endless thunderbolt's active dissipation is tantamount to stifling his breakthrough opportunities.

How can this not make him feel incomparable anger, how can he not anger the roar and shame of anger, to re-anger the endless thunder rob can continue to gather the energy of thunder rob, to help his physical grade can be successfully promoted to the Emperor Wu realm.

Originally, with the expansion of the scope of the gathering of thunderstorm clouds, the number of condensed thunderstorms and lightning increased, making everyone on the scene suddenly nervous.

But after Hao Ran's angry roaring and humiliation came from the thunderstorm clouds, everyone in the stands around was fooling like a fool.

The endless thunder robbery known as the three major death robberies lies in Hao Ran's eyes, which turned into a weakness without courage, and became an object that he casually rebuked and abused. This kind of strong contrast is in the hearts of everyone at the scene. The impact can be imagined.

"Brother Qiu Qing, did I just hallucinate just now, as if I heard Yu Dandi's angry yells and insults endless thunderstorms." The elder from the Baili family, looking dull from the Gu family, Xiu Qing asked Xiu to reach the realm of Emperor Zhunwu of Erjie.


A crisp and loud slap, so that the elder elder brother of the family of Pali immediately wake up from the sluggishness, and then asked angrily.

"Gu Yanqing, why do you slap me?"

"Pingcun brother, didn't you feel that you had hallucinations just now! Means like slap in the face should make you wake up from hallucinations." Gu Yanqing smiled and explained.

"Gu Yanqing, you ...!"

In the face of Gu Rongqing's rogue explanation, Bai Liping didn't know what to blame for a moment.

After all, he had a good personal relationship with Gu Yanqing. The other side ’s move was just a joke, and half of it was for him.

"Pingcun, do you have a case like Yu Haoran who can not only endure the endless thunder robbery easily, but also be able to drink and humiliate thunder robbery at will in your records of the Thousand Clan?" Gu Xiqing, who was looking for his overly aggressive behavior immediately, put away a smile on his face and asked with a solemn look.

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