Destined Martial God

Chapter 1554: Crushing (two more)

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Central area, above Qianlong Fortress!

"Yu Haoran, you deserve to die!"

The most vicious words in the world are all used to describe the Shang clan. This kind of shame and shame made Shang Haoyang instantly fall into anger, and also completely abstained from the idea of ​​letting Hao Ran kill his life for the Shang clan.

"Do it!"

"Tian Luo Di Wang!"

Just as the voice of Shang Haoyang's order had just fallen, the first merchant who rushed to the top of the square was too elder, and immediately mobilized the power of the rule of control into the net-like weapon under the emperor's realm, and then performed a martial arts trick .

Looking at the net-like artifact that quickly enveloped him, Yu Haoran stretched out his hands calmly, quickly grasped the two weak points of the net-like artifact, and used the physical strength of the promotion to the Emperor Wudi's realm, and then tear it out with force.

"Hmm ...!"

Along with the harsh tearing sound, the mesh-like instrument was directly torn out of the mouth, Yu Haoran stepped through the torn mouth, and then appeared in front of the elder Tai Shang.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

A trick of descending dragons inherited from the ancestors and witches, and then combined with the physical strength of the Emperor Wudi's realm, directly photographed the powerful men in the realm of the Three Emperor Zhunwu's realm.

"Zi ...!"

The elder elders who inherited the family in the magnificent Middle Ages, and the powerful men in the realm of the Three Emperors Zhun Wu, were smashed into blood mist directly by Yu Haoran's understatement. Such a strong contrast made everyone at the scene unable to resist. Take a breath.

The sky of Yu Wen couldn't help but a slight change in his complexion, with a look of dread and remorse in his eyes.

"Neither the power of the two laws of life and death, nor the breath of vitality and soul is fluctuated. With only one stroke of inheritance, he can easily bombard the mighty strongman in the realm of the three emperor Zhunwu Emperor. At this point, I am afraid there is only one possibility. "

Looking at the slowly falling mist of blood, and looking at the indifferent Yu Haoran who appeared in front of another Taishang elder of the Shang family, Zhong Lishuiqin suddenly burst into a shocking voice as if surging and surging.

"I'm afraid Yu Dandi's physical grade has been successfully promoted to Wudi's realm!"

As if it further confirms Zhong Lishuiqin's speculation, Yu Haoran, who suddenly appeared in front of another elder elder of the merchant, simply ignored the opponent's heavenly sword weapon that was used by the sword weapon in the emperor's realm. Witch inherited the law, and also filmed the other side into a blood mist.

"Brother Haoyang, use the treasure of the town clan to fight against the enemy!"

At the same time that Zhou Haoze was shocked by Yu Haoran's horror power, his powerful mentality and rich fighting consciousness calmed him down quickly, and immediately thought of a countermeasure.

After hearing Zhou Youze's reminder, Shang Haoyang, who also calmed down quickly, immediately took out a piece of feathers exuding a hot breath, and then mobilized all his own power, soul power, and power of law into the feathers.

"Chiwu Yaoshi!"

Then he threw the feathers directly into the air and screamed.

Accompanied by Shang Haoyang's violent drinking, the feather thrown into the air instantly turned into a three-footed crow exuding a high-temperature flame, like a scorching sun.

"Three-footed Chiwu who was able to transform into the Sun Star in ancient times!"

Barely rehabilitating the stunned inner spirit, when using the Buddha relic to restore the original energy consumed by the tower of the ontology domain, he unexpectedly felt a familiar hot breath and immediately looked through the space of the tower and the space where the sea was known.

After seeing the three-footed crow in mid-air, a sudden change in his face appeared in the sea, and his expression reminded solemnly.

After easily killing the third Taishang elder of the Shang family, Yu Haoran turned his head to watch the huge wings flap in the air, staring fiercely at his three-footed Chiwu.

"Yu Haoran, the three-footed Chiwu was the second-largest beast in the ancient times. Not only did its own strength reach the pinnacle of Divine Nine Levels, but the three-legged comparable to the Divine Extreme Artifact can directly shake the sun and moon Stars, the fierceness is not inferior to the ancient fierce beast like 梼 杌. "

Seeing that Hao Ran had noticed the three-footed Chiwu in the air, Ta Ling quickly explained in detail.

"And the three-legged Chiwu in front of you, although it is only a feather of a bloodline junior, has changed, but it has a terrorist strength that is not lost to you."

"The three-footed Chiwu is also known as the three-footed Jinwu, which absorbs the essence of the burning sun and stars, and has conceived millions of years of innate souls."

I can hear Ta Ling's emphasis on the three-footed Chiwu, and Yu Haoran took a step forward while walking towards the mid-air, while laughingly introduced more detailed information of the three-footed Chiwu.

"Because the innate being born from heaven and earth, then you should follow the command line of the rules of heaven."

"But the ferocious three-footed Chiwu, who has been prosecuted by some conspirators, has committed the guilty turmoil of the ancient continent."

Stopped less than thirty meters away from the three-footed Chiwu, feeling the hot breath contained in the flames of the three-footed Chiwu, Yu Haoran put a smile on his face and asked indifferently.

"Taling, do you know how many three-footed Chiwus were bred from the ancient continent?"


As a powerful force that already existed at the beginning of the world, Taling not only saw the birth of the three-footed Chiwu, but also used the feathers that contained the essence of the fire system to refine the top artifacts, of course, knowing their detailed quantity .

"So do you know how they punished Tao Tian when they committed the sins of Tao Tian?" Yu Haoran continued to ask Yin Hao, who moved the yin and yang fire in Dantian.

"It seems to be one out of ten!"

When the three-footed Chiwu committed the iniquity of Tao Tian, ​​the former towering spirit seemed to leave the ancient continent with the body and went to the void starry sky to find a precious material for the refiner. However, after hearing it, people have mentioned three words, so the tower Spirit's reply was not so sure.

"Ta Ling, then do you know who is punishing the sky and killing the nine strongest three-footed Chiwu with the strongest strength?" Inspires the physical body of the ancestor and witch with a height of nearly three kilometers, and inspires the power of the yin and yang fire. Yu Haoran slightly Asked with a hint of excitement.

"do not know!"

The previous Taling rarely mingled with the disputes of the ancient continent, and he did not deliberately pay attention to the three-footed Chiwu who had no relationship with him and had a ferocious temperament.

"That is the twelve ancestors with the strongest ancient strength.

Along with Yu Haoran's excited reply, she turned into an ancestor witch who was nearly three kilometers away, and suddenly a flame that did not lose to the hot breath of the three-footed Chiwu.

When he saw the ancestral and witching flames rising in front of him, he fanned the three-footed Chiwu that his wings were about to launch. The memory in the bloodline inheritance made the endless fears immediately appear in his eyes, and he couldn't bear it. After an unbearable wailing, he quickly turned to escape.

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