Destined Martial God

Chapter 1558: Attacked (one more)

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Central area, above Qianlong Fortress!

"Talling, don't be careless!"

Perhaps because of the warning from the sixth sense, Yu Haoran always felt that something was not right, but he couldn't find out what was wrong, so he couldn't help reminding him when he saw the overconfident look of Ta Ling One sentence.

"Rest assured, I know!"

Although he said he knew, from the indifferent appearance of Ta Ling, he also knew that he did not take Yu Haoran's reminder at all.

"Seal the soul!"

Mobilizing the remaining elemental power and soul power to penetrate the dragon's cord, while Shang Haoyang threw the dragon's cord into the air, he drank with his fingers.


With the sound of an extremely pure ronin, the tyrannosaurus cord thrown into the air instantly turned into a silver-white dragon with a length of several hundred meters and a beautiful body.

As the silver-white dragons swayed toward the Hao Ran with their tails swaying, one after another the same silver-white dragons kept separating rapidly.

When the silver-white dragons were about thirty meters away from Haoran, the number of silver-white dragons separated reached ninety-nine.

The entire mid-air of Qianlong Fort has been completely occupied by silver-white dragons.

"Fall the stars!"

At the same time, Zhou Youze also immediately driven the three Zhenhaizhus above his head, and launched a fatal blow with the powerful siege described by the bundled dragons.

"Lock the throat!"

Watching the number of silver and white dragons finally separated reached ninety-nine, with a faint smile on the face of the towering spirit, the fingers of his left hand without any panic were bent, showing a claw-shaped attack posture.

Then, through the space of knowledge, the ninety-nine silvery-white dragons in the air grabbed, an invisible force directly straddled the barriers of time and space, and instantly grasped the throat of the ninety-nine silvery-white dragons. bone.

The claw type of locking the throat of the dragon not only directly locks the power of the silver-white dragon, but also seals the internal formation of the magic weapon, which makes each silver-white dragon desperately struggling to gradually calm down, and gradually shrinks its body. Eventually it became a tying rope.

At the same time, the free right hand of the towering spirit mobilizes the energy of the space law contained in the tower of the ontology domain, and then lays out a layer of space barriers in front of Haoran, thereby continuously weakening the three towns that are like stars. The power of Haizhu.

"damn it!"

After seeing Ta Ling not only successfully catching the tying ropes, but also the space barriers that were being deployed continued to reduce Zhen Haizhu's attack power, Yu Haoran let out a sigh of relief.

But at this time, a sharp dagger suddenly appeared at the heart of Haimei, and he couldn't help but suddenly cursed his face, while using the Ruyi bell that had been excited beforehand to resist the sharp edge of the dagger, while using the rule of fast and flash The law keeps going backwards.

However, that sharp dagger was like a poisonous snake. No matter how he tried to dodge and back off, he couldn't get rid of the sharp dagger's lock on the **** of the sea.

Moreover, the dark soul eater breath emanating from the sharp dagger is obviously smeared by the ghost soul eater which is capable of swallowing the soul.

"Yu Haoran, don't worry, I'll help you!"

The Taling who successfully won the dragon rope was about to forcibly seize Zhen Haizhu, who had been weakened by a third of her power, and was shocked by Yu Haoran's curse and dodge.

When he saw the sharp dagger that was chasing after him, Ta Ling didn't hesitate to give up Zhenhai Zhu.

Immediately afterwards, he directly used the powerful divine spirit in the demigod realm to lock the sharp dagger and release it from the Hao Ran crisis, while tracking and controlling the dark hands behind the sharp dagger.

It was as if I felt the fluctuation of the divine spirit in the demigod realm, originally locked on the sharp dagger of Hao Ran's eyebrows, suddenly unlocking the energy, and disappeared directly in place.

Even if the tower spirit used the power of extreme devotion, it could not successfully track the exact position where the dagger disappeared.

"Ta Ling, the danger has been lifted, you immediately go to fight for three Zhenhaizhu."

When the sharp dagger lifted the lock on the eyebrow consciousness, the warning from the sixth sense disappeared, which made Yu Haoran secretly relieved.

Later, he also saw Zhou Youze intending to take back Zhenhai Zhu, whose power had been cut in half, and reminded Ta Ling quickly.

"Since my consciousness of the towering spirit has been branded, then Zhenhai Zhu is the owner's thing. How can you take it back if you want to take it back."

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, the towering spirit immediately reserved half of the divine thoughts to be alert to the surrounding situation. The half of the divine thoughts continued to mobilize the energy of the space tower's space laws and set up a space barrier in all directions of Zhenhai Zhu.

While continuing to weaken Zhenhai Zhu's power, he also completely sealed Zhou Youze's hope of reclaiming Zhenhai Zhu.

In the end, under the dual coordination of the powerful spirit of the towering spirit and the energy of the laws of space, the three Zhenhai beads slowly fell in the palm of Hao Ran.

After temporarily suppressing the joy of Zhenhai Zhu, Yu Haoran ignored the embarrassing faces of Zhou Youze and Shang Haoyang after sending three Zhenhai pearls into the space of the Yuta tower, and he turned to the surrounding stands with a strong murderous look.

Through the observation of the sharp dagger when he just dodged, Yu Haoran knew that the murderer who secretly controlled his sharp dagger with his mind must hide in the stands around him.

If the distance to control the dagger is too far away, it is impossible for the other party to escape under the blockade of the powerful divine spirit of the Taling spirit.

Being able to break the blockade of the towering spirit in time shows that the opponent's strength is quite powerful.

At the same time, he didn't detect it until the other party actually launched a deadly sneak attack, indicating that the other party was also a strong master of hidden techniques.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's sight not only swept through the top powerhouses at the top of the stand, but also the powerhouses in the ordinary martial arts realm at the low end.

Unfortunately, there is no trace of the unique scent on the opponent, and only by looking with eyes and divine thoughts, the end result is nothing.

And the towering spirit who used the extreme divine mind did not find any clues left by the murderer.

"Yu Haoran, although the dagger weapon broke the blockade of God's thoughts just now, but I have clearly recorded the unique atmosphere of the dagger weapon."

The carelessness of the moment made Yu Haoran almost hit hard under the sneak attack of the ghost poisonous dagger, which made Ta Ling deeply blame, and the thought of catching the murderer behind the scene was stronger.

"As long as the other party dares to attack, I can not only detect it in the first time, but also directly lock who is behind the scenes."

After hearing Ta Ling's assurance, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and readjusted his depressed mood. Then he turned to Shang Haoyang and Zhou Youze with strong murderous eyes.

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