Destined Martial God

Chapter 1565: A flash in the pan, just for Wei Tuo (three)

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Qinling Mountains!

"Thank you!"

After receiving the consent of five emperor alien beasts, Yu Haoran thanked tens of thousands of alien beasts at the scene.

Later, he re-held Lin Mengyao's jade hand, and then led her to the tower-shaped mountain peak that the black bear condensed by gravity.

"Meng Yao, when I was young, I heard my mother tell a love story about the elves and humans in flowers."

"According to legend, in the Middle Ages, there was a **** who preached with flowers, and under the seat of the **** there was the most beautiful flower in the world."

"This beautiful flower listens to the preaching of the gods all year round, and gradually opens up his own wisdom. After ten thousand years of practice, he has his own magical power. He can finally transform into a peerless beauty who is all over the country. He has won the favor of the gods and was given It's called 昙花. "

"There are ninety-nine disciples under the seat of the gods, of which the ninety-ninth disciple is a stupid person who does not understand the situation and is often bullied and humiliated by other disciples."

"But not only has the disciple never been angry, but he has always maintained a simple and kind character."

"Perhaps because of the simple and kind character of that disciple, or maybe because that disciple often took care of Jihua before he became enlightened. He even liked the disciple without knowing it."

"In the Middle Ages, there must be no personal affairs between children of different races. So after learning that his favorite lotus flower fell in love with his disciples, the gods were furious and punished."

Although he has his own input of elemental power and soul power, it is very difficult for Lin Mengyao, who is about to collapse, to reach the peak of 999 meters in just one minute.

Therefore, Yu Haoran loosened her clenched palms and directly held Lin Mengyao's small waist, letting her rely on her own strength to climb quickly, and continued to tell the love story with the towering mountain in front of her.

"Perhaps it was because of the love and emotion between Xunhua and that disciple, or it was because the gods were too fond of Xunhua and could not bear to watch her die. In the end, the **** gave Xunhua and his disciples a test."

Pointing at the foot of the mountain, Yu Haoran continued to express a complex look in his eyes.

"The gods used the power of God to condense a 999-meter-tall peak tower. As long as the disciple can reach the peak tower from the bottom of the peak tower within a period of time, not only can he see the lotus flower again, but Eventually be able to make dependents. "

"Brother, since he is a disciple of the gods, presumably that disciple's cultivation is very high. The 999-meter-tall peak tower can be reached within a short period of time." Lin Mengyao, who was obsessed with the story, suddenly hit Broken by Hao Ran's narrative, asked with a frown.

"Meng Yao, if the gods agreed to the love between Xunhua and that disciple, how would they deliberately set up a test that seemed simple, but it was impossible at all!"

Holding tightly on Lin Mengyao's small waist, Yu Haoran looked with a hint of scorn.

"That disciple wants to pass the 999-meter-high peak tower, not only needs to be repaired by the seal of the gods, but also needs to pass the test of 999 gods during the climbing process."

Double-footed on the tower-shaped peak, watching tens of thousands of beasts under the peak, watching the Leng family on the periphery of the Qinling Mountains, Yu Haoran said with a trace of sadness.

"The disciple lost his life in order to be able to become a family member with the beloved woman. Although he finally reached the summit before a pillar of incense burned out, he lost all his blood and soul. The completely dry wound fell to a position only three meters from the lotus root. "

"Looking at the beloved man, he died in front of his eyes. The sorrowful lotus flower chose to accompany the spontaneous spirit in the way of blooming its own flowers."

"Yihua is here all at once, just for Wei Tuo's life!"

Retracting the complex sigh of emotion, Yu Haoran questioned the tens of thousands of strange animals under the mountain.

"I don't know anyone in the audience who knows the human marriage ceremony?"


A flaming horse with red and white looks, a handsome appearance, and a grade reaching the zenith of the top seven, while responding loudly, the hoof stepped into the clouds of flames.

"This is a second-order, first-grade Huoyundan, which can help you directly advance to the realm of Eight Realms, which is your reward this time!" Take out a hot elixir from the storage ring, on one side Bring it to the flame horse, Yu Haoran explained with a smile.

Just by hosting a wedding that is too short to be able to be in a short wedding, you can get an elixir that directly enhances the level of respect, and some beasts on the scene who are also familiar with human weddings are instantly annoyed.

After mobilizing a pure elemental force and soul force into Lin Mengyao, and covering her with red silk, Yu Haoran stepped back three steps, and nodded to the flame horse.

"Who worships heaven and earth!"

Kneeling on the ground with both knees, Yu Haoran and Lin Mengyao faced the sky and worshiped the earth heavily.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

In the direction of the southern city of Xianyang, Yu Haoran and Lin Mengyao bowed on their knees.

"Couple worship!"

Kneeling at each other with their knees facing each other, Yu Haoran lifted his head after slamming his head, and growled in the sky, unable to control his sadness.

"Meng Yao ...!"

At this time, Lin Mengyao still kept the posture of kneeling down and bowing his head, but the breath of life on his body had completely disappeared.

"Yu Haoran, let the blood of 73,537 people in the Leng family completely ignite the endless anger that Meng Yao brought to you."

In the face of the sorrowful sorrow, the towering spirit was also ignited, and reminded murderously.

"Let the lives of the Leng family of 73,537 to the funeral of Meng Yao girl!"

After hearing Ta Ling's murderous reminder, he recovered the sorrowful roar, and slowly raised the strong murderous Yu Haoran, got up and walked to Lin Mengyao, then carefully lifted her up.

"Meng Yao, my wife, now the husband is going to uncover the red silk on your head and complete the last step of our wedding."

Holding one hand in Lin Mengyao, Yu Haoran reached out and lifted the red veil above her head.

A pale, paper-like face with a happy smile on her face and tears in the corners of her eyes told her grievances and unwillingness.

"Meng Yao, my wife, although you did not mention the Leng family in your last wish, nor did you mention Leng Yun, which is not as good as a pig or a dog, but your husband knows the hatred in your heart."

After reaching out for Lin Mengyao to wipe away a few tears from the corner of the eye, Yu Haoran put her directly behind her back, and then fastened it with a tying rope. She walked away from the tower while talking to herself.

"Meng Yao, now that you are my wife, Yu Haoran, as a husband, I am obliged to avenge blood and vengeance for you, and have the ability to let the entire Leng clan bury her for you."

Author Yan Yunyu said: This chapter can be said to be the most uncomfortable, but also the most moving chapter. No matter you are not satisfied, Yan Yun is writing while crying, crying while writing!

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