Destined Martial God

Chapter 1567: Tu (middle)

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In the Qinling Mountains, in front of Leng's Mansion!

Foot in the void, bear your beloved wife!

Yu Haoran seemed to be slow, but it took less than a minute to reach the Leng family's house.

However, for the time being, he did not take the initiative, but waited until Talling and the second avatar used the exquisite checkerboard to lay off the plight of the lore, before he yelled at Lengjia Mansion.

"Leng Yun, this animal that is not as good as a pig and dog, get out and die for me!"

"Which non-eye-opening guy dared to come to my Leng family who passed down in ancient times to make troubles. The owner of this church sees you as impatient."

It was because the sound of violent drinking had just fallen, and a repulsive drinking sound, which also seemed very irritable.

Along with irritable yelling, a middle-aged man with a beard full of face, who has been repaired to reach the top of the top seven ranks, rushed out of the mansion.

The violent murderous energy accumulated in his heart made Yu Haoran completely erupt when he saw the Leng clan.

The power of the Shem's Law, which was incorporated into the body, was shot into a blood mist directly by the palm of his hand when he rushed out of the mansion.

"Yu Haoran, dare to kill the host of my Leng family. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, my Leng Yun will definitely crush you."

The cold cloud on the central square of the mansion, after seeing a church owner at the top of the top seven podiums, was directly blasted into a haze by Yu Haoran, but his heart was filled with endless joy, but his face was full of sadness and anger. Roared.

When I heard that the young man who killed the owner of the family church was coming to revenge Yu Haoran of the Leng clan, he immediately rushed out a dozen strong men in the realm of Wu Zun in the square and rushed to the outside of the mansion with the siege Haoran.

The Law of Shem and the Law of Speed, combined with the physical strength of the Emperor Wu realm, make Yu Haoran instantly become the death of harvesting life.

Thirteen of the top Wuzun peerless men who just rushed out of the mansion were all blasted into a mist by him in just one second.

"Zi ...!"

Watching the thirteen top peers in the realm of Wu Zun, they were slaughtered by the other party in just one second, and there was a sound of breathless air in Lengjia Square.

The equally shocked white-haired old man gradually focused on the girl crawling on Hao Ran's back and wearing a white tunic.

Because he felt that the girl was a little familiar, and also wondered why Haoran was fighting with a corpse, he used his eyes to stop the cold cloud that was intended to encourage the people to continue to fight, and the white-haired old man flew directly into the air. On the edge of the mansion, then see the salute.

"Old man Leng Shengda has seen Dandi!"

"The emperor's cultivation at the peak of Wudi's first product, but because of the incompatibility between the atmosphere and the world, he could barely exert his strength to enter the realm of Wudi!"

Looking up at the volley standing inside the mansion, Leng Shengda who was unwilling to venture out, Yu Haoran said indifferently.

"Presumably you are the ancestor of the Leng family who has just woke up!"

"Yu Dandi really has good eyesight. The old man is an ancestor of the Leng family who has just woke up."

Although Yu Haoran's indifferent attitude made Leng Shengda feel a little bit unhappy inside, the other party can not only see his true cultivation and strength at a glance, but also can detect the break-in between his own breath and heaven and earth. It is enough to show that the other party has at least a terrorist strength that is not lost to itself.

Therefore, Leng Shengda forcibly suppressed his dissatisfaction, and still praised his attitude gently.

"Since you are the ancestor of the Leng clan, then you have the qualifications and ability to determine the life and death of all members of the entire Leng clan, aren't you?" Yu Haoran asked coldly, holding up his body with a strong murderous spirit.

Although he had decided to kill the entire Leng clan, Yu Haoran didn't want Leng Yun to die so happily. He wanted to watch Leng Yun step by step and be abandoned by the Leng clan. In a desperate situation, he was directly drawing his soul. Then exposed to the sun for nine days and nine nights.

"Yes!" Leng Shengda nodded and admitted.

"Then, please see who she is and how she died?" Reaching out and gently holding Lin Mengyao's chin, Yu Haoran asked with a bit of irritation.

"Lin Mengyao, isn't that Lin Mengyao who has been missing for more than half a year!"

After seeing Yu Haoran gently holding her chin up to reveal Lin Mengyao's peerless appearance, an exclaiming voice came from the square of the residence.

Hearing the voice of the tribe recognizing the girl's origins behind him, Leng Shenghui's eyes flashed a look of enlightenment, and then he moved a little of his thoughts closer to Lin Mengyao and wanted to check the cause of her death.

However, considering Yu Haoran's horrific power and his murderous treatment of the Leng clan, Leng Shengda's extended divine thoughts stopped just after leaving the mansion.

"Be assured, I will never take a sneak attack!" Yu Haoran assured calmly, looking at the slightest thought that he had taken the initiative to stop at his three-meter position.

"Thank you!" After saying thank you, Leng Shengda's thoughts smoothly entered Lin Mengyao's body.

Immediately afterwards, a strong murderous spirit emerged from him, and he grinned to himself.

"Burning souls!"


While nodding to confirm the results of Leng Shengda's inspection, Yu Haoran carefully asked Lin Mengyao to crawl on his left shoulder again, and then regained his indifference.

"Meng Yao's soul was burned automatically through the secret method, and then the high-temperature soul power formed when the soul burned was used to accelerate the refinement of the blood and phoenix essence contained in her body."

Having said that, Yu Haoran glanced at Leng Yun pretending to be calm first, then looked at Leng Shengda with a sneer and asked.

"As the ancestor of the Leng family, the powerful Emperor of the Emperor Wu Pin Yi Pin, you should be able to guess who killed Meng Yao!

"Patriarch, what the **** is this?" After hearing Hao Ran's reminder, Leng Shengda's voice looked cold and frosty.

Maybe it was because of the eagerness to get the blood and phoenix essence at that time, or it was because Yu Haoran arrived too suddenly, which caused Leng Yun to use the rune to escape from the ground of the mountain peak, forgetting to eliminate the breath left by the secret method.

In the end, when Leng Shengda inspected Lin Mengyao's knowledge of the sea, he found a trace of clues.

"My ancestor, my patriarch doesn't understand what you mean!" Immediately guessed the reason for the questioning, and quickly came up with a cold cloud to cope with the strategy. In the face of Leng Shengda's question as cold as frost, his eyes filled with doubt and asked .

"Why in the sea of ​​Mengyao's consciousness, is there a spirit breath left over from you!" Leng Shengda asked further explanation.

"That's normal!"

Pretending to be in the cold cloud of doubts, said in a natural tone.

"Meng Yao is the biological daughter of my patriarch. In order to check her spiritual progress and to teach her some mental methods and martial arts, the patriarch ’s divine thoughts have entered the sea of ​​knowledge of Meng Yao more than once. Normal! "

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