Destined Martial God

Chapter 1573: Tu (Continued 4)

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In the Qinling Mountains, inside the Leng Family Mansion!

Looking at the power of teleportation formed by the top-level runes, Leng Yun's body became more and more illusory, and Yu Haoran did not show the slightest panic.

At the same time, facing the proud threat of Leng Yun, he even slightly tilted his mouth with a contemptuous smile in his eyes.


As soon as Leng Yun disappeared in place with a symbol above the level of heaven, a loud impact sound was heard from the eastern edge of the mansion.

"Ah ...! What's going on?"

After the loud impact, Leng Yun's howl and the questioning of fright and doubt sounded.

"Leng Jin, Leng Hu, Leng Wood, immediately went to capture Leng Yun, and brought it back to the square in the first time."

Around the mansion, Yu Haoran laid out a slaying array in advance of the lore. Except that Leng Yun and the eight ancestors who had awakened the three ancestors in advance did not know it, the remaining seven thousand cold family members in the square knew it.

Although it is known that the Hao Ran formation is based on the repair of the emperor's realm, the sleepy array method must be very powerful, but what the Leng family did not think is that the sleepy array can even block the god-level rune beyond the heavenly order. This completely eliminated all hope for the Leng family to escape.

If more than 70,000 people of the Leng family are to be preserved and the blood of the Leng family can be continued, they must find a way to resolve the hatred and resentment in Hao Ran's heart.

Therefore, an old man of regret appeared in his heart, and immediately commanded to his three sons.

"Yes, father!"

The iron evidence provided by the memory crystal, Leng Yun at the last moment exposed his selfishness and humanity, which has fully proved that he is the eternal sinner of the Leng clan and a lunatic who can never be forgiven.

Therefore, after hearing his father's order, the elder Leng Jin of the Penalty Church immediately led his two younger brothers, who were also the owner and deputy of the Penalty Church, and rushed to the edge of the mansion to capture Leng Yun.

"Ta Ling, do you need to open the gap in the sleepy array?" Yu Haoran, who has been keeping an eye on the movements of the strange beasts in the Qinling Mountains, found five emperor-level strange beasts, bringing together nearly 200,000 powerful strange beasts and speeding When rushing to the house of the Leng family, he couldn't help but excitedly proposed to Ta Ling.


Ta Ling, who was examining three drops of Shenfeng essence blood, replied without raising his head.

"The Heavenly Lock Array with an exquisite checkerboard is a one-way sleepy array that is not allowed to enter and leave, which not only does not affect those strange beasts that come from the impact, but also prevents some strange beasts with ulterior motives."

After hearing Taling's explanation, Yu Haoran nodded in agreement, and then reserved a small part of the divine thoughts to continue to observe the movement of the other beast, and the remaining attention was directed to Leng Yun who was captured by the three cold gold men.

Although Leng Yun's strength was slightly better than that of Leng Jin's three, but the force of the horror teleportation formed by the rune, the severe impact and rebound force formed when he collided with the hardened barriers of the sleepy array, he suffered very serious trauma instantly.

At the same time, his inability to escape the accident at Leng's Mansion smoothly also caused a strong shock to his mind, causing him to be unacceptably stupid for a while, and finally being captured by the three of Leng Jin easily.

"Leng Yun, now the evidence that you killed Miss Mengyao is conclusive, do you know the confession and confession?" Seeing Leng Yun being pressed back to the square, the old man with a stick toward him suddenly took a step forward and asked with a sharp look. .

In this regard, his eyes were dull and the cold cloud of sorrow was just a glance at the old man, and he said nothing.

"It's tantamount to acknowledging!"

Anxious to severely punish Leng Yun to resolve the tyranny in Haoran's heart and avoid the Leng clan's extinction crisis, the old man was very arbitrarily ruled that Leng Yun was guilty.

Afterwards, the old man looked around at the people in the square, and then returned to Leng Yun's body, and proclaimed indifferently.

"According to the clan rules of my Leng clan, those who mutilate the clan people, abolish their practices, and be put in death row."

"Those who mutilate the family and the family are abolished.

Sentenced here, the old man of Zhang Chao years looked at Leng Jin, and said indifferently.

"Leng Jin, as the elder of the punishment hall, you will punish him!"

"Yes, father!"

Although Leng Jin's temperament is old-fashioned, he is not ignorant of human accidents. His father was so eager to try Leng Yun's crimes, and he abolished Xiu's torture to deal with him. It was nothing more than to hope that this way could be used to keep cold Clan heritage.

Therefore, although he was reluctant to personally punish the patriarch Leng Yun, who was deeply loved by the Leng family, he did not hesitate to nod in response to his father's plan.

Later, he destroyed Leng Yun's Dantian with his backhand, and directly sealed Leng Yun's space of understanding the sea.

"Yu Dandi, what do you think of the result of the old man's treatment?" Seeing Leng Jin's abolition of Leng Yun's practice, the old man of Zhang Chao's hand motioned towards Yu Haoran, arching his hand.

The corner of his mouth looked up slightly at the old man, and Yu Haoran asked with a hint of irony.

"How satisfied and how dissatisfied?"

"If Yu Dandi is not satisfied, he can make his own request and the old man will consider it at his discretion."

As if he didn't listen to the irony in Hao Ran's questioning tone, the old man said with a grin.

"If it is satisfactory, will Yu Dandi be able to keep our promises and withdraw from the trap that besieged my Lengjia mansion."

"Haha ...!"

After hearing the shameless request of the elderly Zhao Tian, ​​Yu Haoran couldn't help but laughed wildly.

After the laughter ceased, Yu Haoran sulked suddenly and gloomily.

"Old man, when Leng Yun destroyed the memory crystal, you didn't remember the promise between us. When Leng Yun inspired Fu Fu to escape from Leng's mansion, you didn't think of the promise between us."

"Now that you have no choice but to think about the promise we made, don't you think it's too late!"

"Yu Dandi, I have explained just now that Leng Yun's destruction of the memory crystal is a mistake. As for why you did not stop Leng Yun from using the rune in time, you feel that I am repaired to have only the highest peak of Wusheng Qipin, life Is the old man who has reached the age of Zhang Zhao, able to support a peerless strongman who is at the peak of the top Wu Zun and the nine pinnacles! "After hearing Yu Haoran's question, the old man of Zhang Zhao's heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. And quickly explained.

"Old man, let me explain how the sky is falling, and you can't hide your selfish self-interested wolf ambition, but also don't want to change the fate of your Leng family today." Ignoring the explanation of the old man with a stick, Yu Haoran was murderous. Growled.

"Yu Dandi, don't be angry, please listen to my husband ..."

Seeing Yu Haoran who was suddenly in a state of rage, the old man in panic hurriedly explained, but the white-haired old man who suddenly appeared beside him shook his head to stop.

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