Destined Martial God

Chapter 1576: Tu (Part 7)

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Qinling Mountain Range!

"Pingcun, what's wrong!"

Also from the Baili family, a robbed quasi-wudi mighty strongman, after the divine thought swept over half of the house of Leng's house, asked with a puzzled look.

"I remember that there should be several ancestors of the seventh and eighth ranks of Emperor Wudi in the Lengjia Forbidden Land. Why have they not yet come out to turn around the strange beasts to turn the tide."

"Perhaps several ancestors of the Leng family have been eliminated by Yu Dandi in advance, and in the end, countless strange beasts in the Qinling Mountains dared to go out to surround the Leng family."

It has long been found that Leng's anomaly survived hundreds of miles, and based on Yu Haoran's means in the battle for the five-domain Qianlong list, and his bold personality, he made a shocking speculation.

This also made dozens of top Wu Zun and Zhun Wu Emperor powerful men who came later couldn't help taking a breath.

Although the number of strange beasts in the Qinling Mountains exceeded 200,000, in the face of more than 30,000 cold family members who participated in the battle, not only did not have any upper hand, but the cold family members used the method of matrix attack to continuously make heavy damage and Kill.

Emperor realm sword weapon exuding the power of strong stars, in the hands of the peerless strongmen of the seven top martial arts and the nine pinnacles, combined with the formation of the Big Dipper Seven Star Formation, successfully resisted the five strengths that have not yet fully recovered Monarch-level beast.

At the same time, the white-haired old man lurking in the Beidou Seven-Star Formation method, from time to time, uses the sword sword of the imperial realm to sneak attack and harass the imperial beasts who want to break out of the formation, and makes the five imperial beasts a danger Environmental Health.

"It's a bit troublesome!" Looking at the strange beasts in the Qinling Mountains that fell in the downwind, Yu Haoran could not help but frowned and said to Ta Ling.

Originally, he thought that it was not easy to slaughter the Leng clan with the five-headed beasts and over 200,000 heads of beasts above the kingdom.

Therefore, he has been suppressing the anger burning in the anger and slaughtering the Leng family without killing.

But now it seems that he not only underestimates the heritage of the Leng clan, but also overestimates the strength of the strange beasts in the Qinling Mountains.

"Yu Haoran, you too underestimate the ability of the five emperor-level alien beasts!" After hearing Yu Haoran's worry, Ta Ling reminded with a smile.

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, calmed down a little impetuous emotions, and then carefully observed the five-headed imperial beasts trapped by the Big Dipper Seven Star Formation method, and gradually found a bit of something wrong.

Because of the five emperor-level beasts, the strongest green pheasant and silver moon wolf not only took the least number of active strikes, but also the strong star power gathered by the Beidou Seven Star Formation method was quickly absorbed by them.

This also made him finally understand why the five-headed emperor-level beast that clearly had the absolute advantage overwhelmed.

After successfully using the sneak attack method to cut off one of the black legs of the eight-footed black spider, the white-haired old man had not yet arrived and was excited. The silver moon wolf protected by the iron-backed goshawk suddenly sent a wolverine to the sky.

Accompanied by the deafening wolf howling, a terror that erupted from the silver moon wolf almost broke the Big Dipper's array of seven dipper arrangements.

"You first protect the law for Brother Qingyu, and the old man who likes sneak attacks is given to me!" After the wolf howled, the Silvermoon Goblin was facing the three-headed beast of the ironback goshawk, eight-footed black spider, and blue-stained blue tiger. Commanded.

Subsequently, the silver moon wolf relied on recovering 30% of the imperial realm strength, stiffly withstood dozens of attacks on the sword weapon in the imperial realm, and succeeded in catching up with the white-haired old man hidden in the formation. One wolf and one man were killed directly.

Although possessing the assistance of the sword sword of Emperor Realm, in the face of the silver moon wolf recovered to 30% of strength, the white-haired old man soon fell into the wind after the fight.

After fighting three moves, the silver moon wolf melted into the sharp claws of the power of the law and almost pulled out the heart of the white-haired old man, which also made the white-haired old man know that he must use special means.

The full strength broke out and a sword-blooded swordsmanship was performed. After the Silver Moon Wolf was temporarily retreated, the white-haired old man rushed directly to the cold cloud on the square of the residence.

Because he needed to use the blood and phoenix essence blood in Leng Yun's hands to help him restore Wudi's early strength in the shortest time.

As long as the strength can be fully restored, let alone a five-headed beast, even Yu Haoran can easily beheaded.

However, just when the white-haired old man was thirty meters away from Leng Yun, a young man in a blue suit who suddenly appeared beside Leng Yun forced him to stop his shocked body.

"I said that Leng Yun is mine, and no one is allowed to move him!" Yu Haoran reminded indifferently, looking up at the white-haired old man in the air.


Looking at Yu Haoran, an angry white-haired old man standing next to Leng Yun, although he really wanted to use his sword in the imperial realm to split him in half, but knowing the current situation, it is best not to provoke Haoran easily. Otherwise, the cold-blooded family will have no chance of turning over.

After secretly cursing, the white-haired old man looked down at the dead tribe, and after a fierce glance flashed in his eyes, he directly cut through his fingers to force a drop of blood, and then his fingers quickly printed.

Whenever a mark made by the white-haired old man melts into the blood, the blood flowing out from the corpses of hundreds of dead cold family members on the square will be emptied into the drop of blood.

After all the nine seals formed have been incorporated into the blood, the blood droplets of more than three thousand cold family members have become a reduced version of the lake.

"The blood of the phoenix is ​​re-condensed, and the beast is here!"

Looking at the blood lake where the people of the Leng family died, the white-haired old man could not care for a trace of sadness in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he threw the sword in the imperial realm directly into the blood lake, and his fingers continued to produce the secret method Imprint.


Along with the constant tumbling of the Blood Lake, a beautiful phoenix with a height of nearly 1,000 meters flew out of the Blood Lake, and then made a cry in the sky.

With the crying sound of the clouds, the Leng family members who were fighting, suddenly felt that the blood belonging to their ancestors began to burn.

The burning bloodline brought them endless power, which not only increased the fighting spirit of the Leng family to kill other beasts, speeded up the slaughter, but also allowed the seven elders facing the silver wolf to fall into the wind.

The sword sword of the emperor realm and the phoenix condensed by countless blood, fanning the beautiful wings, instantly came to the Beidou Qixing array method arranged by the seven elders.

Subsequently, she opened her mouth and spit out a transparent flame, which directly burned the eight-footed black spider in the early stage of Emperor's Realm seriously wounded, and temporarily lost her ability to continue fighting.

Immediately afterwards, Shenfeng raised her crest and spewed a transparent flame, which directly burned the blue-stained blue tiger into a serious injury, and also lost the ability to continue fighting.

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