Destined Martial God

Chapter 1595: Revisiting the Place (2nd)

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"Okay, just do what you say!"

After nodding in agreement with the three-step plan formulated by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran asked solemnly while selecting useful spiritual practice resources from Yuta.

"Talling, the second clone has the closest relationship with you. The cultivation and strength are far better than the first clone that is proficient in Dan Dao, so your ontology tower will temporarily live in the space of the second clone."

"I know!"

While nodding his head to indicate that he understood, Taling directly summoned the second avatar in the submerged cultivation. After completing the shift of the tower's knowledge of the sea space, he looked solemnly at Hu Haoran and asked.

"Yu Haoran, pay attention to safety!"

"Ta Ling, you too!" Yu Haoran nodded in response, and said the same.

Watching the second avatar take Yuta away quickly, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, directly cut through his fingers, and squeezed out three drops of blood.

Later, he used his own soul power and divine thought to transform the three drops of blood into his own form, and then, using Fuxi's gossip chart, the innate numerology inference technique, let the three drops of blood share the same breath and luck as himself.

Then, three drops of blood transfigured the body and body, tearing the void in four directions at the same time, and then quickly disappeared in place.

Five minutes later, the emptiness that had just calmed down was forcibly torn again, and the soft blood of temperament walked out of the crevice of emptiness.

"Empty, something's wrong!" Carefully distinguished the remaining breath at the scene, and the chaotic breath made Blood Xiangxi frown.

The white teenager who quickly left the blood to know the void realm in the sea space grasped the remaining breath of the scene with his ten fingers, and combined his understanding of the domain Tata Ling, and finally calculated the result, with a hint of taunting murmur in his eyes. Road.

"I want to use the means of running away to avoid my hunting in the void, dreaming!"

After taunting to himself, the boy in white stretched out his hand towards the position of frowning against the blood, and a simple bronze mirror flew out of the position of his brows and then quickly integrated into the boy's body.

"Xiangyan, the Endless Domain Tower and that person are completely separated in this position, and they want to use the means of escape to escape you and my pursuit."

"So, in the next process of hunting, you and I will also be temporarily separated."


Hearing that he was to be temporarily separated from the void, the blood hesitated suddenly to He.

Because since reincarnation, he has never really been separated from the void, which has made him have a strong dependence on the void, as if he did n’t know the arrangement and instructions of the void. What to do next.

What's more, he is not outstanding in talent and potential. Even with the aid of Void Realm Spirit and the three tombs of the Demon God Tomb, the cultivation of the peak of the third emperor of the Emperor has almost occupied his entire time and has no energy Take time to practise some tracking methods.

"Xiang Yun, this is a tracker that can lock the breath and luck of the other party. Even if that person escapes to the ends of the earth, you can easily find him with this tracker, and then devour the luck of the tomb of the devil in his body. . "

It is also more than three years of acquaintanceship. The instrumental spirit of the Void Mirror is more familiar with Xue Xiangxun, knowing that losing his guidance and instructions, he is almost a waste.

However, the energy of the laws of time and space contained in the Tower of the Endless Domain is the chaotic energy from when the heavens and earth are not open. It is the key to his transformation of the ontology. Opportunity.

Therefore, after quickly removing a spell that can be locked in Hao Ran's breath and luck, the boy in white explained to him while throwing it to the blood sorrow.

Subsequently, the boy in white didn't give Blood Xiangyu any chance to save, and directly tore the vanishing and killing.

The slightly opened mouth, as the white boy disappeared into the torn void gap, had to be closed again. The confused look in his eyes made the blood to be foolish enough to stay in place for nearly half an hour before it could be eased. come.

Later, he took a deep breath, and then used the space spar energy given to him by the Void Spirit to inspire the tracer in his hand. When he planned to chase Haoran alone, the spell that entered the space energy suddenly turned into a circle. .

"This is how the same thing?"

Looking at the spell that was turning faster and faster in his hand, Blood Xiangya's eyes were full of doubt, because this was not the response that the tracking charm should have.


As the tracker's rotation speed is getting faster and faster, eventually the chase spell spontaneously ignites because of the disordered space energy contained in the spell.

As the mighty powerhouse at the peak of Wudi Sanpin, the spontaneous burning energy of the spell has hurt the blood, but the loss of the tracking of Hao Ran's spell and the departure of the Void Realm have left him completely confused. Not sure what to do next.


After being separated from the Taling by means of tearing the void, Yu Haoran used his own blood to condense the body twice, and then used the numerology of Fuxi Bagua diagram to share the breath and luck, forming his own luck and breath in all directions. Only then did he finally use the means of flight to reach a mountain peak at the junction of Central and Southern Regions.

Looking up at the height of only a few kilometers, Yu Haoran couldn't help sinking into the memories.

In previous lives, he rushed into the mountain without any choice while avoiding the pursuit of his opponent, and then accidentally encountered the poisoned ethereal rat.

At that time, his poisonous path was not very high, but it happened that he had a poison detoxifier that could eliminate the poisonous poison in the ethereal rat.

Since then, deep friendships have been established.

Later, by chatting with the ethereal rat, he knew that the mountain in front of him was exactly where it was born, so every few years, it would return to the mountain for a period of time.

In previous lives, he met and met through the opportunity to detoxify empty spirit rats.

In this life, how should he meet the ethereal rat!

Forget it, take it one step at a time!

Considering that the Taling is desperately trying to escape from the pursuit of the Void Realm, the Necromancy is urgently needed to find the Tianxiang Dinghunguo, and it is too late to consider how to create an opportunity to meet and meet the Necromancy.

Because the ethereal rat is very sensitive to energy, fearing that its use of elemental power and soul power might disturb the ethereal rat, Yu Haoran chose to walk to climb the mountain.

Fortunately, the ethereal rat likes to haunt, a fruit forest located halfway down the mountain. It took less than ten minutes for Yu Haoran to smell the fruity scent.

"Zi ...!"


And at this moment, the sound of snakes roaring and rattles suddenly sounded in the fruit forest in front.

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