Destined Martial God

Chapter 1598: Go back in time (make up)

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In the valley!

Ignoring the laughter coming from the gap in the void, he blinked again with one eye, followed by a white thunderbolt that was as thick as a finger, and rushed to the rat.

Looking at the white lightning that came like an arm, the despair and loneliness appeared in the eyes of the rat.

In the end, it completely chose to give up resistance while crawling directly on the white bone under the claws, intending to protect the hundreds of memory crystals stored in the white bone.

But at this moment, a dull roar suddenly sounded in the valley.

Along with the dull roar, the white thunderbolt that had reached the white rat returned to the one-eyed look like an inverse.

The white mouse stood up again uncontrollably.

When the white thunderbolt returned to the one-eyed eye, the void above the valley suddenly became transparent, a gray tower, a dark yellow sword, a purple sword, a simple bronze mirror, a The crystal-clear double-eared jade pots each wrapped up a warrior landing in five areas of the Tianxuan continent.

"The tomb blew up, time went back, destiny came, and the deities returned!"

At this time, a huge silver chessboard floated above the transparent void of the valley. On the silver chessboard were a white-haired old man in a starry robe, a white-haired old man in a silver star robe, and a White-haired old man in a sunburst robe.

Among them, the silver star robe old man held a silver glittering banner, a large sky character embroidered on the flag surface, and a straight flagpole directly on the white rat in the valley.

When five martial arts encased five warriors scattered in five areas of the Tianxuan continent, the old man in a starry robe suddenly stood up and shouted with great excitement.

After seeing the middle-aged man in blue clothing protected by the high tower, he finally landed in the southern part of the Tianxuan continent, and the rats immediately appeared an excited look.

Then, with a hateful gaze cast on the one-eyed, and the three robe old men on the huge chessboard, the rat rattled the sky with a roar.


With the roar of the clouds, the rat's body became larger and larger, and it quickly became a giant rat in the valley above its head and its claws stepping on the valley.

The giant white rat blasted directly into the valley void, and then went straight to the huge silver chessboard outside the valley void.

"Sin beast, look for death!"

After seeing the giant white rat coming straight to the silver chessboard, the old man in the Silver Moon Robe scolded angrily, and the flagpole embroidered with the sky in his hand pierced the giant mouse directly.


Just after the flagpole was stabbed on the giant rat, the giant white rat shouted an oath on the sky and directly exploded the giant body.

"When destiny returns, I will follow the rules, cut the sky, break the sorrow, and become supreme!"

With the deafening roar and the thunderous vow, the horror shock wave formed by the giant white rat's self-detonation directly blasted the starry robe and silver moon robe old man on the chessboard into powder.

Only the old Sunburst robe man who did not open his eyes from beginning to end, slowly opened his eyes, and then time and space seemed to be stationary. The horror shock wave formed by the giant white rat's self-detonation stopped at the old Sunburst robe man Out of the meter.

"Under the Supreme, they are all ants!" The eyes of the old man in the Sunburst robe, like the one-eyed eye of regular cohesion, said to the only trace of divine thought left by the giant white rat without emotion.

Subsequently, the old man of Sunburst Robe reached out his skinny, dry palm, and patted the silver chessboard under him. The silver chessboard immediately turned into a silver light and disappeared in the void.

The one-eyed man above the valley first looked at the bones that had been protected by the rats, and then looked up at the location where Hao Ran's thoughts were.


At the moment when his eyes met the one-eyed eye, Yu Haoran's thoughts were severely hit instantly. At the same time when the thoughts returned to reality, the body could not help spit out blood.

"Squeak ...!"

Utilizing a special secret method to realize the shuttle of time and space, as long as you do not intervene in past and future events, you will basically not encounter any danger.

Therefore, while seeing Hao Ran's mind returning to the real body of reality, his heart was severely wounded, and he vomited blood directly, and the ethereal rat asked anxiously.

"Little spirit, rest assured, I'm fine." After taking an elixir for healing the wounds in the heart, Yu Haoran gently signaled to the ethereal rat.

Then, his gaze was cast on the bone in front of him, and his eyes were shocked.

The terrible destructive force formed by the rat's self-explosion did not hurt the bones.

The backward flow of time formed when the tomb of the demon **** self-exploded not only did not change the shape of the bones, but even the hundreds of memory crystals in the bones were not damaged.

This also allows the ethereal rat to read the records in the memory crystal, understand its previous life, and meet with Haoran smoothly in this life.

"Squeak ...!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's gaze cast on the bones, he jumped back to the ethereal rat on the bones and began to creak to introduce the origin of the bones.

"Extreme peak-level ethereal rat in ancient times!" Yu Haoran shouted again after hearing the introduction of the ethereal rat.

Nodding his head, the ethereal rat reached out and stroked a tiny gap in the bones. A sad look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The three destructions of ancient, middle, and modern times, the time formed when the tomb of the demon **** blew up, allowed the supreme energy in the bone to disappear, and left it with only one chance to hit a higher level in the future.

When he was about to enter a step to ask how the Supreme Peak-level ethereal rat died, the sudden call of his heart suddenly made Yu Haoran's face change.

"Ran, what's the matter?" Yu Haoran immediately asked in anxiety immediately, using the method of connecting minds and hearts to respond to the call that just appeared from the mind.

"Brother Yu, just now we accidentally entered the trap set by the Void Realm Spirit. Ta Lao was forced to overdraw by one-third of his spirit body and barely escaped, but we have not been able to hold it for too long." The second clone Immediately said.

"Ran, tell Taling that I have successfully found the soul and soul. After I have discussed with the Null Rat, I will use the means of fusion to bring you over."

After hearing the introduction of the second avatar, Yu Haoran quickly suppressed the doubts that came out of her heart, and then gave the second avatar and the towering spirit good news so that they could persist for a longer time.

Then he beckoned to the ethereal rat and motioned it to his shoulder.

"Little spirit, I have an elder who needs to use the breath of this spirit fruit to repair the damaged soul and soul body. I wonder if you are willing?" Pointing to the life and death of the third grade and nine grade soul fruit, Yu Haoran Inquired in deliberative tone.

After all, through the means of going back in time, he already knew the anti-natural effect of life and death to the soul rat, and did not want to affect his feelings with the soul rat because of his selfishness.

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