Destined Martial God

Chapter 1609: Five Elements and Five Spirits Banner (one more)

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Deep in the Qinling Mountains, inside Dongfu!

After explaining the prestige of the world at the beginning of the day, after the tower spirit mobilized the body domain tower to form the strongest defense, then he reached out to push open the door while continuing to explain.

"Although Tianmu can connect heaven and earth, when it was first opened, it could only be regarded as a general treasure. It simply could not enter the eyes of our innate magic weapon, and there was no one who could use it to collect Tianmu. Stubs of leaves. "

"So, the owner of this cave mansion is either a broken piece of sky wood that was broken by chance, or he is from the ancient times ..."

Ta Ling, who was speculating about the origin of the cave man, suddenly choked, and then looked at the hut that had been pushed open by the door, with an extremely shocked expression in his eyes.

"Taling, what's wrong?"

The explanation of Ta Ling's abrupt stop, and the act of shocked staring, immediately caught Yu Haoran's attention, landed behind Ta Ling quickly, and looked up at the situation in the hut while questioning.

"Well, how familiar are you!"

Looking at a wooden table in the thatched house main hall, a teal array flag was placed, and Yu Haoran suddenly felt a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before.

When he carefully observed, especially after seeing a green lotus embroidered on the banner of the banner, he immediately thought of why the blue banner in front of him had given him a familiar feeling.

At that time, in order to be able to capture the spirit rat, the instrumental spirit of the void had used a flag of Wujixing that was exactly the same as the banner of the previous array.

The two array flags with completely similar shapes are different in the colors of the array flags and the patterns embroidered on the flags.

"Yu Haoran, a few of the thirty-six innate spiritual treasures bred from the chaos of heaven and earth at the beginning of the world, some of them belong to complete sets of spiritual treasures, such as twenty-four Zhenhai **** beads."

The towering spirit, who calmed down from shock, saw that Yu Haoran had already found the front banner, which had some similarities with the Wuxingxing banner in the hands of the Void Realm Spirit, and took a deep breath to explain.

"The flag array in front of me is called Qinglian Baose Banner. It is the same as the Five Elements and Five Spirits Banner with the Wuxingxing Banner, Xuanyuan Control Water Banner, Plain Cloud Realm Banner, and the Flame Flame Banner in the Void Realm. Is a set of innate spiritual treasures. "

Speaking of which, Ta Ling signaled that Hao Ran followed him into the hut, then reached out to hold the flagpole of the green array flag, slowly and vigorously picked up the array flag and continued to introduce.

"Like the twenty-four Zhenhai God beads, if the five elements and five spirit array flags are separated separately, each array flag only has the rank of top quality in the **** realm, but if the five array flags are combined into one, then the rank will reach Extremely substandard. "

"Ta Ling, what are the similar innate spirit treasures of the Five Elements and Five Spirit Banners?"

I have seen Xuanhuangdao, Void Realm, and Xuanyuan Sword in the congenital treasure level, and I have the same level of congenital Lingbao town Haizhu in my hand. Yu Haoran only slightly felt the green lotus color flag in the Five Elements and Five Spirits Banner. Surprise.

Today, Qinglian Baose Banner has been regarded as his own innate spirit treasure, so what he wants to know now is the specific effect of this innate spirit treasure, and how he can help himself.

"Yu Haoran, the Five Elements and Five Spirits Banner is a defensive innate spiritual treasure, and possesses a powerful defense that is not inferior to our own domain tower."

Speaking of which, Ta Ling suddenly took a Zhenhai Shenzhu from the tower of the realm.

The originally unresponsive Qinglian baosi flag, with the appearance of Zhenhai God Pearl, burst into a strong blue light.

At the same time, as if stimulated by the strong blue light, Zhenhai God Pearl also burst into a blue light like the ocean.

"Yu Haoran possesses twenty-four Zhenhai beads that do not lose the attack power of Xuanhuang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword, and with the five elements and five spirit array flags that do not lose the tower defense of my body, they have exerted the slightest power Do not lose to our seven congenital treasures. "Put away the Zhenhai God Bead in his hand, the towering spirit said excitedly.

How powerful the defense of Yuta was, Yu Haoran experienced it more than once.

Even if he is now overdrawing the defenses of all the ancestral and witch blood in his body, and then cooperates with the Ruyi bell that has been promoted to the lower rank of Wu Zun, it is far less than one ten thousandth of the defense of Yuta.

Moreover, he is not alone now, and beside him are his beloved Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin. They even need innate defense Lingbao like Qinglian Baoseqi.

Therefore, after hearing the powerful defense of the Five Elements and Five Spirits Banner, he seemed far more excited than Ta Ling.

However, considering that for a long time in the future, he will need to travel between different secret areas and forbidden places. Without the time to accompany and guard the safety of Qin Lingfei, he decided to give her Qinglian Poser lotus.

However, as an innate spiritual treasure-level top-level magic weapon, Qinglian Baose Banner has no special requirements for the cultivation and physique of the user. This is the excitement that gradually calms down. Yu Haoran thought of it for the first time. The key issue.

"The Qinglian Baose flag, which has lost its spirit, has no requirements for the user's physique, but it has very high requirements for repair."

Even if Yu Haoran didn't express his intention for Qinglian Baose Banner, Ta Ling has basically guessed his idea, that is to give to Qin Lingfei who is repaired to the top state of only the top Wuzun Sipin.

However, he has another important use for the Qinglian Posijin Banner. For the time being, he does not want to give it to Qin Lingfei, so when explaining in detail the difficulty of refining and using the Qinglian Posijin Banner, Ta Ling willfully conceal the realm of Wu Zun. The secret method of auxiliary refining.

"In the early cultivation of Wudi Yipin, he was barely able to exert one percent of the power of Qinglian Baoseqi, and he also had the opportunity to show it once."

"If you want to refine the Qinglian Posi array banner, you need at least the repair of the peak limit of Emperor Wu Jiupin, or the strength of the three-death demigod realm."

"If that's the case, then you should take the Qinglian Posi array banner first!"

Even with a huge number of Qianlong Qiyun blessings, Qin Lingfei's repairs barely broke through the top Wuzun Sipin peak.

Today, losing the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun, even with her own help, she would not know how long it would take if she wanted to break through the realm of Wu Di.

The reason why the husband is guilty and guilty is that Hao Ran knew very well that he didn't want to hurt his beloved woman because of the temporarily unavailable Qinglian baosi flag.

A guilty towering spirit flashed in his eyes. After nodding his head and putting up the Qinglian Baose flag, he began to carefully examine the layout of the hut.

The indoor area of ​​the whole hut is not large, and it is less than one hundred square when carefully calculated.

In addition to a wooden table facing the main entrance and a green lotus jewel array, on the east side of the room, there is a jade bed that is crystal clear.

On the west side of the room are two rows of bookshelves, as well as a picture and a portrait of a character hanging on the west wooden wall.

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