Destined Martial God

Chapter 1619: Not ordinary among ordinary (one more)

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Oriental family, Shizuka Pavilion!

Slowly spit out the stagnant breath that accumulated on her chest. When Yu Haoran got up and planned to go to look for the Eastern Huaiyun, when she planned to choose to break through the realm of the frontal array emperor, she unexpectedly found that there were two in front of her. Dan bottles, three jade boxes, two jade bamboo slips, and a spell exuding a strong airiness.

There is no need to think much about it. Yu Haoran also knew that the treasures in front of his eyes must have been stolen from the treasure house of the Eastern family by the ethereal rat.

One is responsible for letting go of the wind and staring at the other, and one is responsible for entering the treasure house to steal treasures. Like this tacit and familiar cooperation, he has done nearly a hundred times with the ethereal rat in the previous life.

Although he did not have any personal complaints with the Oriental family, he did not have a deep friendship with each other. At the same time, he had to make some precautionary measures in advance due to the separation and defense from the towering spirit.

Therefore, in the face of several treasures stolen by the ethereal rat, he did not criticize the other's private stealing of the treasure, nor did he have the idea of ​​returning to the original owner.

Picking up the two dan bottles in front of you and opening one of them, the rich scent of dandelion emanating from the dan bottle immediately made Yu Haoran's face a surprise smile.

Because the elixir stored in the elixir is the second-grade first-grade Taishen Di Shen Dan.

Taishen Di Shen Dan can be used to wash the warrior's flaws and hidden dangers, disappear the demon formed by the mind when the realm breaks through, and help the warrior to better break through the elixir of realm.

He is not incapable of refining the second-order and first-grade Taizhi Di Shen Dan, but the several medicinal materials that assist in the preparation of Tai Zhi Di Shen Dan are either extinct and cannot be found, or they are located in a crisis-ridden forbidden space within a short period of time. It's impossible to get.

At the same time, the experience of the recent period of time, although expanding his experience and improving the state of mind cultivation, but the gap formed with the towering spirit, also made his mood a little flawed.

This is one of the reasons why he decided to postpone the state of mind to break through!

Now, with the help of the second-order and one-product Taitai Di Shen Dan, he can eliminate the troubles brought to him by the towering spirit as soon as possible, and then, in the shortest time, impact the emperor's state of mind.

After putting the Dan bottle containing the second-order, one-product Taitai Di Shen Dan into the storage ring, Yu Haoran opened the second Dan bottle directly, and then he couldn't help but stun it.

Because the faint scent of dandelion emanating from the dan bottle not only made him feel very familiar, but also seemed to be a refining dan that he had not refined for a long time.

After pouring out the elixir in the elixir, after Yu Haoran glanced over the elixir in the palm, he was 100% sure that the elixir in the palm was the gas-refining elixir suitable for low-level martial arts.

However, based on the profound heritage of the Middle Ages from the Eastern family, how could a family's treasure house contain such a common alchemy!

In addition, the ethereal rat's ability to discern strange treasures cannot steal stolen gas.

It was because of doubts that Yu Haoran did not venture to lose his palms.

Later, after pinching the elixir with his index finger and thumb, he carefully observed it for a while, and gradually found out that the refining qidan was unusual.

As a refining dan for the realms of warriors, warriors, and warriors, generally only the dan masters below the realm of the master can be refined.

The Dan masters above the realm of the Grand Master rarely refined the elixir below the eighth level. Even if it was refining, it was only the elixir with very unique quality and type.

This has led to the fact that Tianxuan continent rarely has gas refining elixirs above the eighth order.

The gas-liquid Dan he held with his **** not only exceeded the eighth grade, but also reached the second and ninth grade. This is also an important reason why he did not find any abnormalities in the beginning.

The second-order and nine-grade elixir, even if it is only the most common refining qi, can only be refined by the Dan masters in the peak state of Dan Emperor and the state of Dan Shen.

Then, why should a Dan Master who has such a high level of Dan Dao realm produce such an ordinary gas refining Dan!

Closing his eyes, using his own Dan Dao perception, carefully feeling the pure spiritual power contained in the elixir, he did not find any abnormalities, and then an idea emerged in his heart.

Take out the Chuan Xun Jade Rune that Dongfang Huaiyun transferred to him. After learning that she will begin to break through the realm of emperors in three hours, Yu Haoran summoned the black bear directly from the beast pet space, and then let it guard Protect yourself in other hospitals.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath and waited until his mood was completely calm, then he opened his mouth and swallowed the second-order Jiupin Liandan.


In just one second, the second-order Jiupin Lianqi swallowed into the body instantly burst into an unimaginable pure spiritual power.

Stimulated by a huge amount of pure spiritual power, the destiny mentality that runs automatically, in conjunction with a large amount of pure aura in the body, actively initiates an impact on the Yuanli bottleneck of Wudi realm.


It only struck once, and the bottleneck of Yuanli in Wudi's realm was successfully broken, allowing his Yuanli realm to be promoted to the early stage of Wudi Yipin smoothly. At the same time, less than half of the energy emanating from the gas refining dan was consumed.

Temporarily suppressing the shock of the powerful effect of Qi Lian Dan, Yu Haoran immediately used her consciousness to control her own destiny, and absorbed all the remaining pure spiritual power in the body.

Half an hour later, with the last trace of pure spiritual power absorbed in his body, his Yuanli realm reached the peak of Wudi's first product.

After feeling a little bit about Yuanli's promotion to the peak of Wudi Yipin, he improved his own strength.

Then, looking at the vacant Dan bottle in his hand, Yu Haoran couldn't help falling into thought.

According to the practice formed between Dan Dao and Dan Xiu in the Tianxuan Continent, the higher the quality of the refined elixir, the more it can prove that Dan Shi Dan Dao's ability is strong, and the stronger the effect of warrior cultivation and strength.

However, by just taking the most common quality refining qi dan, which has reached the second-rank and nine-rank grades, it can help his own power to directly advance to the peak of Wudi's first-rank.

This suffices to indicate that the efficacy of an elixir is really determined. The quality of the elixir is only one aspect, and the final grade of the elixir is the key.

The existing auxiliary medicinal materials needed for refining gas refining danshen from Tianxuan mainland can not only meet the demand for refining higher quality refining gas refining dans but also refining the quality of refining refining algin dans which can reach the first order to the ninth product.

Then, do you help your relatives and friends to improve their cultivation and strength by upgrading the level of ordinary elixir?

After careful consideration, Yu Haoran finally decided to return to the Xianma Mansion of Xianyang City immediately after attending the ceremony to break through the realm of Emperor Huaiyun, and then try to refine the most common elixir.

See if you can improve the cultivation and strength of Qin Lingfei and others in the case of upgrading the ordinary Dan pharmaceutical grade.

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