Destined Martial God

Chapter 1622: Bone City (four more)

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In the house of the Oriental family, on the central square!

Dongfang Huaiyun's own talents are very high, and the accumulation before choosing to break through the realm of Zhendi is also quite profound.

Now, with Hao Ran's advice and reminder, she has succeeded in strengthening her front line, and the bottleneck in the realm of front line has no longer caused her trouble.

"Yin and Yang are here!

Twenty minutes later, with the light drinking of the Eastern Huaiyun, a black and white pattern of yin and yang gradually condensed above her head.

"Although there is no prestige when the second avatar broke through the realm of the frontal array, but the ability to successfully consolidate the patterns of black and white yin and yang, also represents that she has successfully promoted to the realm of the frontal array, and has become the second frontier of the Tianxuan mainland By!"

Dongfang Huaiyun's soft drink awakened Yu Haoran who was studying the map.

After opening her eyes, she saw the black and white yin and yang pattern gradually condensing from the top of her head, and nodded in appreciation.

Subsequently, he took out the jade Jane with the exquisite checkerboard formation method from the second avatar's hand, then got up and walked to Dongfang Zhixiang.

"Oriental patriarch, the junior left a set of top-level formations in this jade slip."

After handing Jade Jane in his hands to the Oriental deities, Yu Haoran introduced it in detail.

"As long as Sister Huaiyun can successfully understand the essence of the Jade Jane Formation, then her lineup can be successfully promoted to the peak of the emperor. It is my gift to Sister Huaiyun to break through the realm of the emperor!"

"Yu Dandi, this ...!"

His ulterior motives not only did not make Yu Haoran feel resentment, but he also cared for his daughter in such a way, which made Dongfang Zhixiang feel ashamed and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Oriental patriarch, there is nothing wrong with your ulterior motives. I, Yu Haoran, is indeed not worthy of being entrusted to Sister Huaiyun by her life. It is good for both of us to break her mind as soon as possible.

After plugging Yu Jian directly into Dongfang Zhixiang's hands, Yu Haoran smiled and expressed his attitude, then turned and punched Ying Haotian who was trapped by the seven array flags.

There was neither the roar of the fight nor the scream of Ying Haotian. The seven-color cloud and mist hit by the boxing gradually dissipated, leaving only the blood stains scattered on the square ground.


Giving a hand to Dongfang Zhixiang and Baili Pingcun, Yu Haoran left the mansion directly in the air, then quickly tore the void above the mansion, leaving Chaoyang Peak in a blink of an eye.


Looking at Yu Haoran who had no trace of nostalgia leaving the family mansion, Dongfang Zhixiang couldn't help sighing, and the guilt in his heart was even stronger.

Looking at the daughter who was consolidating the realm of the battlefield emperor, a look of pity appeared in her eyes.

At the edge of the square on the west side, a white dress was replaced again, giving a pure and holy oriental jade. After seeing Yu Hao who quickly left the family mansion, his face suddenly gloomed, and his mouth was even softer. Cursed.

"An **** with no eyes, dare to ignore Miss Ben's charm, you will definitely regret what you did today."


White Bone City is located at the junction of the three domains of the Central Region, the Southern Region and the Eastern Region. It is located on a desolate and vast plain.

White Bone City is a vigorous ancient city that was not known when it was built, an ancient city that has been paved with countless eerie bones.

As one of the top ten bans on Tianxuan mainland, no matter if you are a peerless power in top Wuzun and nine pinnacles, or a powerful power in the realm of three emperor quasi-Emperor, there is only one end to enter Bone City. That is death!

Therefore, in the spread of countless lives, there are rumors of death of those who entered the city and death of those who entered the city.

In particular, the heaven and earth environment of the Tianxuan continent is getting worse and worse, and the promotion of martial arts is getting more and more difficult. In the case of the extinction of Emperor Wu, and the impossibility of martial arts, there are no creatures who dare to venture into the White Bone City.

Therefore, for almost millions of years, no one has approached the perimeter of the White Bone City.

However, the closed Bone City, which had been quiet for millions of years, was suddenly broken on this day.

Because a young man in a dark blue gown with a white mouse crawling on his shoulders came to the top of Bone City in the void.

Looking at the countless eerie bones spreading inside and outside the city, Yu Haoran turned his head to the ethereal rat standing on his shoulder and asked.

"Little spirit, are you sure you can safely enter the Bone City?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's interrogation, the ethereal rat squinted its tiny eyes and stared at the ancient city covered with countless ghostly bones. The thin tail behind him continued to shake.

After watching for nearly five minutes, the ethereal mouse suddenly left Yu Haoran's shoulders and landed on the ground carefully close to the ancient city gate.

But when it just arrived at the gate of the ancient city, a dozen white bones who had been lying quietly in the corner of the gate suddenly stood up. In the hollow eyes, two green wicked soul fires stared at them constantly close to the gate. Ethereal rat.

According to the size of the bone skeleton and the color of the soul fire in the eye sockets, more than a dozen corpses responsible for guarding the gates are just the cultivation of the Wuzong realm. They are not the opponents who have just been promoted to the top of the realm of the Nine Pins of the Imperial Realm.

But in the face of a dozen strengths that were far less than its bones, the Nullus scalp was numb and sweaty, and immediately turned away from the city gate, quickly returned to Yu Haoran's shoulder, and then called with a picture to explain.

"Squeak ...!"

"If even you can't safely enter Bone Bone, what use is this map I got from the Oriental family!"

Hearing the ethereal rat signaled that it had no choice but to enter the Bone City safely, holding the Yu Haoran, who recorded the map of Bone City, Yu Jian, shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Squeak ...!" Can feel the unwillingness of Yu Haoran, the empty spirit rat quickly relieved and persuaded.

"Little spirit, rest assured, I'm not the kind of reckless person Yu Haoran." When the ethereal rat raised the White Bone City in front of him, it was still a deadly danger, and he persuaded himself that he could never venture into the city. Yu Haoran reached out and stroked the ethereal rat's little head, smiling assured.

"Squeak!" After being promised by Yu Haoran, the ethereal mouse standing upright on his shoulders, squeaked and sighed as he stretched out his small paw and patted his chest.

Looking at the ethereal rat far more full of spirituality than in previous lives, Yu Haoran suddenly flashed an idea.

Quickly backed away for a few kilometers, away from the dozen or so awake eerie bones, consciousness entered the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, turned into a body, and then walked to the tower door of the domain tower.

"Talling, open the storage space of the Yuta Tower, I want to take a very important treasure." Looking at the closed door, Yu Haoran did not venture to reach out and pushed away, but raised his head to the top of the tower high Shouted.

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