Destined Martial God

Chapter 1632: 诛 xianjian

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In Bone City!

In the face of the Emperor Wu bones that were easily beheaded by the demon God of Heaven, the blue dragons, white tigers, suzakus, and basalts circled in mid-air did not show the slightest sorrow in their eyes, and their expressions were indifferent without any anger.

After just glancing at each other, the four beasts scattered immediately in the east, south, west, and north directions, and each took out a flag array embroidered with the appearance of their respective beasts.

Then, the four beasts spewed a spit of blood in front of the taken-out banner.

The banner that blended with the essence of blood rose in the wind, and soon became a giant banner about a thousand miles away.

Immediately after, the four beasts merged into their respective flags, and then sprayed countless clouds of four kinds of cyan, white, red, and yellow from the four flags.

In just three minutes, the entire ancient city has been completely shrouded in four clouds.

Forcibly stopped the already activated positioning teleporter, Yu Haoran looked up at the four flags as if they were covering the sky, and carefully felt the breath contained in the clouds and mists of four different colors, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Combining the spirit of the horror with the horror of the spirit body when recovering from the demigod realm, he concluded that the four white-haired old men from the four guardian families were likely to be the mighty power of the peak of the Emperor Jiupin. By.

But at the moment, the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor was just promoted to the third period of Wudi Sanpin.

The four powerful Emperors of Jiupin reached the peak limit, facing the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor who was only in the high period of Emperor Emperor Sanpin, I am afraid that they can easily rebuild the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor simply by relying on their self-cultivation.

Then, why are the four white-haired old men from the four guardian clan appearing as if they are close to the enemy?

Not only directly using the blood of the ancestors in the body to become the body of the beast, but also to work together to arrange the four elephant slaughter array that can trap and kill the demigod, unless it is in the hands of the demon god, holding a powerful card that can damage the demigod.

Because of this amazing speculation in his heart, Yu Haoran took the initiative to stop the positioning telegraph that had been excited.

"The green dragon is cutting, the white tiger is killing, Suzaku is attacking, Xuanwu is defending!"

While continuing to impact the realm of Wudi Sanpin's peak, he looked up at the four flags that were gradually shrouded in four-color clouds, and said Tian Tianzun raised his head without any panic.

"Four Spirit Emperors, do you think that by virtue of the Sixiang Tushen Array that can trap and kill the Three Deities and Demigods, will you be able to trap me again, as before?"

"Tiantian, if your cultivation is able to advance to the highest level of the Seven Emperors of Wudi, and then cooperate with that magic sword that is comparable to the innate treasure, you may be able to break the defense of the Four Elephant Slayers."

In the face of the Emperor Demon with a slight contempt of inquisition, occupying the main cutting position of the Qinglong arrogant return.

"But now! Hehe!"

In the face of Qinglong's arrogant counterattack, the Emperor Tiantian just sneered and did not continue to refute. He instantly swallowed a sixth-order subordinate spiritual vein, and then used the pure heaven and earth aura contained in the spiritual vein to cultivate himself as an upgrade Wudi Three Pinnacles.

Subsequently, the sword in his hand was replaced by a sword with a scabbard.

"this is!"

Seeing the sword with a scabbard appearing in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, Yu Haoran immediately thought that on the ring of the five-armed Qianlong battle, he won an immortal sword comparable to the innate treasure from Zhou Mengling.

Regardless of the color and style, or the vigorous breath exuding from the scabbard, the sword with the scabbard in the hands of the Emperor Demon is exactly the same as the immortal sword in Zhou Mengling's hand.

According to Ta Ling's introduction to the Supreme Master Tongtian in the Middle Ages, his destiny is called the Four Swords of Swords, which are composed of four Swords: Swords of Swords, Swords of Slaying, Swords of Trapping, and Swords of Jue Xian.

The four swords are combined into one of the highest level of magical instruments. Separately, they are the magical instruments of the divine realm, each possessing the terrifying power of slaying the top of the nine goddess of martial arts.

So, which of the remaining three artifacts is the sword with a scabbard?

Think of the title of the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. After a bright understanding in Yu Haoran's eyes, I finally know the four strong Emperors of the Four Guardians of the Four Guardian Clan. Why did they show a big picture when facing the Emperor of the Demon Emperor The enemy looks.

Because in the Heavenly Supreme Sword of the Supreme Destiny, the Sword of Immortal Sword, Trap of Immortal Sword, and the Sword of Immortal Sword are the top grades of Divine Realm.

Only as the 诛仙 剑 often used by the Supreme Master, the grade not only reached the peak limit of the level of the **** realm, but also possessed the terrifying power of beheading the first realm of the Supreme Realm.

After Ming Wu, Yu Haoran couldn't help but a hint of doubt emerged.

If it is correct that he had guessed just now, the sword with a scabbard in the hands of the Emperor Demon Emperor is a sword that can threaten the Supreme.

Then, how was he captured by the powerful guardians of the four guardian families at the beginning!

Moreover, with the horrible sword spirit possessed by Xixian Sword, it is not difficult to break the bone tower made from the bones of the dragon of the Emperor Jiupin.

So why was he suppressed for thousands of years!

"As soon as Xunxian comes out, Tuxian destroys the gods!"

Holding the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other hand, when the gods of the Heavenly Emperor locked the four array flags tightly, his expression shrieked slightly.

As the Emperor of the Heavens gradually pulled out the Sword of the Immortal Sword in the scabbard, Yu Haoran could not help but turned back immediately, all the way to the edge of the ancient city.

Unlike the horrific sword spirit that erupted when the Peerless Fairy was pulled out of the scabbard, the moment when the Xianxian sword was pulled out, in addition to the terrible sword power, there was an evil breath that destroyed all living beings.

"This is the Sword Sword Immortal who will soon be promoted to the top of the Sword of Sword Immortals!"

The Taling who is refining the special magic weapon in the domain tower, immediately feels the familiar horror sword spirit, immediately stops the movement of the magic weapon, and instantly appears in Hao Ran's space of knowledge.

After seeing the Emperor Tiantian slowly pull out the evil sword weapon in his hand, he shouted in shock.

Immediately after, excitement replaced the look of shock, and Taling demanded in an unquestionable tone.

"Yu Haoran, no matter what methods and means you use, you must take back the Xianxian sword for me."

Regarding the order of the Taling, Yu Haoran chose to ignore it, and directly restored the ancestral witch's body of nearly three kilometers in height, and mobilized the wishful bell in the soul into the ancestral witch's body. Shexian sword with sheath.

"Qinglong is back!"

"White Tiger returns!"

"Suzaku is back!"

"Xuanwu returns!"

As the Emperor of the Heavens slowly pulled out the Sword of the Immortal Sword in the scabbard, the flags of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu screamed from the fluttering flags around the ancient city.

With the screams of four gods and beasts, the flags located in the four directions of the ancient city continued to expand, eventually being completely connected together, and then completely covering the entire ancient city.

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