Destined Martial God

Chapter 1635: Cunning Golem

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In Bone City!

"Young man, although I have been suppressed in the bone tower for thousands of years, but because of the suppression of the god's thoughts by the bone tower, my understanding of White Bone City is as ignorant as you are now."

After shaking his head to signal that he was not very clear about the hidden secrets of the White Bone City, the Emperor Devil looked down to look at the original bone tower location, and a hint of fearfulness flashed in his eyes.

"However, every hundred years or so, a horrible force will erupt under the bone city, and this force of fear will directly destroy the white bones promoted to the level of Wudi in the city."

"This is also why in the White Bone City that is not monitored by the rules of the heavens, there is no root cause of the white bones of the Emperor Wu except the bone spirits that are locked in the soul."

Reminding here, the Emperor of the Heavens looked up at the sky and solemnly reminded.

"According to time calculation, the time from the outbreak of terrorist forces underneath Bone City seems to be today, so you should leave here as soon as possible!"

"Thank you for your reminder, the juniors already know!"

While nodding to indicate that he understood, Yu Haoran took out the supreme stick weapon of the Supreme Realm, intending to kill all the bones of Wu Zun, who had been completely stupid by the sword sword Qi, before leaving Bone City, collecting more to assist High-quality soul fire that enhances the spirit realm.

Even though it was shocked by the evil sword spirit of Xun Xianjian, as the high-level bones of Wu Zun, the instinct driven by the soul fire did not let them willingly be slaughtered by Yu Haoran, which led him to collect Wu Zun high quality The speed of soulfire is not fast.

Therefore, the sorrowful Emperor of Heaven, when seeing the inheritance stick method that Yu Haoran has performed, can only solve the three or five bones of Wu Zun realm at a time, a smile appears in his eyes. Take out the sword of the natal sword and directly cast his own creation. Heaven and earth slaying swordsmanship, one sword can directly kill more than a hundred bones of Wuzun realm.

Emperor Wutian's help and large-scale slaying of the bones of Wu Zun's realm surprised Yu Haoran, and immediately thanked the Emperor Demon, and then greeted the ethereal rat to collect the floating soul fire.

After collecting nearly 5,000 Soul Fires in Wu Zun's high-level realm, the extremely dangerous alert from the sixth sense suddenly sent Yu Haoran to immediately stop the collection of Soul Fires, and the volley flew outside the ancient city while facing A loud reminder of the sky emperor in midair.

"Senior, leave Bone City immediately!"

The Emperor Demon Emperor holding the Xianxian Sword is far more perceptive of danger than Haoran.

After experiencing a trembling trembling in the Xianxian Sword, the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor suddenly appeared beside Haoran, and then led him directly out of the wasteland where the Bone City is located.

As soon as the Emperor of the Heavens rushed to the wasteland, an unformable terrorist force broke out from the bottom of the White Bone City.

Immediately afterwards, with the ancient city as the origin, terrorist forces began to sweep across the entire wasteland.

Looking at the terror forces that swept across the wasteland in an instant, Yu Haoran felt extremely grateful, and quickly arched his hands to thank the Tiantian Modi.

"Thank you for your help!"

When the sixth sense came with an extremely dangerous warning, according to his idea, he directly withdrew from the ancient city, and then traced the source of the terrorist force that broke out under the bone city and the impact of the terrorist force on the countless bones in the city.

Had it not been for the Emperor of the Heavens to use the speed far greater than the power of speed, and promptly take him out of the ancient city wasteland, I am afraid he would have died under the sweep of terror.

"You're welcome!"

After waving his hand, the Emperor of the Heavens directly tore the void in front of him, leaving a word of an admonition, and disappeared on the edge of the wasteland.

"Young man, take care!"

"Senior, walk slowly!" Facing the gap that was gradually recovering, Yu Haoran said goodbye.

"Talling, thank you!"

After the gap in the void was completely restored, Yu Haoran thanked the towering Tao in the sea with a complex look.

After all, when Ta Ling had just discovered Ji Xian Sword, he once gave him a death order that he must win Ji Xian Sword.

At present, when facing the Emperor Demon Emperor who has been unable to use the Sword of the Immortal Sword and is only the peak of the third emperor of the Emperor Wu, he did not take advantage of the powerful strength of the Three Deities and Deities Realm to rob him. This is a way for Emperor Demon to make a living. The barriers that Yu Haoran had created gradually melted away.

"No need to!"

After an indifferent reply, Tallinn returned to the top room of Yuta, sitting on the jade bed with her knees bent again, and using her powerful thoughts to condense a drop of cherry-sized water drops.

Subsequently, his ten fingers quickly settled on the seal. After the three marks formed into the waterdrops, the cherry-sized waterdrops quickly turned into a layer of water curtain. A picture appeared in the water curtain, and one clearly showed the emperor of the sky. Screen.

In the picture, the Emperor Demon who left the ancient city wasteland by tearing the void appeared on the edge of a mountain range full of vitality. After careful searching, he found a man in a blue gown, with a temperament and a heroic temperament. Respect the youth of the pinnacle of Sanpin.

Utilizing the powerful strength of the peak of Wu Di Sanpin, directly stun and seal the young man in blue shirt, the Emperor of Heaven brought the young man in blue shirt to a hidden forest, and then used the soul-searching method to check the memory of young man in blue shirt.

After checking the memory of the T-shirt youth, the Emperor of the Heavenly God pressed the palm of his head and did not take it away, but began to devour the flesh, soul, and vitality of the T-shirt youth like a fairy sword.

"What a sly devil!"

Watching the water screen in the picture of the Emperor Demon who devoured the essence of the youth in the T-shirt, not only his spirit became more and more serious, but also his black hair fell back to grow black hair, Ta Ling could not help but sneered to himself.

"If it wasn't for my relationship with Tongtian Daoyou, I had specialized in studying the Xianxian Sword in the Xianxian Four Swords, and I'm afraid you will really be deceived by you."

With the life and blood of the top Wuzun Sanpin peaking blue shirt youth, the Emperor Demon Emperor who is about to return to the peak state, he immediately felt a peeping feeling when he was excited.

Waving the Xianxian scabbard without hesitation, the tail of the scabbard hit directly in the void where the peep was hidden.


When the scabbard of Xunxian Sword hit a point in the void, the water screen in front of the towering spirit suddenly shattered, and then turned into countless small drops of water.

Waving his hands to wipe out the floating water droplets, Ta Ling frowned and speculated to himself.

"The position where the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor appeared just now seems to be the Qinglong Mountains where the Qinglong family is located. Is he really trying to kill the four guardians of the family as he said in his oath."

"Or my guess is wrong. The Emperor of Heaven is not the insidious and devious person in my imagination."

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