Destined Martial God

Chapter 1640: remorse

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Manma House, in the practice room!


Facing Ta Ling's fierce inquiries, Yu Haoran nodded and confirmed, but his expression remained indifferent.

"Because I don't want a person who can't see through the heart and see death, and has hidden dangers that can cause me to die at any time, and stay in my space of knowledge."

What Yu Haoran said just now is not so much an explanation as a question.

The Taling, who had too many concerns in his heart, could not refute the question he had just asked, and ultimately had to bow his head and choose to be silent.

After three minutes of silence, Ta Ling looked up into Hao Ran's eyes, a plea of ​​expectation appeared in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, let me stay in Shihai Space for three years. After three years, I will honestly confess everything to you. By then, you will be considerate of my hard work."

"Talling, you and I have agreed before to keep each other secret in order to maintain mutual trust."

Facing the plea of ​​Talisman's expectation, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a hesitant look.

However, when thinking of the sneak attack of Aoxue Dragon Soul in Shihai Space, and the horrible power that appeared in Shihai Space out of thin air, Ta Ling's merciless and indifferent look on his side, he hesitated in his eyes immediately disappeared, and directly gave the other party to stay The ultimate choice to go.

"So, either you can confess everything to me now, or take your ontology domain tower and leave the sea space immediately."

"Yu Haoran, do you really want to be so unforgiving!" Facing Hao Ran's final choice, Ta Ling closed his eyes and looked indifferently.

"It seems you have made your final choice, so please leave now with the treasure you need!"

Ta Ling would rather be indifferent to questioning, rather than be frank about all attitudes, and let Yu Haoran be completely ashamed, and directly issue an expulsion order.

"Yu Haoran, I promise you will regret it!"

After angrily reprimanding, Taling immediately returned to the tower of the ontology domain of Shihai Space, and then sent all the treasures that had been arranged to the practice room, and took the tower of the domain directly to leave the space of Shihai, leaving Manga's mansion.

Looking at the Manma Mansion floating in mid-air, the burning towering spirit in his eyes immediately raised his palm, intending to destroy the mansion he personally transformed, and accidentally sensed an indifferent look in the mansion.

Looking at Yu Siqi, who is sitting on the white tiger statue with a bent knee, thinking of the way she has taught her to be too forgotten, and then she thinks of the bitterness that he and Yu Haoran have known each other for more than three years. The infinite tenderness that emerges from the heart Let the burning anger in his eyes calm down.

In the end, Ta Ling couldn't help sighing, and then tore the void above the Luoma Mansion directly, leaving Xianyang City and leaving the Southern Realm.

Ignoring the practice resources and treasures that had almost filled the entire practice room, Yu Haoran looked stupidly at the direction of the disappearance of the tower spirit, and a layer of water mist gradually appeared in his eyes.

Without the three months of time acceleration provided by Ta Ling, he would not be able to save his sister from Wang Ru's hands and preserve his character from He Zhiqiang's hands.

Without the towering spirit's use of the energy of the blood ginseng and the tower of the realm, her sister would not be able to repair the destroyed Dantian and the meridians, completely change her tragic life, and it would not be possible to get the supreme level of ecstasy and become a famous celestial body The young genius of the mainland.

Without Taling's timely reminder, he would not know that in every realm of martial arts promotion, he still has a small realm with perfect ten-point perfection, and it is impossible to use the deep accumulation to successfully impact the perfection.

Without Ta Ling's countless shots to help, I'm afraid he would have died in the blue moon mystery.

Without Tallinn ...!

Over the past three years, the acquaintance and acquaintance with Ta Ling constantly appeared in his mind, and the experiences, adventures and warm pictures that he had experienced immediately hesitated in Hao Ran's firm heart.

Thinking of the surprise attack of Sima Chenkai and Qingyu in the Qinling Mountains, Ta Ling still rescued himself unselfishly. His inner separation was instantly broken by tenderness, and he was immediately rushed out of the practice room to chase him forcibly. Walking towering.

But unfortunately, looking at the gap in the void that was slowly repaired above the mane house, he knew that he was not only one step behind, but he also knew more about the difference between today and tomorrow.

The heartless remorse that erupted in his heart made him growl and roar.

The top ten respects of Wu Zun's perfect cultivation are that the physical body and strength of Wu Di's realm let the emotionally out of control of Hao Ran, and quickly climbed a terror that was not lost to Tianwei.

Under the pressure of terror, countless creatures in Xianyang City knelt down on the ground with their trembling knees, and they looked at the young man floating in mid-air with blue hair fluttering with dread and frantic eyes.

"Ma, what's wrong with you?"

Feeling the sudden horror that appeared above the Manma House, as the hostess of the Manma House, Qin Lingfei immediately greeted the four dragons who were at the top of the nine ranks.

When seeing Yu Haoran, the blue-eyed boy who inspired the horror, Qin Lingfei waved his hands at the four dragons, motioning them to return to the mansion, directly stimulating the defense of Jiuling Renju, so as to barely come to Yu Haoran's side, look Asked worriedly.

Qin Lingfei's caring voice made Yu Haoran gradually wake up from her sorrow. After quickly recovering the horror that emanated from him, he directly picked up the beloved woman and rushed into the mansion.

Three hours later, Yu Haoran, who was vented of anger, returned to the practice room, and then began to look at the spiritual resources and treasures left by Ta Ling.

After careful investigation, Yu Haoran found that although Ta Ling had left most of the spiritual resources and treasures, six Zhenhai Shenzhus, Qinglian swatches, Jealousy, Buddha relic, Jue Sword, Di Wanniandi's soul milk and the bones of Shenlong and Shenfeng were taken away.

And the value of each of the seven treasures that Ta Ling took away far outweighed the remaining spiritual resources and treasures, which also dissipated Yu Haoran's remorse.

After reorganizing and categorizing the current practice resources and treasures, and placing them in three different storage rings, Yu Haoran slowly closed his eyes and began to consider the next period of practice and experience planning.

There is still less than seventeen days before the time agreed by the Red-Beasted Beast. Use this free time and use high-quality soul fire to compete to elevate your soul power to the peak of Wudi Yipin.

At the same time, according to the reserve of their own medicinal materials, they will try their best to refine a large amount of elixir. This will not only help relatives and friends to improve their cultivation and strength, but also try to improve their own level of elixir, and the level of emptiness.

After confirming the next practice plan, Yu Haoran slowly opened his eyes, then took out three hundred high-level Wuzun high-level soul fires, and began to use the pure soul power contained in the soul fire to impact the soul emperor's realm.

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