Destined Martial God

Chapter 1644: Back to Blue Moon

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Manma House, in the wind pavilion!

"Horse, this ...!"

How powerful is the effect of pure soul power in soul fire, Qin Lingfei has experienced it just now. Only one pure soul power contained in a soul fire has made her realm almost break through the top five martial arts.

Such a precious amount of elixir was all given to the father and emperor to enhance the strength of the royal family. This warm approach of Yu Haoran impressed Qin Lingfei, and she was excited and did not know what to say.

"Ling Fei, Wuhen, Zhengjun, and Water Girl, for the next period of time, don't leave Lema Mansion for the time being."

Gently patted Qin Lingfei's jade hand, signaled that she didn't have to be so excited, and reminded everyone in Fengting.

"Because I will refine a lot of elixir from second-order first-grade to nine-pin elixir, so if you lack the elixir that assists in improving cultivation and strength, you can inform me in advance and I will give priority Make the elixir you need. "

"Brother Yu, I don't know if you can make the second-order and nine-grade Qianyuan Skullcap?" After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Zhong Lishuiqin asked with excitement.

She has been staying in the Mangma Mansion. In addition to wanting to accompany her favorite person and increase the relationship between them, it is also because she wants to request Yu Haoran to make a refining bone bone that can be exchanged with Qianyuan, which can be used for bone transfer. Treat the loved ones who have the closest relationship with her.


After hearing the elixir mentioned by Zhong Lishuiqin, Yu Haoran flashed a different kind of gaze, and nodded his head to confirm, and reminded slightly frowning.

"But I now lack the main medicine and three auxiliary medicinal herbs for refining Qianyuan Swagdan."

"Brother Yu, I will not only provide three medicinal herbs for refining Qianyuan for bones, but I will also give you a five-order top-grade spirit vein, three five-level mid-grade spirits and ten five-level lower-grade spirit veins, and one Strains have been promoted to the first level and one failure.

After receiving a positive reply and reminder from Yu Haoran, Zhong Lishuiqin immediately gave out the refining conditions.

"Okay, I'll be the first one to make you a second-tier and nine-grade Qianyuan rebirth."

The baptism of endless thunderstorms, as well as the large number of spirit stones and veins presented to the Emperor of the Heavens, have already begun to stretch the storage of his veins. Therefore, in the face of Zhong Lishuiqin's alchemy conditions, Yu Haoran nodded and agreed.

Subsequently, his eyes turned to Jian Wuhen and Wu Zhengjun.

Shaking their heads, both said they had no refining elixir for the time being.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not interrogate too much, but planned to refine a part of the elixir that can help them improve their cultivation and strength according to their own ideas.


In a beautiful valley about seven hundred miles away from Baichimen, Yu Haoran put his hands behind his back and stood on an empty lot, not far away from several blue rocks, but he still had the old town and Xinyue beheaded. Doors and bloodstains from meteor digital elders.

"Little spirit, this valley is the entrance to the Mysterious Mirror of the Blue Moon, and it is also the place where I agreed with Brother Chiyan to return to the mysterious world." The four masters joined forces to open the entrance to the mystery, and Yu Haoran's eyes revealed a trace of introduction.

With the direction of Yu Haoran's fingers, the Null Rat carefully observed it, and a puzzled question appeared in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, how did you make an agreement with that ugly red hated beast?"

"When the Blue Moon Mystery was closed, Brother Chiyan once gave me a drop of his blood, saying that through the induction of his own blood, he forcibly tore the void of the Mystery, and then transported me directly into the Blue Moon Mystery."

As a spirit beast born from the birth of heaven and earth, it possesses the potential of the evil spirit to achieve the supreme realm. The ethereal rat is very proud.

From the time it entered the Mangma mansion, I would rather stay alone in the practice room and do repairs than see Qin Lingfei and others.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't pay attention to the explanation of the rudeness of the red hated beast.

"Yu Haoran, do you remember your first encounter after my rebirth!" After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, there was a hint of taunt in the tiny eyes of the ethereal rat, and he reminded sneerly.

"Little spirit, can you ignore the restrictions of the mystery rules and go in and out of the blue moon freely?"

The ethereal rat brought a hint of taunt, making Yu Haoran immediately realize that he had overlooked a very important message, that is, how did the ethereal rat enter the secret realm and how it was in the secret realm in the blue moon mystery. Leaving after closing.

After all, its grade at that time was just a promotion to the eighth level, and it did not have the strength to resist the secret rules.

"Yu Haoran, how many ruins and dangerous places we have spent together in previous lives, have you forgotten that I have the ability to see through all the real and false, free cutting space and matrix formations!" Seeing his own reminder, Yu Haoran was really Recognizing his strength, the Nether Rat complained slightly sadly and dissatisfied.

"Little spirit, I'm sorry." After hearing the murmur's complaints, Yu Haoran quickly apologized.

In more than three years, he was able to grow from a reincarnated little warrior to a top-ranking martial arts leader with a perfect state of perfection. Taling carefully cultivated at least half of the credit. Very deep dependence.

The effect of this dependence is deep in the bone marrow and cannot be completely eliminated in a short while, which has led him to often forget and ignore some very important things.

For example, he once saw the ethereal rat in the experience of the blue moon.

For example, in previous lives he fought side by side with the Null Rat hundreds of times.

"Forget it!"

Thinking of Yu Haoran's emotional loss of control some time ago, the ethereal rat knew that he must have encountered an incomprehensible change, and forgive him for his negligent shake of his head, and then flew directly to the entrance of the mystery.

Then, at the position about three meters away from the entrance to the mysterious area, a claw was stretched out, and then a crack about one meter high and about forty centimeters wide appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a thick aura of heaven and earth emerged from the rift.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran directly used the power of Shem's law to appear in front of the rift immediately, and then re-entered the blue moon secret through the rift.

Looking at the dozens of humming red wooden pigs in front of him, and the grass he hid to avoid hunting, Yu Haoran's face showed a happy smile.

At the beginning, he was using this group of red wooden pigs to truly get rid of those inordinate hunting.

However, when he thought of being used to tear the mysterious void by the red hated beast, he gave the red red wooden pig who had given the blue moon mystery a flash of doubt in his eyes.

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