Destined Martial God

Chapter 1646: Causes of Toxic Variations

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Blue Moon Mystery, in the Poisonous Mist!

After hearing the red hated beast's explanation of the state of the poison source for a period of time, Yu Haoran's gaze turned to the lake again, looking at the black lake like water, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

After hesitating for almost a minute, he turned and looked at the Red-Beasted Beast.

"Brother Red, is the poisonous head a snakehead, a scorpion tail, a thousand feet, a black skin, and a spring tongue?"

Because the origin of Toxic Source is too low and the appearance is too ugly, in the entire Blue Moon Secret, except for the real appearance of Toxic Source, all the other beasts who have seen its appearance are either poisoned by Toxic Source or He was secretly dealt with in order to calm down the violent heart of the poison source.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was able to know the true shape of the poison source, which shocked the red sick beast, but also asked some incredible questions.

"Brother Yu, how do you know the true form possessed by Du Yuanyuan?"

"The place where the source of poison meets, the perfect venom of the fusion of the five poisons, except for the body of the poison source that was born after the confluence of the five poisons, even the poison master of the peak state of the poisonous drug emperor cannot refine such a perfect Venom Venom. "Pointing at the black lake in front of her eyes, Yu Haoran said with a trace of regret.

If it is the perfect venom that the five poisons can fuse in the previous life, then with the powerful auxiliary effect of perfect venom on physique and poison, he can not only feel the power of the laws related to poison, but also be able to be promoted to the top of the venom master , Has the potential to impact the poisonous road drug emperor.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with Du Yuanyuan?"

Yu Haoran's explanation was too mysterious. He didn't know the poisonous beast for a long time. He didn't know what he just explained, let alone how he guessed the shape of the poison source.

However, through his explanation just now, Chiyanju realized that he should know the reason for the abnormal change of the poison source, so he asked nervously.

"Promotion and transformation!" Looking up at the void of the mystery, Yu Haoran replied with a hint of cold light.

"Brother Yu, can you explain it in more detail?" Chiyanbei frowned slightly.

"Brother Red, the poisonous brother born from the confluence of the five poisons, the shape of life is not the same as you and me, but there is something like a ethereal rat, so the promotion and transformation of poisonous brother is completely different from ordinary creatures."

Carefully recall the information about the source of poisons learned from the poisonous scriptures of previous lives, and then combine with his own understanding of the five poisons, Yu Haoran explained in detail.

"Brother, every promotion you and I have made to the grade is a sublimation of physical fitness and strength, but for Du Yuanyuan, the breakthrough of the grade is a battle with heaven and earth, and a fight between fate."

"Brother Yu, can your explanation be simple and straightforward."

Yu Haoran's explanation just now is the same mystery as explaining how to know the form of the poison source, which makes the red sick beasts more and more confused, and at the same time, they can't help but remind them.

"Brother Chi, to put it simply, Brother Du Yuan's epiphany state a month ago is actually a breakthrough process of its grade, and it is another form of metamorphic transformation of the body of the source of five poisons."

The reminder of the Red-Beasted Beast also made Yu Haoran realize that the Red-Beasted Beast in front of him is an alien beast who is not well versed in poisonous ways, not two disciples with a soul-eater and a black-man body. Sighed and explained briefly.

"Only, according to Brother Du Yuan's own perception and accumulation of the practice of poisoning Tao, this state of epiphany breakthrough should not appear so early. This leads to a great hidden danger in the process of grade promotion, which is likely to affect Brother Du Yuan's intellect puts him in a symptom of going crazy. "

"Brother Yu, who got involved in the practice of Du Yuan's brother?" Yu Haoran explained briefly, letting the red beast really understand the cause of the abnormal change of Du Yuan, and immediately asked aggressively.

"If you want a spirit born from the intersection of the five poisons to enter the state of epiphany, even the gods in the realm of martial arts can't do it."

Having said that, Yu Haoran looked up at the void of the mystery, sneerly pointing.

"I am afraid that only by the power of changing the rules of the mystic environment can we intervene in the special ability of mystic souls."

"Rules of the mystery, get out of me!" After hearing Hao Ran's identification, the red hated beast immediately looked up and shouted harshly at the void of the mystery.

Originally obeying the rules of the mysterious world commanded by the red beast, this time not only did not appear immediately, but the void of the entire mysterious area was instantly covered with clouds of nine colors.

"Nine colorful clouds appear, the law of the void becomes!"

Seeing the mysterious void that was quickly shrouded in nine-color cloud and mist, the face of the red hated beast gloomed instantly, and gritted his teeth to say the true purpose of the secret rules to mobilize nine-color cloud and mist.

"Secret rules, it seems you want to use the forthcoming void fruit to divert my attention, so as to get through the period of weakness when you lose control of the secret."

Suddenly the body grows bigger, and the expression is even more ugly and savage. The eyes are burning and yelling and yelling.

"But I tell you, you are wrong!"

"Compared to the safety of Brother Duanyuan, even if the birth of the chaotic purple fruit that can accomplish the divine realm in place, it will not change my determination to destroy you."

After hearing the murderous threat of the red hated beast, the secret rules are obviously a little scared. Not only is the concentration of nine-color clouds gathering thicker and thicker, but the speed of condensing the void fruit is getting faster and faster.

"Brother, please stop your anger!" After hearing the whispering explanation from the ethereal rat in the ear, Yu Haoran reminded the red sick beast with a serious look.

The eyes burning with the majestic fire glared directly at Hao Ran, and the red beast sounded like a frost warning.

"Brother Yu, you should know the real reason for my close relationship with Du Yuanyuan when you see the form after my transformation."

"So, I don't want you to get involved in the next thing too much, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

In the past few battles side by side, Yu Haoran knew how ruthless and ruthless the Red-Beasted Beast behind him was, so he was not annoyed to remind him in the face of the warning that the Red-Beast Beast turned over.

"Brother, I'm not preventing you from destroying the rules of the mystery, I just want to remind you to pay attention to the situation outside the mystery, and then decide what to do next."

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, the red hated beast looked up at the void of the mystery, and the third eye on the brow slowly opened.

Then, a special energy was emitted from the third eye, and the special energy directly crossed the barriers of the mystery, and clearly saw the situation outside the mystery.

In the valley that saw the entrance to the mystery, hundreds of powerful men who had recently entered the realm of Emperor Wu, Top Wu Zun, and Wu Sheng were using the formation to lock the entrance to the mystery.

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