Destined Martial God

Chapter 1665: The sneak attack of the four guardian clan

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Thinking of the two sides fighting above the valley, they are both powerful men in the realm of Emperor Wu, and their induction is very sharp.

Therefore, Yu Haoran didn't have any risky outcrops. He just asked the ethereal rat to help him determine the grade of black and white feather wings and the number of black and white feather wings dropped, and then collected the black and white feather wings one by one by means of touching the ground.

After nearly half an hour of careful collection, a pair of black and white feather wings were finally obtained for Wusheng Jiupin Peak, a pair of black and white feather wings for Wuzun Yipin to Jiupin Peak, and a black and white feather wings for Wudi Yipin to Liupin Peak. Each pair.

Although there are still more than 20 pairs of black and white feather wings in the realm of Emperor Qipin and Bapin in the valley, not only are the black and white feather wings of these realms very bulky, but the energy contained in the wings is too powerful.

If you want to collect forcefully, you must use all your strength, which will easily attract the attention of both parties at war.

Moreover, the black-and-white feather wings just harvested are enough for him to complete the accumulation of Wudi realm.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who was not too greedy, quietly left the valley with the earth line beads, and then returned to the clouds in the void, and continued to observe the results of the warring parties.

"Magic, stop first!"

Using a martial art of overstretching power to temporarily retreat the opponent's god, he quickly glanced at the two sides at war, and the countless black and white feather wings that fell from the valley, showing a trace of sadness shouting loudly at the demon demon Road.

"Shenjie, you're scared!" Said Shakespeare's hand, which was almost two meters in size, and the Devil and the Devil proudly satirically said.

"Magic, please take a look!" Pointing at the countless black-and-white feather wings in the valley, Shenjie sullenly reprimanded.


After glancing at the countless black-and-white feathers in the valley, the devil said nothing.

"Compared to the deaths of millions of people in ancient times and the deaths of tens of millions of people, the corpses of thousands of gods and demons, what can they count!"

"Magic, you're right!"

Shenjie, who nodded in agreement with Mohao, reminded after taking a deep breath.

"But don't forget that during the racial blood wars in ancient times, we were the true hegemons of the ancient continent. No matter what kind of loss we suffered, we can slowly recover afterwards."

One finger pointed to the distant central area, Shenjie reminded his hissing exhaustedly.

"However, the hegemon of the Tianxuan continent is human beings, the lower beings who were once enslaved to us. If our **** battle results in heavy losses, the Son of God believes that they will definitely kill us.

After hearing the reminder of Shenjie's screaming exhaustion, the ancient gods with less than nine hundred people on the scene voluntarily stopped fighting, and then stood behind their respective highnesses.

Seeing that both sides had a tendency to die, Yu Haoran, hiding in the clouds, could not help frowning.

Although the blood battle between the two sides just now led to heavy losses, the majority of the less than nine hundred demon gods remaining on the scene were the top powers of the Emperor Qipin.

Regardless of the ancient deities or the ancient demons, as long as one party returns to Xianyang City, he can only leave Xianyang City with the horse-mansion.

But he was unwilling to leave, and he was not willing to abandon Xianyang City and the Qin Empire that could enjoy the assistance of air transport.

So, what can we do to make the two sides tore up again, and it is best to die all together?

It was because Haoran fell into hard thinking that he also realized that the reality was not suitable for the demons who continued the blood race, and finally chose a temporary truce.

But when Shen Jie took over the remaining 400 subordinates and planned to return to Xianyang City for recuperation and adjustment, he was hundreds of kilometers of horrific martial arts force suddenly out of the void from a distance of a thousand kilometers.

Along with the explosion of horrific martial arts forces, Yu Haoran saw the originally calm void, standing more than 500 strong men in blue, white, red and gray costumes.

He didn't need to think much at all. He also knew that these five hundred powerful emperors in the realm of Wudi came from the four guardian families of the Tianxuan continent.

And when he saw the four white-haired old men standing in front of the crowd, each holding a flag embroidered with the flags of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu God Beast, and felt the sky from the four flags With a majestic breath, I suddenly knew why I and the ancient gods had not found the hundreds of powerful people hidden in the void.

The reason lies in the flags of the four white-haired old men, all of which are artifact-level flags, but also the second person's coveted flag!

I thought of myself and the red hated beast just hiding in the clouds holding the trapped fairy sword and the killing fairy sword. I thought of using the yin and yang fire to absorb the black feathers. It was done under the eyelids of countless strong men in the four guardian families, and Yu Haoran's face fell instantly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but miss the Taling.

If Ta Ling did not leave, relying on his strength of the Three Destroyer and Demi Realms and his unpredictable formations, he would surely discover the four guardian families hidden in the void in advance.

In this case, he will not expose the existence of the immortal sword and the killing fairy sword, nor will he expose the secret that the yin and yang different fires can swallow the ancient black and white feather wings.

However, it's too late to regret it!

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the anger that came out of his heart, Yu Haoran left the void clouds directly, and then on a mountain a hundred miles away, he used God's thoughts to see the final result of the rivalry between the two parties.

One side was attacked without any precaution, and the other side was attacked with sufficient preparation.

One side is the period of exhaustion and weakness after the blood war, and the other is the peak period of energy recovery.

The results of the first confrontation between the two sides are conceivable.

With more than 900 ancient gods and powerful men left, under the sneak attack of more than 500 Emperors from the four guardian families, more than 500 gods and powerfuls were not only directly blasted into blood mist, but even The black and white feather wings holding their backs were also destroyed.

Even the more than 400 Demon Gods who have escaped the attack from the four guardian families have suffered unimaginable damage.

"Let's go!" Shenjie shouted angrily after using the white feather fan to resist the attack from the other side.


In the eyes, the demon horror with endless anger, commanded to the more than 200 subordinates behind him, and returned directly to the demon-secret realm through the barrier channel under his feet.

"Kill ...!" Seeing the ancient demon who was about to flee, the four white-haired old men commanded the family strong behind them at the same time.

Due to the fact that the demons are too close to the barriers to enter the sealed realm, when the four great guardian families of the Emperor Wudi powerful chase came over, the vast majority of the demonic strong had successfully entered the sealed realm.

In desperation, they could only put the target of hunting down on the ancient gods, which also made Shenjie even more sad and angry.

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