Destined Martial God

Chapter 1668: Deliberately targeted

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In front of the barrier passage of the magic demon realm!

Whether it was a request, a question, or a threat, Yu Haoran flatly refused without hesitation, which made the old man in the gray robe very clear.

If they also want to successfully prevent the second birth of the ancient demon, and then ensure that the plan for the countless years can be carried out smoothly, then they have to agree to Hao Ran's compensation request.

Therefore, the three of them shook their heads at the old man in the Tsing Yi robe, and signaled that after they quit, the old man in the grey robe asked Yu Haoran with a smile.

"Yu Zhendi, I don't know what kind of compensation you need?"

Accepting compensation conditions for humiliation rather than preventing the second coming of the ancient gods and demons to Tianxuan Continent has made Yu Haoran doubt about the firm determination of the four guardian families. He suspected that the four guardian families must be secret Planning a shocking conspiracy, can not be disturbed by the powerful ancient gods.

Although he didn't know what the conspiracy was planning, he gave him a chance to speak.

Therefore, the original idea that he wanted to ask for the second avatar to assist in the promotion of the frontier changed. He not only wanted the lion to open his mouth, but also to prove his inner conjecture through the lion's open mouth.

"All the black and white feather wings in the valley belong to me!" Yu Haoran demanded with an unquestionable tone, reaching out and pointing at the black and white feather wings covering the entire valley.

"No!" Hearing Yu Haoran's intention to swallow all the black and white feathers in the valley, the old man in a red robe opposed it immediately.

Whether it is the Nine Heavens Flames contained in the white feather wings or the black jail magics contained in the black feather wings, it is the supreme treasure for the Suzaku family who is good at controlling fire.

If the Suzaku family can get all the black and white feathers in the valley, it can create at least hundreds of powerful emperors in the realm of Wudi, and each powerful person has the ability to challenge in a higher order.

"Are you sure!" Yu Haoran asked with a slightly upturned corner.

"Yu Haoran, you can only take at most one-tenth, this is my bottom line."

Yu Haoran threatened a little with ridicule, so that the old man in the red robe immediately thought of the seal formation, and could only step back by gritting his teeth.

"Forget it, Tianxuan Continent has been quiet for millions of years, it's time to be lively!"

After shrugging his shoulders, Yu Haoran struck back with an indifferent attitude and immediately vacated the sky to leave the valley.

"Yu Zhendi, I agree!" But at the moment when he just took off, the old man in the gray robe immediately agreed without permission.

"Old fourth, what do you mean?" Losing the black and white feather wings in the valley is equivalent to losing the opportunity for the family to soar in a short time. Facing the decision made by the old man in the gray robe without authorization, the old man in the red robe asked with a somber expression. .

"As the third brother persuaded Yu Zhendi just now, I hope you can make a little sacrifice for the hundreds of millions of people of Tianxuan Continent." The old man in the gray robe replied indifferently.

"Old fourth, you ...!"

The indifferent reply of the old man in the gray robe immediately angered the old man in the red robe, making him unable to help but want to take a shot to teach him, but the old man in the blue and white robe with a smile on his face stopped him stiffly, and then began to take turns Persuasion.

Yu Haoran returned to the valley, looking at the smiles on the faces of the elderly in Tsing Yi and white robes, and watching a glimmer of glee in the eyes of the elderly in gray robes. I immediately knew the four guardian families that seemed to be integrated, but the inside was still the same The selfish intrigue made him more confident about his next big lion opening.

"Yu Zhendi, please continue!" Seeing the elder brother and the second brother's persuasion, he gradually restored peace, and nodded in agreement, the old man in the gray robe turned and signaled to Hao Ran.

"As far as I know, there is a first-order and third-grade Qingling purple lotus in the Qinglong family. I need nine lotus seeds from the Qingling purple lotus." Looking at the Tsing Yi robe man with a happy smile on his face, Yu Hao Ran said with a chuckle.

"No!" After hearing Yu Haoran's second request for compensation, the old man in Tsing Yi robe refused to consider it without any consideration.

The first-order third-grade Qingling Purple Lotus, also known as the plastic holy medicine, is the supreme holy medicine that assists the Emperor Jiupin to reach the peak of the mighty power.

The Qingling Purple Lotus will produce nine lotus seeds every 90,000 years, corresponding to the nine realms of Wudi's physical grade, which can make a breakthrough in the realm of January.

In addition, using the lotus seeds of Qingling Purple Lotus to break through the physical grade not only does not have any side effects, but also helps to stimulate the potential of the physical body. It is the supreme elixir that Tianxuan mainland assists in upgrading Wudi ’s physical grade.

Such a precious lotus seed elixir, even if the children of the Qinglong family's bloodline are not eligible to take one, Yu Haoran asked for nine directly, how could the old man in Tsing Yi robe agree.

"is it!"

Just as in response to the old robe robe's refusal, after Yu Haoran shrugged his shoulders, a stance intended to vacate the valley, which also caused the old robe robe man who had just suffered a loss to immediately reach the old robe man in Tsing Yi, and then face Persuasion with a false smile.

"Brother, didn't you just say ...!"

However, the old man in white robes did not step up to persuade him, but instead looked at Yu Haoran and asked.

"Yu Haoran, is your third request against my White Tiger family?"


Yu Haoran said with a slight smile that he did not deny the intentions he purposefully targeted.

"I know that in the ancient times, killing the **** Bai Qi, after finishing with the evil spirit ghost old man, his natal sword Tu Lingjian fell into the hands of your white tiger family."

"So, my third requirement is to kill God Baiqi's natal sword and soul sword."

After hearing Yu Haoran's request for the Soul Excalibur, the old man in white robe neither refused flatly nor promised, but looked at him with a sneer.

Ignoring the sneer of the old man in white robes, Yu Haoran turned his attention to the old man in gray robes.

"Senior, as far as I know, your Xuanwu family has the lineup masters from the Middle Ages, and the outline playbook left by the Supreme Master of the Unreal Yuan Dynasty. You need to copy a complete outline of the playlist."

After hearing Yu Haoran's third and fourth requests, the old man in the red robe did not continue to persuade the old man in the Tsing Yi robe, but was silent like the other three.

At this moment, they are all seriously considering whether to agree with the compensation request that Yu Haoran has just raised and whether it is worth paying such a large price.

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