Destined Martial God

Chapter 1678: Reborn Chaos Clock

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Qingyang City, in the osmanthus forest!


In the face of Ta Ling's fierce drinking, the boy in white just smiled proudly and did not give any answer.

"The heavenly consciousness controlled by the three extinct spirits still has the ability to restrict the deities from coming to the heavens, so the only strength that can break the defense of Qinglian with the strength of the three-death demigod is only the congenital treasure level, and is familiar with the weakness of my tower spirit Heaven's Pot. "

Seeing the instrumental spirit in the void, he refused to reveal who the sneak attacker was secretly, and Taling began to guess the origin of the attacker by pulling the cocoon.

"Lian Tian, ​​I already guessed that the attacker is you. Don't keep hiding from your head, come out quickly!" Feeling that his guess was correct, Ta Ling immediately looked up and shouted in the void.

"Purple, you guessed wrong!"

With the loud shout of Ta Ling, the void behind the boy in white suddenly cracked.

Later, a middle-aged man wearing a purple-gold robe, with a majestic appearance and noble temperament, holding a lithograph, emerged from the void crack.

"This is impossible, how could you be alive!" Seeing the middle-aged man in purple robes coming out of the crack in the void, Ta Ling's expression suddenly jumped back nine steps, his eyes shouting with incredible incredulity.

"Even your purple spirit and ethereal spirit are alive and well, why can't I live?" Facing the shouting of Ta Ling, the middle-aged man in purple robe sneered and asked.

"Aren't you the ghost of the ancient gods who have been condensed by the twelve ancestors of the ancient times to completely smash the body!" Ta Ling continued to take a nine-step step back, his voice quivering slightly.

"The group of simple-headed, well-developed reckless men, how could it be possible to see the mystery of changing the sky," the middle-aged man in the purple robe said with scorn.

Subsequently, the middle-aged man in the purple robe turned his head to look at his own stone seal, proudly replacing the disdainful showing off.

"Purple spirit, if I don't pretend to be dead in the hands of the ancient gods gathered by ancient ancestors and witches, how could chaos have no scruples for billions of lives, and endured the destruction of ancient times, causing his own chaotic clock to suffer An unimaginable blow. "

"For countless years, if it were not for my careful hiding, the Chaos Bell would dare to explode the body that was about to collapse and intend to regenerate with the help of thirty-six stamps of chaos."


Ignoring the ostentation of the middle-aged man in the purple robe, Ta Ling was completely stunned by the information just revealed by the other party!

As a magic weapon of innate treasure level, no matter it is the strongest chaotic clock or the lowest-grade yellow sword, it has the imprint of the origin of chaos.

The difference lies in the number of Chaos Marks possessed by the seven congenital treasures.

The mark of chaos is not only a manifestation of their innate treasure level and strength, but also a guarantee that they will be able to get rebirth, or the ultimate card for life.

But the rebirth using the mark of chaos is different from re-incubating the spirit of the device and re-restoring the fallen grade. It is a restart from the loss of all memory and strength.

At the same time, the rebirth of the use of chaotic imprints is also accompanied by a very large risk, and there is a possibility that the chaotic imprints cannot be re-converged, like a chaotic imprint captured by the void.

After being shocked, Tallinn couldn't help but start to speculate, wondering why Chaos Bell chose to use the rebirth of the Chaos Mark at this time, and what kind of change happened, finally driving him to make this risky decision.

"Hao Ling, when did Brother Chaos choose to dissolve the marks of chaos?"

Wanting to know why Chaos Bell made the risky decision, it was necessary to know when he chose to dissolve the marks of chaos, so Ta Ling looked up and asked the middle-aged man in the purple robe.

"Two years ago, when Osmanthus fragrans opened!"

Don't say that Ta Ling wants to know the reason why Chaos Bell chose to dissolve the marks of chaos. The middle-aged man in the purple robe who has always been very scared of Chaos Bell also wants to know.

Therefore, in the face of Taling's questioning, the middle-aged strong man in the purple robe replied without concealment.

Ruyi Bell!

After hearing the time when Chaos Bell chose soldiers to dissolve the marks of chaos, Ta Ling immediately thought that he would use the defensive treasure Ruyi Bell refined by Haoran.

At that time, when he decided to make Ruyi Bell, he completely imitated the body of Chaos Bell to make it. Therefore, the shape and color of Ruyi Bell and the matrix structure in the bell were exactly the same as those of Chaos Bell.

The only difference is that there are no marks of chaos in Ruyi Bell.

However, if it is able to gather the thirty-six Chaos Marks of Chaos Bell soldiers for separation and separation, then Ruyi Clock is not only the most suitable carrier for rebirth, but also may make Chaos Clock regain the rank and strength of the ancient first artifact.

Thinking of this, Ta Ling immediately thought of looking for Hao Ran.

Although when they were suddenly separated, they said grace and injustice to each other, but as long as they made clear all the causes and consequences, they would be able to return to the good by virtue of the deep love accumulated over the years.

What's more, after the Ontology Tower left Yu Haoran's space of understanding the sea, the speed of injury recovery is getting slower and slower, which gradually affects his ability to play as an instrumental spirit.

Therefore, even if there is no reason for the mark of chaos, Taling decided to find a chance to reconcile with Hao Ran after dealing with the spirits of the void.

"Zi Ling, why did Chaos choose to dissolve the marks of chaos?"

After seeing the doubts in Zi Ling's eyes gradually replaced by shock, the middle-aged man in the purple robe knew that Zi Ling, who had a deep relationship with Chaos Bell, had already guessed the reason why the other party chose to be born again, and quickly asked.

"Because there is a magic weapon in Tianxuan Continent that can perfectly blend 36 imprints of Chaos, which will allow the Chaos Brother to return to the peak state of ancient times through rebirth."

Seeing that the other party was willing to disclose the specific time when Chaos Zhongbing resolved to separate the seal of chaos, Taling also faithfully explained to the other party.

Of course, his confusion is not entirely good intentions, but rather he puts heavy pressure on the other side so that the other side will not notice Yu Haoran's body for the time being.

After all, according to their thoughts and conventions of the innate magical spirit, the magic weapon capable of withstanding the thirty-six imprints of chaos must be a spiritual treasure bred from heaven and earth. For the time being, they will not doubt their ability to refine.

After hearing Ta Ling's reply, the middle-aged man in the purple robe and the boy in white could not help but change their faces. After looking at each other, they found the horror in their eyes.

After seeing the middle-aged man in purple robe and young boy in white because of extreme shock, he was briefly in a state of loss, and quickly returned to the towering spirit of the body, immediately breaking the void in front of him, and disappearing in the osmanthus forest instantly.

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