Destined Martial God

Chapter 1687: Taling Returning to Xianyang City

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After successfully escaping the osmanthus osmanthus forest, he used the ability of the tower to travel through time and space, and quickly returned to the southern city of Xianyang.

But as soon as he left the space of the ontology domain tower, he was immediately attracted by the countless powerful breath remaining in Xianyang City.

After a short and careful discrimination, he couldn't help but whispered to himself.

"This is the breath of the ancient gods, have they landed in Tianxuan Continent ahead of time!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ta Ling immediately mobilized the powerful divine thoughts in the realm of the Three Gods and Demigods, and quickly found the Manga Mansion floating at a height of ten thousand meters in Xianyang City.

After seeing the mansion that had not been damaged in the slightest despite being violently attacked, he could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Then, after seeing the white clouds in the palace's forbidden area and the valley at the entrance to the demon's mystery, a gratifying praise appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that the second avatar has not given up the in-depth study of the exquisite chessboard. Fortunately, he has been one of the three major seal array methods in the world, and it is also the only sun, moon and star seal array that he can now arrange."

However, when Ta Ling intends to withdraw the obsession of observing the seal formation method and heads directly to the Manga Mansion at an altitude of ten thousand meters, he suddenly realizes that there is something wrong.

Shining body appeared in front of the white clouds and fogs, and carefully observed the four array flags used to connect the mark of the formation law and the ancient **** trial ground, followed by a terrible cold light in his eyes, and speculated his gloomy murmur.

"The self-destructive array method hidden in the flag of the Four Elements Array of Divine Realm will directly destroy the seal of the sun, moon, and stars through self-detonation after three years."

"In this case, the four guardian families do not want to truly seal the two deities and demons of ancient times, but they do not want the two deities and demons to appear on the Celestial Continent prematurely."

"So, what is the reason for them? And what do you want to do while the ancient gods and demons are temporarily sealed?"

Due to the hostile stance of each other in the ancient times, Taling was neither familiar with the four beasts of ancient times, nor did he understand the four guardian families who ruled the Tianxuan continent.

Therefore, in the case of confusion, he can only temporarily suppress his inner doubts, and then head straight to the Manma Mansion that temporarily stays at an altitude of 10,000 meters in Xianyang City.

After the divine thought swept the whole mansion, although Ta Ling did not find the trace of Yu Haoran, he unexpectedly saw the first clone that was under cultivation in the practice room.

Thinking that the avatar and the body can be connected at any time and place, and that the instant transfer between the avatar and the avatar can be completely completed, the towering spirit appeared in the practice room of the mansion, with a look of eagerness.

"Where did your ontology go?"

Unlike the main body and the second avatar, the first avatar basically does not have much communication with Taling, nor does it have deep feelings for each other.

At the same time, some time ago, Ta Ling made various actions that hurt the feelings on the subject, and made the first clone have a bit of resentment against his heart.

So, after seeing the Taling suddenly appearing in the practice room, a frown appeared in the eyes of the first avatar, and he frowned and asked.

"Why are you back? What's the matter of returning to Yuxi?"

"Follow Hao Ran's confession of something concealed some time ago and remove the gap between each other."

Without being too indifferent to the first avatar, Taling showed any dissatisfaction. He truthfully expressed his thoughts and plans.

The tightly wrinkled eyebrows slowly spread out, and the displeased look in his eyes returned to calmness. The first splitter closed his eyes and began to contact the body.

After all, as the three-pronged avatar of the soul, the first avatar understands the strong feelings between the ontology and the towering spirit, and also knows the towering spirit's powerful assistance in the practice of the ontology.

Therefore, even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction with Ta Ling in the heart, in the face of his willingness to actively resolve the gap between each other, the first clone is still quite satisfied.

However, when the telepathy couldn't connect to the body smoothly, the first clone couldn't help but stood up with a sudden change in his face, and a look of anxiety appeared in his eyes.

"There is something wrong with the body!"

"What's going on?" Ta Ling asked with anxiously look.

"The connection between me and the ontology was broken." Thinking of the rich experience of Ta Ling and the powerful strength of the Three Deities and Deities, the first clone quickly responded truthfully.

"Where did Yu Haoran go?"

Only in both cases will the telepathy between the avatar and the body be interrupted.

The first case is the accidental damage of the body, and the spirit and body disappear completely.

The second case is that the ontology temporarily enters the secret realm that is attached to the Tianxuan continent, or the independent space created by the soul. The secret realm and the barriers of space shield each other's mind.

As the son of Yu Haoran's destiny, under the circumstance that the immense amount of robbery has not yet been opened, he will be sheltered by the entire world and will rarely encounter fatal danger.

Even if it is in a fatal danger, it will be a vicissitudes of life, and it will be a disaster.

Then, the reason why the first avatar cannot be contacted with Hao Ran can only be accidental entry into a secret place or an independent space.

Therefore, after a short while of thinking, Taling immediately asked.

"Qingyang City, the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce," the first clone replied immediately.

Ta Ling didn't know much about the topography of Tianxuan Continent, so he didn't know the specific location of Qingyang City, so he quickly reached out and asked for the detailed map with the first clone.

Quickly took out a jade sketch depicting the map of the central area sent by Bian Shengrui and handed it to Ta Ling.

"When did Yu Haoran go to Qingyang City?"

When seeing the description of Qingyang City in Yujian, especially referring to the osmanthus forest sea that is 100,000 kilometers west of the city, Ta Ling suddenly thought that he had escaped from the pursuit of the Void Spirit and the middle-aged man in the purple robe, and he temporarily stopped In the piece of osmanthus forest that passed by, a faint mood suddenly appeared in my mind.

"At the beginning of yesterday!" The first clone replied in detail.

"damn it!"

Hearing that Yu Haoran was traveling to Qingyang City at the time of the first entry, when he stayed in the osmanthus forest for a short time was the first entry, the annoyed Ta Ling almost fanned himself.

Because according to Yu Haoran's strength and speed, it takes about an hour and a half to reach Qingyang City. That time period was when he faced the void and the middle-aged man in the purple robe in the osmanthus forest and sea, only to each other. A distance of dozens of miles.

However, it was important to immediately go to Qingyang City to find Yu Haoran's whereabouts, so he quickly put away the annoyed Taling and instructed the first clone.

"You continue to wait in the mansion, I went to Qingyang City to find Yu Haoran."


At first, the reason that the ontology left itself was to prevent an accident, so that it could have an escape route.

Therefore, in the face of Ta Ling's command, the first avatar nodded without hesitation and exhorted.

"Talling, when you find the body, don't forget to let him use my telepathic means to report a peace to me."

"I know!"

After replying with a nod, Ta Ling immediately left the Manma Mansion, and then rushed to Qingyang City by using the ability of the Ontology Domain Tower to travel through time and space.

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