Destined Martial God

Chapter 1700: Forthcoming ancient demon

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Above the Manma House!

Although with his current cultivation and strength, he is still not the opponent of the Emperor Wuping's Seven Pins Peak and the Nine-tailed Green Fox, but if he uses the Xianxian sword with all his strength, it will not be without a battle.

What's more, there are still strengths around him that are not inferior to him, and they also have the red hated beast that enhances the strength by killing fairy swords.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to fight against the nine-tailed green fox that is the peak of the seven emperors in the imperial realm without relying on the possession of the spirit of the tower, and by virtue of his cooperation with the red beast, it is also officially opened. Battle of the Qiuhu clan.


After responding, the Red-Beasted Beast holding on to the Sword of Sword, rushed out of the Manga Mansion with excitement.

"Red brother, a nine-tailed green fox in the realm of the Seventh Peak of the Emperor Realm, are you afraid?" Yu Haoran, who also took the fairy sword, asked with a chuckle.

"Brother Yu, I'm not afraid even of the nine-tailed white fox, who is the peak of the seven grades of the imperial realm, let alone just the green foxes that are generally rubbish." He shook his ugly head and replied with a smirk.


After receiving the arrogant reply from the red hated beast, the heart of Yu Haoran also appeared in the heart. After clinging to the reminder of trapping the fairy sword, he went straight to the Hengduan Mountains thousands of miles away.


Since the combination of the four swords of Xunxian is the supreme-level weapon, it has far exceeded the control and influence of Kendo air transport.

At the same time, considering that his cultivation is not necessary to break through the realm of Valkyrie, he also needs to rely on the powerful attack power possessed by the immortal sword and trapped fairy sword.

Therefore, while practicing the spiritual consciousness in Yujian, Yu Haoran also took a moment to specifically practice the heaven and earth slayer swordsmanship passed down to him by the Emperor Demon Emperor.


Although the low-blooded green fox looks down on his mouth, when he really faces the nine-tailed green fox that has reached the peak of the seven ranks of the imperial realm, the red-nosed beast not only dealt with it very seriously, but also directly used his best sword skills. .

Whether it is Yu Haoran, who uses the power of speed and flash of four rules, or the red beast that is inherently good at extreme speeds, the speed of reaching the Hengduan Mountains and attacking is too fast. At that time, the nine-tailed green fox that was bombarding the cave entrance was really found out.

Feeling that the two swords have the terrifying power of destruction, the nine-tailed green fox has no time to take out the defensive weapon, and can only risk the nine giant tails for resistance and counterattack.

"Hmm ...!"

The sound of the six items being cut in succession sounded, and Yu Haoran used the sword strength of the trapped fairy sword to directly cut off the six giant tails of the nine-tailed green fox.

"Hmm ...!"


Just when Hauran chopped off the six giant tails of the nine-tailed green fox, the sword technique cast by the red hated beast followed immediately after chopping off the remaining three giant tails. The power consumed only half of the sword's strength, and it was heavily bombarded in the nine tails. Green Fox almost split it in half on his chest.

"Taishan hits the top!"

When I saw the nine-tailed green fox that was severely hit instantly, the breath fell directly to the early stage of the state of honor. Yu Haoran, who had just taken a breath, continued to wave the trapped fairy sword that had not yet returned to the sheath, using a basic sword technique to cut directly in the green. On the fox's wound.

Even with the fox body and the spirit of the sea, the nine-tailed green fox died without a single chance to fight back.

Slowly landed next to the body of the nine-tailed green fox, Yu Haoran and the red hated beast looked very excited.

After all, the nine-tailed green fox is the first Emperor Realm to truly kill since they possessed the strength and realm of Emperor Wudi, or a top powerhouse who reached the peak of the Seven Emperors in Emperor Realm. How can they not be let them Feeling excited.

In this regard, the Taling in the sea did not say much, but looked at them with a smile of relief.

Because he knew that Yu Haoran and Chiyanbei needed this kind of excitement to speed up their mental cultivation.

After staring at Yu Hao, Ta Ling looked at the deep pit blasted by the nine-tailed green fox, and the smile in his eyes was immediately replaced by shock.

Immediately afterwards, he directly mobilized all the divine thoughts in the realm of the Three Gods and Demigods, and carefully examined the deep pits and the bottom of the cave about 10,000 meters deep.

The full version of Zhou Tianxing Seals!

After careful inspection, Ta Ling was certain that the seal array hidden in the deep pit was exactly the same as the Sun and the Moon and the sky covering the sky, and his face was gradually dignified to Hao Ran's command. Road.

"Yu Haoran, calm down, calm his emotions!"

"Taling, what's wrong?"

Taking a deep breath and calming the excitement quickly, at the same time as Yu Haoran questioned Ta Ling, his eyes also turned to the deep pit blasted by the nine-tailed green fox.

"Yu Haoran, next I want to tell you a cruel reality, I hope you can be fully prepared."

Although the ancient gods and demons did not cause any damage to the Tianxuan continent when they were born, Ta Ling was very clear that Yu Haoran, the grand master of the Great Qin Empire, was under heavy pressure.

If it hadn't been for the past life that he had been hunted down, his mind had gone through all kinds of hard work, and his perseverance and patience far surpassed the top wicked genius.

If it was not for the promises and guarantees of this life, I'm afraid he would have left the Xianyang City with Xioma Mansion far away, and left the Southern Region to avoid the ancient gods and demons who descended on the Southern Region.

However, compared with the secrets hidden in the deep pits, the birth of the two ancient gods and demons is completely a witch and a witch, so he is a little worried that Yu Haoran will eventually escape the Southern Region because he cannot bear the pressure of too much sleep. The decision to destroy his profound Tao heart, affecting the strong luck.

"Taling, you say it!"

Even the cruel things of the two ancient gods and demons descending on the Tianxuan Continent have experienced it personally. Yu Haoran did not believe that there is a more cruel reality in this world.

"In ancient times, when the beast king of the Ninth Supreme Realm decided to have a final battle with ancient ancestors, in order to prevent the counterattack of ancient ancestors and ancient hundreds after the defeat, they used the Zhoutian star array method to seal over four One-half of the demons. "

"Among them, most of them are strong men at the level of emperor and divine realm, elites at the level of peerless and evil spirits."

Signaled Hao Ran to use God's mind to look at an array of embroidered stars at the bottom of the 10,000-meter deep pit. The towering spirit reminded him solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, the star embroidered on the array banner is called Xuri Rat, which is the banner array used to arrange Zhou Tian's star seal array."

The relaxed look was instantly replaced by the dignified. After Yu Haoran retracted the deep thoughts, he turned his head and looked at the direction of Xianyang City, and then looked at the direction of the Baichi Gate, then sat directly on the edge of the tiankeng.

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