Destined Martial God

Chapter 1715: Chronic Opportunity

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Fengrun City, inspect the ambassador's mansion!


While nodding to confirm that Yu Haoran had just guessed, looking at the nine mountain peaks outside Fengrun City through the barriers of the sea space, Taling's eyes explained with a shocking expression.

"The body of the nine peaks is not only transformed by the bodies of the descendants of nine blood dragons directly related to prisoners, ox, 睚眦, 狴 犴, 狻猊, mocking wind, pepper map, 赑 屃, 螭 kiss, 貔貅The origin of his blood is from the same dragon. "

"That is to say, the bodies of the nine **** beasts in the mountain peaks are blood brothers who are the same father and mother!"

"Zi ...!"

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran couldn't help but take a breath.

Although it is said that a dragon has nine sons, the nine sons are different, but due to the influence of special physiques, the natural breeding process of the dragons is very difficult, let alone a **** dragon with a grade reaching the level of the gods.

Under normal circumstances, a couple of ordinary dragons is very lucky to be able to successfully bred one offspring in this life. It can be said that it is rare to have two offspring.

As for three or more offspring, it basically belongs to rumors and dreams.

Therefore, after being shocked, Yu Haoran questioned just as unbelievably.

"Taling, are you sure you read right?"

"Just judge for yourself!"

It seems that Hao Ran's doubts have long been expected. While examining the bodies of nine **** beasts, the tower spirit also collected a trace of spirit breath from the bodies of nine **** beasts.

After watching the breath of the nine gods floating in front of her eyes, and forcibly suppressing the flinching emotions that appeared in her heart, Yu Haoran slowly closed her eyes, intending to feel the blood source in the breath of the nine gods carefully.

But at this time, the dragon who had signed the beast pet contract with him, without his consent, even straddled the barriers of the beast pet space and appeared in front of the breath of nine gods.

Subsequently, Chen Long opened his transparent mouth and breathed the breath of the nine gods into his body.

Then, the body, which was only about thirty centimeters in length, expanded to nearly one meter at a speed that can be discerned by the flesh.

"Taling, what's going on?"

Looking at the dragon who can improve the grade and strength by absorbing the breath of the nine gods, Yu Haoran hesitated to criticize it for making the decision without authorization, and quickly asked the towering spirit in the sea.

"Yu Haoran, from ancient times to the present, the reason why the dragon could not be promoted to become the ancestor dragon, or even the **** dragon at the level of the divine realm, in addition to the pursuit of the dragon race and dragon blood monsters, but also to accelerate its promotion Too little energy. "

Ta Ling didn't have any surprise to explain that the dragon left the animal pet space beyond Haoran's control, and was able to improve the grade and strength by absorbing the breath of the dragon.

"Shenlong Jiuzi, who is of the same origin, is the strongest energy that can help it advance quickly."

"Ta Ling, don't you mean that you want the dragon to devour the mountains of the beast, the bodies of the nine dragons!" Ta Ling explained with a hint of excitement, and flashed a thought in Yu Haoran's mind. Could not help but ask a little distressed.

After all, since the signing of the beast pet contract, Xun Long not to mention providing any help, and even using ideas to chat with it, it is a careless attitude.

Using nine precious Shenlong corpses to promote Xiaolong, which does not help him very much, and does not have deep feelings for each other, he is somewhat reluctant to say it in his heart.


While nodding to confirm Yu Haoran's guess, Ta Ling also knew the cause of his distress, and quickly explained with a smile.

"Yu Haoran is not that the dragon is unwilling to ignore you, but just as a dragon family with the potential to achieve the ancestor dragon, the dragon's inner arrogance is far better than ordinary dragons."

"The black bear can help you kill the enemy, Yinglong can take you on his way, but he has the potential to be against the sky, but cannot help you because of his low strength. This makes Xunlong feel very guilty at the same time, in fact, his heart also Always on fire. "

Speaking of which, Ta Ling glanced at the dragon dragon staring at Shenshoushan, and took the initiative to guarantee it.

"Yu Haoran, after the dragon engulfing and refining the nine corpses of Shenlong in the beast mountain, you will find that it is the best partner to fight side by side, you will feel that it is the most loyal friend."


After hearing the explanation and guarantee given by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sighed, suppressing his unwilling nod in agreement.

"okay then!"

At the moment when Yu Haoran nodded his consent, his body was already close to the transparent dragon, because the speed of the rapid departure made it disappear in front of him as if it were a momentary transfer.

Now that Hao Ran had promised to use the bodies of nine dragons to improve his grade and strength, Yu Haoran couldn't help but look forward to it, looking forward to what he could bring to himself beyond his imagination.

However, thinking of the current grade and strength of the dragon, and the nine grades and strength of the dragon, he couldn't help but worry about the time it took the dragon to refine the dragon's body.

If it takes hundreds or thousands of years for the dragon to be able to help itself after refining the bodies of nine dragons, then with the speed of self-cultivation and strength improvement, I am afraid there is nothing to look forward to.

"Yu Haoran, due to the lack of energy that can assist the promotion, Chen Long can only be used to perceive the realm, so don't look at its current grade and strength, although it is not strong, but it can be successfully refined within seven days. A corpse of a Shenlong and able to raise his rank to the peak of Wudi's nine ranks. "

After hearing Yu Haoran's worry, Ta Ling smiled and relieved.

"At the same time, due to the blood of the same ancestors, the process of refining the remaining Shenlong corpses can be stopped at any time."

Seven days!

It only takes seven days, and there will be one more beast pet from the peak of Wu Jiupin's realm around him. The explanation given by Ta Ling makes Yu Haoran feel ecstatic. He also looks forward to the engulfing and refining of the other eight dragons. Harvest with Divine Dragon Corpse.

"Ta Ling, then how long does it take for the remaining eight Shenlong corpses to be refined? What kind of realm can they finally reach?"

"I do not know either."

Looking at the dragon that had been successfully integrated into the prison cow, Ta Ling shook his head and replied.

"After all, the dragon you have is likely to be the only ancestor that has an impact on the divine realm and the supreme realm since ancient times."

"Next, how high it will be and how long it will take, I am afraid I can only wait slowly."

Although Ta Ling did not give an accurate answer, Yu Haoran was very satisfied with the grade and strength of Emperor Realm Nine Pins within seven days.

Therefore, after readjusting his emotions, he quietly left the mansion of the inspector and went straight to the last goal of Dongcheng District.

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