Destined Martial God

Chapter 1718: Suppressed Souls

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Fengrun City, the mansion of the Yuan family!

After being invited by Yu Haoran's divine thoughts, Qingrou quickly extinguished the thoughts that had just come out of her mind, and then appeared in the study room where Yuan's head was.

"Girl Qingrou, I have some understanding of the patriarchs of the Yuan family, knowing that torture torture is of no use to people like him."

He didn't want to waste too much time and energy on Yuan Yuan's body, so after Qingrou entered the room, Yu Haoran made an excuse for the soul hunting secret method that he was going to use next.

"So, I need to use a more cruel means to be able to know in detail the exact whereabouts of your sister."


I can guess what the cruel means Yu Haoran said. Although the gentle and gentle Qingrou can't bear it, when she thinks that her younger sister may be in danger of being insulted, she finally nods in agreement.

Reaching out and pressing on the head of Yuan's family, he began to use the soul-searching method to check his memory. As he learned more about each other's secrets, Yu Haoran's face became more and more gloomy.

As a small family with a history of less than 200 years, the Yuan family was able to become one of the top five families in Fengrun City and occupied a seat in Dongcheng District where Daguan nobles lived.

The reason is that the special beast-catching methods mastered by the Yuan family can bring unimaginable wealth and benefits to the owners of Fengrun City.

It was also with the strong support of the city's main government that the Yuan family was able to gain a foothold and grow in Fengrun City.

"Girl Qingrou, your younger sister is being held in the city's mansion at this moment. After I have solved the other two enemies, I will immediately take you to the city mansion to rescue the girl."

Through the soul-searching secret method just now, in addition to finding that the Yuan family had a target to connect with important figures in the Han empire, he also found the whereabouts of Qingrou's sister Qingsi.

"Everything goes to the son!"

As for the strength of the city's main government, Qingrou, who has already infiltrated Fengrun City for half a month, already knows. She knows that it is difficult to save Qingsi by her own strength and needs the help of the young man in front of her.

At the same time, if you want to know more about this young man who makes her curious, you need more contact time.

So, in front of Haoran's proposal, Qingrou nodded docilely and agreed.

After signalling Qingrou to leave the room in advance, Yu Haoran waved his sleeves and shot a powerful element, directly blasting the Yuan family into minced meat, and stowed the storage ring that fell on the ground.

Later, based on the information he learned from the Yuan family leader, he successively beheaded his wife Mrs. Zheng and his confidant, and then led Qingrou to a large tree about 100 meters away from the city's main government.

"Brother Yu, you are almost seven minutes later than the appointed time." It was Hao Ran who had brought Qing Rou to the big tree just outside the city's main government house, and the red beast came out of the big tree to remind him.

The sudden appearance of the red hated beast really shocked Qingrou, especially when he saw his unsightly ugly appearance, even more because of the fear stepping back.

However, when she felt a breath of familiar blood from her counterpart, the look of panic in her eyes was immediately replaced by doubt.

Then, she stepped forward to the red hated beast, then looked at his ugly face, and asked very politely.

"Excuse me, who the **** are you? Why give Qingrou a sense of blood closeness?"

"Brother Yu, do you act now!"

As a red hated beast whose grade and strength are far better than Qingrou, as soon as Qingrou just appeared, he already knew the true origin of the other party through the induction between the blood of the same ancestor.

However, he had no interest in the mermaid race, and ignored the other person's polite interrogation just now, and deliberately avoided the other person's gaze and asked Yu Haoran.

"Do it now!"

Knowing that the red hated beast that wants to transcend the blood of its ancestors, he is most reluctant to mention the blood of his cross, so Yu Haoran also ignored Qingrou's polite interrogation just now, nodded in agreement, and turned his head to her.

"Qing Rou, you stay here first, and after receiving the notification of my divine spirit, you are entering the city main mansion."

"Everything is yours!"

After tenderly responding to Haoran's order, Qingrou looked up at the indifferent Red-Beasted Beast, and the keen interest revealed in his eyes clearly exceeded the curiosity about Yu Haoran.

As the hegemon who ruled Fengrun City, the strength of the city's main house far surpassed any other force in the city. Only the peerless powers in the realm of Wu Zun reached three. It has not lost to some families that have been passed down for more than 10,000 years.

However, for Yu Haoran, who owns Emperor Wudi's strength, and the red hated beast, who possesses Wudi's realm, the strength of the city's main government is not worth mentioning.

After sneaking into the city's mansion quietly, according to the grave that has been negotiated in advance, the red hated beast is responsible for cleaning up all the targets in the city mansion with links to the Han empire, and Yu Haoran is dealing with the city man Liu Jizhi.

Locking on the breath of Liu Jizhi according to the divine thoughts, he passed the crooked corridors and other courtyards, and finally came to a rockery deep in the city's mansion.

Looking at the rockery that was more than three meters high, Yu Haoran inspected it slightly, and finally found a special shaped groove in a corner of the rockery.

Take out a black carved jade pendant from the storage ring, and insert the jade pendant directly into the groove of the rockery.

Immediately afterwards, the three-meter-high rockery began to crack slowly from the middle, exposing a passage to the ground.

"The original jade pendant in the shape of a black carving was a special key!" When seeing Hao Ran using the black carved jade obtained from the wall of the study room under the command of the city guard, he was able to open the rockery of the main city hall. Sighed in surprise.

Ignoring the sigh of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran took out the black carving jade that had just been put into the groove, and quickly entered the underground passage before the rockery was closed again.

The underpass is not very long, it looks like three or four hundred meters. At the end of the pass, there are nine stone rooms made of gray rocks.

Shining body appeared in front of the seventh stone room, Yu Haoran stood in front of the stone room door for a little three seconds, then reached out and pushed open the stone room's stone door.

When the stone door was pushed open, the first thing that caught his eye was the thirteen iron cages made of black iron, each of which contained a female soul.

Why use the female surname to describe it!

That's because the thirteen iron cages in the stone room, in addition to the eight beautiful girls with the glamorous appearance, three mermaids with snake-tailed bodies, and a charming mermaid like a fairy.

As for the iron cage in the corner of the stone room, because it was covered by a special black cloth, he didn't know for a moment whether the other party was a human, a mermaid, or another creature.

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