Destined Martial God

Chapter 1728: Divine Power

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On Wolong Lake!

"Zi ...!"

In the same face to face, just a trick that looks like ordinary swordsmanship directly took away the two top pseudo-gods in the clan, which made the beauty snake known as a concubine unable to take a sip. At the same time, the eyes of the hundred snakes behind him showed a strong look of fear.

"Xiao Xun, you also know the essence of the blood veins inherited from the beauty snake, which can help your master against the sky, so some things don't need me to ask too much!" I ignored the fearful eyes of those beauty snakes, and controlled them. The towering spirit of Hao Ran's flesh reminded Xiaolong who was quietly floating in the clouds.


He clicked on the huge dragon head, and after making a deafening roar, Chen Long rushed to the hundred-headed beautiful snake standing on the lake.

At the same time, Ta Ling also waved the trapped fairy sword without a sheath and killed the most powerful princess snake on the lake.


Seeing Hao Ran who was in charge of the physical body by the towering spirit, and seeing the nine-colored dragon that brought infinite pressure on himself, all killed the mermaid floating on the lake.

The blood gradually boiled in the body, and after the red hated beast drank violently, he took out dozens of beautiful snakes below the realm of the seventh emperor of Wudi.


After only fighting once, the princess and beauty snake, who had stepped back dozens of steps, flashed a horrible glance in her eyes, and immediately rushed back to the lake palace.

Because of the confrontation just now, not only did she perform the most powerful secret method in the bloodline inheritance, but she also used a town-level magic weapon at the level of the gods.

The results of it!

The magical level of the magical weapon was directly cut off by the sword strength exerted by the opponent, which forced her to retreat, and also suffered certain trauma.

The concubine snake is a decisive snake. Since she already has the idea of ​​retreating, she has no hesitation in going directly to the bottom of the lake.

"Even if it is a true **** strong, don't even think about escaping in front of my purple spirit, let alone use you as a pseudo-god one by one.

After seeing the concubine maiden snake that was going to flee into the lake, Ta Ling dismissed the taunt, and immediately waved the trap sword in her hand.

A powerful sword unimaginable, which cut the lake surface into a vacuum gap with a depth of about thousands, directly caused the princess and beauty snake who had just touched the lake to be replaced by fear.

Just as the sharp sword energy of the lake was about to slay the concubine beauty snake, a horrible water arrow that made countless souls tremble quickly shot from the palace at the bottom of the lake, directly destroying the sharp sword energy, and also saved the situation Concubine snake with eyes closed waiting to die.

"The awakened power of the gods who is completely awake." Looking at the water arrow that burst into sharp sword energy with the original energy of the trapped fairy sword, Ta Ling murmured with a moment of gloom.

At the same time, the nine-colored dragon and the red hated beast immediately abandoned the pursuit of the remaining mermaid snakes, and quickly returned to the side of the towering spirit.

"Friend, can you look at my emperor's face and let my people go?"

At the time when the spirit of the other side of the tower called out the other side's practice, a more polite discussion tone came from the lake palace.

"Talling, you can stop, you must agree to my three requests!"

The goddess of the beauty snake group actually shot it in person, and Yu Haoran knew that the plan to continue to collect enough blood essence of the beauty snake may be temporarily shelved.

Thinking of the rules established by the four guardian families, the five hidden hereditary families, and the seven top sects, he knows that the beauty zombie powerhouse who has violated the rules is definitely afraid to continue shooting.

Otherwise, violating the rules formulated by the sixteen top forces is tantamount to provoking them to Chiguo. No one in the Tianxuan Continent can withstand the joint retaliation of the sixteen top forces.

Therefore, obviously knowing that the other party is a **** with tremendous power, Yu Haoran still intends to severely cut a piece of meat from the other party when leaving Wolong Lake.

"It's okay to let go of your clan, but you must agree to my three demands."

Taling, who knew he was not good at negotiating, immediately surrendered physical control and let Yu Haoran personally talk to the other party about the conditions.

However, considering that the other party is a **** beast of the **** level, the eyes of using the source may be hit hard by Hao Ran.

Therefore, even if he surrendered control of the flesh, the spirit body of the towering spirit did not leave the flesh, so that when Hao Ran encountered danger, he could help in the first time.

"Please speak!" Although Yu Haoran's temperament changed from the vicissitudes of the mulberry fields to the immature and delicate, the divine powerhouse deep in the palace at the bottom of the lake signaled that his attitude remained unchanged.

"First, release Ruyan and Ruyun immediately."

Now that he has the confidence that the other party is not willing to do it easily, Yu Haoran's attitude when he asks is very tough.

"no problem!"

Although the crimes committed by Ruyi and Ruyun make them a sinner that the community can never forgive, compared with the life and death of the ethnic group, it is not unacceptable to surrender the two sinners who have become completely waste. .

Therefore, the divine powerhouse in the palace at the bottom of the lake nodded happily and agreed.

"The second condition is that the five drops of Emperor Realm Nine Pins Pinnacle Realm of Heart Cold Eater."

There was no surprise that the other party would agree to the first request just now, and Yu Haoran then made his second request.

The venom of biting the heart of the cold marrow is a kind of venom specially cultivated in the venom of the beautiful snake. Although it has not entered the list of the top 100 poisonous continents in the universe, the power of the venom is not lost to the ghost.

Five drops of cold marrow biting venom. One drop was used to make a poisonous poison that could harm the demigod realm, and the other four drops were given to two apprentices. Poisonous, enhance their practice of poisoning.

Facing Haoran's second request, the divine powerhouse in the lakebed palace considered it for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.


The other party was finally able to agree to the second seemingly excessive request, which was also not unexpected, and he continued to make his third request.

"The third requirement is thirteen medicinal materials of second-order nine grades, namely fire spirit grass, blood spirit grass, fire heart horse chestnut, broken heart fruit ...!"

"no problem!"

For the ethnic groups that have been passed down from ancient times, the special survival habits have not experienced much change, which has allowed the beautiful snake to accumulate countless precious exotic flowers.

Not to mention the thirteen kinds of strange flowers and herbs of the second-order and nine-grade, even if they are the thirteen first-grade and first-grade magic pills, they are not out of the question.

Therefore, facing the third request made by Hao Ran, the divine powerhouse in the palace at the bottom of the lake did not hesitate to agree.

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