Destined Martial God

Chapter 1743: human nature

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In the Qinghu Mountains!


Facing the gentle command of the blue-haired white-haired old man, the elegant middle-aged man nodded indifferently.

Subsequently, he directly appeared on the ground where the blue family leader and the gray robe old man were beheaded. After sitting directly with his knees bent, the same ten fingers began to print quickly.

But unlike the seal of Dihua, the mark made by Tianteng did not blend into the surrounding void, but just floated in front of him.

When the ten marks on the fingers reached nine, Tianteng suddenly drank with his hands together.


With the light drinking of the sky, the nine seals quickly merged together, and gradually became a smooth mirror. The mirror slowly appeared the pictures of the clan chief and the gray robe old man, which also caused the volley to float. In the eyes of the eight strong men, a look of surprise appeared.

But the surprise in everyone's eyes did not persist for a long time, and was interrupted by a special energy appearing on the mirror in a vacuum.

The special energy appearing in the realm out of thin air, at a speed that can't cover the ears and steal the bell, can directly erase the two figures appearing in the mirror.

Facing the two shadows disappearing in the mirror, the volley floated in the eyes of the eight strong men in the air, and immediately showed an angry look.

But Tianteng's face did not change at all. His hands that had just been folded were quickly separated, and then his fingers continued to mark as fast as lightning, and the mark formed into the mirror.

After condensing eighteen imprints into the mirror surface, Tianteng Changsong took a sigh of relief, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Teng Teng, who is the murderer?" Seeing the smile that appeared on Tian Teng's face, the old man with blue hair in the blue robe in front of him flashed and asked in a hurry.

"Elder, wait a minute!"

Looking up at the old man in the blue robe, Tian Teng stretched out his slender white hand, and patted it gently against the mirror in front of him.

Later, in the ripples of Dao Dao, a slightly ghostly figure slowly emerged.

Although the figure appearing in the mirror was too bleak to truly see his appearance, the four pairs of white feather wings that stretched out from behind made the blue-paved white-haired old man unable to resist the cursing of his teeth.

"Damn protoss are fragmented, the old man will give you ten thousand pieces!"

Looking at the ghost image of the Protoss powerhouse appearing in the mirror, a middle-aged man in a blue gown in the air flashed a look of doubt.

Then he appeared directly beside the white-haired old man in the blue robe, reminding slightly frowning.

"The elders, the elder Tianteng, the ancient gods and demons have been resealed by the four guardian families and Yu Haoran some time ago."

"So, how did the protoss in front of them break through the seal and leave the ancient **** trial ground, and how they suddenly appeared in the Qinghu Mountains and attacked the patriarch without any consequences."

After hearing the reminder from the middle-aged man in the blue shirt, the old man with blue hair and white robe couldn't help but fall into thought, but in the eyes of the elegant temperament, there was a hint of unpleasant questioning.

"Lan Longhui, are you questioning the result of my methodological calculations?"

After hearing Tian Teng's displeased question, Lan Longhui's eyes flashed a moment of confusion immediately, and he quickly knelt on one knee to make atonement.

"Elder Tianteng, don't get me wrong, Longhui definitely doesn't mean that."


Ignoring Lan Guanghui's explanation of the atonement, Tian Teng snorted directly after standing up, and said indifferently to the blue-haired white-haired old man.

"Elder, since you don't believe the result of my Tiantengshudao calculation, it doesn't make any sense for me to stay here."

"So Tianteng is leaving!"

After arching his hand to the old man in blue robe, Tianteng directly reached out to tear the void in front of him, and then stepped into the void and disappeared into the Qinghu Mountains.


Just as Tianteng's torn void regained its calmness, the quiet scene suddenly sounded a crisp slap in the ear.

"Elder, Long Hui knows wrong. He also hopes that his elders can show mercy and forgive Long Hui's sins."

Ignoring the red and swollen cheeks, Lan Longhui, who immediately knelt down on both knees, begged hard while begging hard.

"You immediately use the intertwined method of God's thoughts to give me a thorough inventory of the entire Qinghu Mountains, and I will definitely find out the killer who killed the patriarch." Lan Longhui, the blue-haired white-haired old man, looked at the other without paying attention Six people commanded.


No one came forward to ask for it, and no one looked at Lan Longhui more. After the six strong men floating in mid-air smashed their hands, they scattered immediately, and then mobilized the thoughts of the limit to begin the inventory. The entire Qinghu Mountains.

"Glorious, you are now returning to the family to accept the punishment of all snake snakes. I hope that this will gain Tianteng's understanding and not investigate the sin you just questioned." After the six subordinates left, the blue-paved white-haired old man lightly After a sigh, he looked at Lan Longhui with a complex look.

"Thank you, Elder, for your care."

After hearing the punishment from the snake serpent, his face was pale as blue as a paper dragon, and his head was thankful, while a look of despair appeared in his eyes.

The seal is repaired, removing the defensive weapon, and then allowing 10,000 different beasts of different snake systems to bite a piece of flesh from their bodies, which is the punishment of the 10,000 snakes.

Although in the realm of his two robbed demigods, even if he loses all his physical body, he will not die, but this punishment will completely lose his hope of impacting the realm of martial arts in the future.


Fengrun City, in the horse house!

Pointing at the water mirror condensed by the water mist in front of him, the corner of Ta Ling's mouth slightly ridiculed.

"Yu Haoran, after seeing the style and human nature of the Lan clan, now I know why I have to kill the clan of the clan!"

Looking at the pale face in the water mirror as blue paper, and blue despair in his eyes, Yu Haoran could not help but nodded with a sigh.

Then he looked up at the indifferent blue-haired white-haired old man, with a chill in his eyes.

"Talling, like this family that has lost its humanity, how did it survive the ruins of the Middle Ages and the Ancient Times and has been passed down to this day?"

"The truth is simple: strength, snobbery, and vicious."

After waving the water mirror in front of him, Ta Ling replied with a sneer.

"Special bloodline heritage can keep the strength of the Lan family at its peak."

"Bullying and stubborn snobbish eyes can enable them to avoid evil and avoid evil."

"The vicious style of cutting grass and roots will ensure that they eliminate all potential dangers."

"Taling, a family like this should not continue to survive."

Although strength, snobbery, and viciousness are factors that every family heritage will have, but a family like the Lan family who made this sleepy element to the limit, Yu Haoran was disgusted for some reason, and his mind gradually emerged to destroy the Lan family. Family idea.

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