Destined Martial God

Chapter 1755: Dongfang Yilan

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

Looking at the Wraith Beast that was constantly rushing out of the white mist, Dongfang Zhixiang suddenly appeared on the white rock while his face suddenly changed.

Subsequently, he directly behind his daughter, while taking out the imperial assault and defense weapon, alert to the ghosts and beasts that may be killed at any time, he looked anxiously to Huaiyun in the East and asked.

"Yuner, even if I beg you for your father, don't perform the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban!"

The pale Huaiyun, whose face was as pale as paper, flashed a moment of hesitation in his eyes after hearing his father's plea.

Especially when seeing the defenses of dozens of ghost ghosts joining forces to break through the formation defense, leading the strong guardian family to be swallowed up by ghost ghosts, the hesitant look was gradually replaced by remorse and the method of lifting the ban The gesture also slowly slowed down.

However, when her eyes filled with remorse, a cyan light appeared uncontrollably, and the cyan light became more and more intense, the madness on her face immediately showed.

Subsequently, a strong aroma suddenly appeared in her hands, and the color showed a deep red paladin.

Dongfang Huaiyun, who did not hesitate, sent the elixir directly into his mouth.

However, just after the elixir was delivered to the mouth, a large hand suddenly reached out, holding her arm holding the elixir tightly, and yelled violently.

"Yuner, what do you want to do?"

"Let it go!" Staring at Dongfang Zhixiang sharply, Dongfang Huaiyun ordered a low voice.

"You, you are not my daughter, who are you?"

The indifference revealed in his stern eyes and the coldness of his body made Dongfang Zhixiang, who was his biological father, immediately realize the real reason for his daughter's change during this time.

Therefore, he continued to hold Dongfang Huaiyun's arm tightly and asked angrily.

"If you don't want to die, let me go immediately!" Ignored Dongfang Zhixiang's drink and asked. Dongfang Huaiyun, who was replaced with murderous eyes in his eyes, threatened with a lower voice.

"I don't care who you are, now, immediately, immediately get out of my daughter's sea-conscious space, otherwise, don't blame the clan's ruthlessness."

Dongfang Huaiyun's roar threatened Dongfang Zhixiang with certainty that his daughter had been controlled by a more powerful spirit.

Thinking of her daughter's complete break with Yu Haoran, and the thought that her daughter's offense offended all the top forces in Tianxuan Continent, Dongfang Zhixiang was very angry, and her eyes were filled with the threat of strong murderousness.

"I don't know what to do, I'll send you to **** now."

The threat of Dongfang Zhixiang completely angered Dongfang Huaiyun to understand the spirits in the sea. While she was full of anger to judge Dongfang Zhixiang's fate, a terror that reached the state of three robbers and demigods quickly rose from her.

"If you dare to hurt the patriarch of the East, believe it or not, this horse pulls out your spirit, and then puts it into the heart of the fire, letting the spirit of your martial arts realm taste what is called from heaven to earth, from earth to hell. The wonderful process. "Just as he was controlling the spirit of Huaiyun in the East, and he was planning to kill Dongfang Zhixiang, the voice of threatening from Hao Ran suddenly came.

At the same time, accompanied by the threatening voice of Hao Ran, the ghosts of those normally slaughtered madly seemed to meet natural enemies and crawled to the ground in shock.

"Go!" Looking at the ethereal rat crawling on his shoulder, Yu Haoran commanded with a smile as he started to drool.

Then, with the unbelievable gaze of more than forty demigods remaining on the scene, the ethereal rat began to devour the ghost soul beast one by one.

"This, this, this seems to be the legendary congenital spirit beast empty mouse that can find all the precious treasures in the world." Looking at the white mice happily devouring the ghost soul beast, there are only three demigods remaining in the Zhongli family. In the middle, a silver-haired old man speculated with shocked expression.

The speculation of the silver-haired old man in the Zhongli family also made the only four strongest remaining in the guardian family, the only seven demigods remaining in the Shangguan family and the Lan family, showing the greed of Chiguo.

Neither the ethereal rat devouring the ghost and the beast nor the demigod with a greedy look in his eyes, Yu Haoran looked indifferently towards the white rocks step by step.

Looking at Yu Haoran who was stepping forward, while Huaiyun in the East was suddenly nervous, his eyes replaced with blue light gradually recovered a clear look.

But the clear look only appeared for less than two seconds, and was covered again by the rich cyan light.

"I'll give you three seconds and get out of Yuner's sea-seeing space immediately!" Standing at a distance of three meters from the white rock, Yu Haoran commanded with three fingers.

"I Dongfang Yilan entered the path with the formation method. I used the original Qimen Eight Forbidden Soul Array to destroy the 118 powerful martial arts nine-pin peak realm, even if it is the supreme existence of the supreme realm. Dare to face the threat and order me. "

Faced with Hao Ran's order to leave the space for three seconds to control the spirit of Huaiyun in the east, he looked up and down and looked at it with arrogant ridicule.

"What is your kid, what qualifications and abilities threaten me?"

Upon hearing the self-introduction that controls her daughter ’s physical and soul, Dongfang Zhixiang trembled slightly, suddenly letting go of her left hand, who had been nervous about her daughter ’s arm, and pointed back at Dongfang Huaiyun with two steps, her eyes filled with shocked expression.

"You, you, you are the fairy in the clouds in the Middle Ages, known as the dementor. My Eastern family is most likely to advance to the supreme supreme state of Yilan!"

After hearing Dongfang Zhixiang's shouting cry, Dongfang Yilan's eyes flashed a proud look, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised, making her a proud princess.


In the slightest shout of Dongfang Zhixiang's voice, Yu Haoran was affected by the slightest bit, and retracted a finger that stretched out, looking indifferently into the countdown.

Looking at Yu Haoran coldly, Dongfang Yilan also did not mean to leave Dongfang Huaiyun to know the sea space.


Withdrawing the second finger, Yu Haoran counted down indifferently.


After retracting the last finger extended, Yu Haoran turned his head and instructed the ethereal rat that was devouring the ghost animal.

"Little spirit, immediately give me control of a ghostly beast, and let it swallow that **** of Yuner in the sea space."


After turning his head and responding, the ethereal rat's small eyes immediately stared at a trembling ghostly beast.

"Swallow that woman to know the spirit in the sea, and I won't eat you."

Hearing that Yu Haoran was going to deal with his own measures, Dongfang Yilan could not help but change his face.

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