Destined Martial God

Chapter 1766: Ground book

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In the mountains of Huaiyu, within Taoist Temple!

One is a companion who has known each other for countless years, and a stranger who has met for the first time. Even if he has the power to scold the living person and give the dead person a living tongue, Yu Haoran is not at this point. Faith can persuade the book spirit to betray Zhenyuan.

Therefore, the solution Talling just proposed was simply not working, which also caused him to fall back into frustration.

In Cemetery 2, the strongest of the White Tiger family, who has been trapped for more than half a day, has reached the limit of patience.

When he waved the best sword sword of Emperor Realm in his hand, and desperately attacked the monsters and puppets formed by the formation around him, he finally roared.

"Damn breeze and bright moon, get out of me!"

It's just a kind of roar that can't vent the anger. The strongest of the White Tiger family never thought that the breeze and Mingyue who had been beheaded by him would have any response.

Therefore, after the roar of anger, he directly swallowed an elixir to restore strength, and when he was about to continue to kill the monsters and slugs that came up around him, a breezy taunt sound came from his ear.

"In the Middle Ages, even the supreme realm of the Supreme Realm did not dare to stalk the wild in Wuzhuangyuan. A mixed white tiger in the realm of three robbers and demigods dared to attack me and Mingyue. It is necessary to continue. "


Facing the ridicule of the breeze in the air of the formation, the strongest of the White Tiger family responded with a contempt.

"A small remnant who knows nothing about life and death, delusional decides the fate of our guardian family. This fully shows that your teacher Zhen Yuanzi is also a arrogant and ignorant generation who knows nothing about life and death. It seems that he died in the ruins of the Middle Ages. Cangtian opens his eyes! "

"The teacher who insulted me is destroyed, and the spirits are destroyed, killing the bloodline of the nine generations!"

Hearing that the strongest of the White Tiger family's counterattack turned out to be a humiliating mentor, Yuanzi, and gave a verdict of fate to the opponent after the breeze of the void in the formation was rebuked.

Along with the rage of the breeze, a simple and thick book gradually formed in the formation method. The book automatically opened a page, and then shot a gray light from the opened page.

"Ground ...!"


The gray light emitted from the pages of the book is like a ghost and a beast. It crosses the barriers of time and space and reaches the strongest of the White Tiger family in an instant.

Ignoring the attack and defense of the strongest in the White Tiger family, while directly penetrating the opponent's brow, he also destroyed the opponent's spirits.

However, the gray light that killed the strongest of the White Tiger family did not disappear, but appeared directly through the array and the cemetery in the mountains.

Then, according to the spirit of the white tiger family who just intercepted the strongest of the white tiger family, the void of the mountain was torn directly, and the white tiger family appeared tens of millions of kilometers away instantly.

The time is very short, which is about one minute.

Whether it is the sleeping Valkyrie in the mountain restricted area or the newly born baby, as long as it is a relative who has nine generations of direct blood from the strongest white tiger family in the cemetery, they are all killed by the gray light.

In just one minute, more than 2,000 ethnic groups were killed.

In particular, the ancestors of the five Valkyrie realms sleeping in the restricted area of ​​the mountain range immediately killed all the powerful men in the White Tiger family.

Regardless of the patriarchs and elders who are in charge of the fate of the family, or the warriors who have long been awakened but are unable to leave the mountains for the time being, they are all gathered in the hall in the shortest time.

Because the gray light appeared too suddenly, the speed of killing the clan was too short, which led to dozens of people gathered in the discussion hall for a long time and did not know the origin of the gray light.

Until a huge white tiger with white hair and a mountain-like body appeared in the hall, and the heavy black iron door of the hall was closed completely, the messy discussion stopped.

It's not very long, it's about three minutes.

The heavy black iron gate was reopened, and fifteen elders who had reached the level of three robbers and demigods left the council hall with a white jade, tearing the void in different directions and disappearing into the mountains.


"Yu Haoran, I didn't say what I just said."

It was when Haoran relapsed into the depressed mood that he did not know how to persuade the towering spirit. He could only re-mobilize the mind to observe the 36 cemeteries, hoping to find a turn of events in it.

It is precisely because he re-examined by using the divine mind that he just saw the process of Qingfeng and the Book of the Land beheading the strongest of the White Tiger family.

Just because of verbal shame, the instrumental spirit of Di Shu not only directly killed the strongest of the White Tiger family, but also refused to let go of the blood of his nine generations, which is enough to prove that the spirit of Di Shuci and Zhen Yuan deep feeling.

If Yu Haoran rashly uttered the idea of ​​getting a ginseng fruit tree, I'm afraid the result will be a hundred times worse than the strongest of the White Tiger family.


Suddenly overturning his own proposal, Ta Ling's reminder made Yu Haoran very puzzled.

"It's like this ...!"

Later, Ta Ling told Yu Haoran what happened just now.

After hearing Ta Ling's narration, I knew that I had no chance with the ginseng fruit tree. Hao Ran was frustrated, and I quickly made plans to change into the cemetery.

After a short while of thinking, he suddenly stood up and pushed the door to leave the room.

"Yu Haoran, what are you going to do?" The sudden move of Yu Haoran to leave the room really scared Ta Ling, and he immediately asked after looking anxiously.

Because he was worried that Yu Haoran was forced to seize the ginseng fruit tree by being forced to take risk by forcelessly.

"Go find the breeze, and then practice the Dan Dao and Shu Dao left by Zhenyuan Zi." According to the guidance of Divine Thought, Yu Haoran stepped to the front hall of Dao Guan while replying to Ta Ling's inquiry.


After hearing Yu Haoran's reply, Ta Ling could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After seeing Yu Haoran's intention to study Dan Dao's spiritual practice left by his teacher, and assisting him to promote Dan Dao's realm as soon as possible, Qingfeng immediately took him to the Scripture Pavilion.

"Dear brother, there are three floors in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The first floor contains what you see and hear when you travel around the Quartet, and some rumors from the Middle Ages and the endless void."

Pointing at the exquisite three-story attic, Qingfeng introduced it with a smile.

"The second level contains the spiritual insights of the Master's mastery of the auxiliary way, and all his unique insights."

"The third layer contains the mentor's countless years of collection, as well as his own mental and martial arts."

Introduced here, Qingfeng suddenly put away a smile and reminded.

"On the first and second floors of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Dao Brothers can walk around and watch at will. Only the third layer must not break in without permission. Otherwise, Dao Brothers will suffer unbearable punishment."

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