Destined Martial God

Chapter 1768: Age of Destiny

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In the mountains where the White Tigers are located, in the conference hall!

At this moment, feeling the gaze of everyone in the hall, Ji Xing slowly opened his eyes, and after glancing across the crowd at the scene, he finally stayed on Bai Hu.

Although Ji Xing's repair could not reach the peak of Wudi's five grades, in the face of his gaze, the white tiger who had already been promoted to the level of God and Beast suddenly became nervous.

The reason for the tension, in addition to the relationship between Yuxu Palace and Cangtian's consciousness, is that it seems that the cultivation is not a very high-level journey in front of him, and it is likely to be the son of fate who started the immeasurable calamity.

The destiny's son is not only the initiator of the immeasurable calamity, but also the terminator of the immense calamity. It is also the key to determine and influence whether countless creatures can survive the immense calamity.

Therefore, the inheritance time is far worse than the Yuxu Palace of the hereditary family, and the strength is far worse than that of the five hereditary clan chiefs, so that they can sit in the first seat on the right side of the hall.

"Master Ji Gong, can you discuss with the three adults and abolish the agreement restricting the birth of the gods in advance?" At the same time, Bai Hu also asked carefully.

Facing Bai Hu's request, Ji Xing slowly closed his eyes, and then used special means to contact the three white-haired old men sitting on a huge chessboard in a knee-shaped plate in an unknown valley in the southern region.

The time was not long, Ji Xing reopened her eyes and said to Bai Hu.

"Tiger God, the three adults agreed that you sent a strong man from the martial arts realm to battle the Zhenyuan Cemetery, but the battle at the Zhenyuan Cemetery was over. The agreement to limit the birth of the gods will still exist in the next three years, and the penalty for violating the agreement will still be valid."

After hearing the reply from Cang Tian's consciousness, Bai Tiger's eyes flashed a look of disappointment.

Fortunately, taking advantage of the opportunity to conquer the town's Yuan cemetery and using the warrior warrior who was born earlier, he could also speed up the plan of secret preparation. Bai Hu immediately put away his disappointment and then ordered the patriarchs of the Qinglong, Suzaku and Xuanwu families.

"Go back and inform your eldest brother, third sister, and fourth brother, and let them immediately lead the nine true gods to Zhenyuan Cemetery in the Huaiyu Mountains."


After the arch hand was heard, the heads of the Qinglong, Suzaku and Xuanwu families immediately turned away from the hall, and quickly returned to the mountains where their families were located by tearing the void.

"Zhen Yuanzi was exactly what he was in the Middle Ages, and how powerful he was in the end. I think everyone here should have more or less understanding."

When the patriarchs of the Qinglong, Suzaku and Xuanwu families left the parliament hall, the white tiger who suddenly stood up jumped from the dragon chair, and watched with stern eyes watching the crowd in the hall.

"So, if you want to gain the inferior opportunity in Zhenyuan's cemetery, and if you want to compete for treasures that can be promoted to the level of Wu Shen, then use your strongest family and denominations!"

"Thank you Lord Tiger God for your reminder."

After hearing Bai Hu's reminder, whether it was the patriarch of the hereditary lineage family or the top sectarian nod, while nodding in response, she turned around and left the parliamentary hall.

Only Zhongli Qingyang, the patriarch of the Zhongli family, and the head of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace did not leave the hall immediately.

"The patriarch Zhongli, the master of Ji Gong, are you two still okay?" Bai Hu asked with a slight frown as he glanced at Zhong Li Qingyang and Ji Xing.

After looking at each other, Zhong Li Qingyang first explained.

"Master Tiger God, the mystery of Qingli and Qingyuan of the Zhongli family is opened at the same time, and the clans in the realm of Wushen, Emperor Wu and Wu Zun have already entered the two secret realms, and for a short period of time, they cannot send strong men to the town of Yuan Dynasty.

Explaining here, Zhong Li Qingyang arched his hands and asked.

"So, Qingyang here is asking the Lord Tiger God whether he can take care of my child Suize when conquering the town Yuanyuan cemetery and try to protect his life so as not to let Qingyang send his black hair to his black hair."

The tightly frowning eyebrows slowly stretched out, Bai Hu nodded and agreed.

"The patriarch Zhongli rest assured that the gods will do everything in their power to protect Mizusawa and let him return to the Zhongli family safely."

"Thank you Tiger God."

After receiving Bai Hu's guarantee, Zhong Li Qingyang immediately bent and thanked, and then turned to leave the conference hall.

"Bai Hu, it seems that Zhongli's ambition is not small!"

After Zhongli Qingyang left the conference hall, he was quite respectful of Bai Hu, and suddenly his attitude turned 180 degrees.

At this time, not only was he proud to put his hands behind his back, but he was also calling the collective name of the White Tiger race.

In this regard, not only did Bai Hu not have the slightest anger, but even Bai Moyuan, the patriarch of the White Tiger family, was silent and peaceful.

"Kiko, the history of Supreme Evergreen is too mysterious. Even the four ancestors who are far from the endless void, don't know his true details."

Watching Zhongli Qingyang leaving the mountains by tearing the void, Bai Hu faintly told Ji Xing.

"So, before Kiko, you really try to close the family and avoid unforeseen changes before you start the immense amount of robbery."

"White Tiger, has accumulated countless calamities of destruction forces in ancient, middle and modern times. The power is far beyond your imagination."

In the face of Bai Hu's kind reminder, Ji Xing said with disdain.

"As long as I can successfully obtain the Tianshu Stone Tablet and get the approval of the extinct rat, let alone the everlasting Supreme, even if the instrumental spirit of the Chaos Bell reappears to the heavenly continent, life and death are also in the grasp of my son of destiny. "

Ji Xing's disapproval attitude flashed a look of dissatisfaction in Bai Hu's eyes.

But thinking of the Tianshu Stone Tablet and the extinct rat that Jixing mentioned just now, the fear that suddenly appeared in his heart made him quickly put away the dissatisfaction, and then shifted the topic and asked.

"Kiko, I don't know what important instructions you have left alone?"

"Bai Hu, three adults made a second-order fifth-grade Zijin Dan for me some time ago, and I need to use Zijin Dan to impact the early state of the seventh emperor of Wudi."

Upon hearing Bai Hu's question, Ji Xing immediately put away her arrogant expression and turned to tell him.

"So, in the battle of Zhenyuan's cemetery, our Yuxu Palace will not be able to participate for the time being."

Raising his hand to signal Bai Hu not to speak, Ji Xing's voice changed, and his tone was quite serious.

"White Tiger, I don't care what method you use, and how much loss you will suffer, you will have to win at least four or more ginseng fruits anyway."

"Kiko, Zhenyuan Cemetery has been away from the world for too long. No one knows how many ginseng fruits are still on the ginseng fruit tree, so I can't ...!" After hearing Ji Xing's excessive request, Bai Hu forcibly suppressed his inner dissatisfaction.

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