Destined Martial God

Chapter 1770: Golden Scissors

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Huaiyu Mountains!

"It's ridiculous that the defense formed by a vengeful atmosphere of blood is ridiculous to resist the attack of the real person who turned the clouds!"

After seeing the gray mask formed on the surface of the grave on the edge of the mountain, Cheng Zhi sneered and mocked and raised his left palm again after successfully resisting the attack of the invisible palm.

"Aoxue in the cloud!"

Along with Cheng Zhi's soft drink, above the Huaiyu Mountains, below Cheng Zhi and others, there are countless charming snowflakes exuding the slightest chill.

Countless snowflakes quickly gathered together, and quickly condensed into a giant white palm that covered the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the white giant palm followed Cheng Zhi's pressing to the left palm of the void and slammed against the gray mask covering the grave.

Just as the white giant palm was a hundred meters away from the gray mask covering the grave, the chill emanating from the giant palm began to gradually freeze the gray mask.

When the white giant palm was less than ten meters away from the gray mask covering the grave, the gray mask had been completely frozen into a hard ice mask.

Seeing the atmosphere of the earth vein that was completely frozen into an ice cover, a proud smile appeared on Cheng Zhi's face.

However, the proud smile had not yet fully bloomed, and a gray fist quickly gathered from the grave shrouded in gray light.

The gray fist quickly crushed the frozen veins of the earth's veins, and then banged heavily on the palm of the white giant palm.

"Click ...!"

With the sound of light and crisp cracking, numerous white palms condensed by countless snowflakes began to appear countless cracks.


With the gray fist detached from the palm of the palm, the white giant palm was completely blasted into countless white snowflakes when it was bombarded for the second time.

Successfully crushed the gray energy of the white giant palm, and did not consume much of its own energy. It continued to bombard the five martial arts strong men in the air at lightning speed.



Looking at the gray fist coming from the rapid bombardment, Wu Xing and Cheng Zhi gave a sigh of sorrow, and the two of them simultaneously planned to deal with the gray fist.

With a wave of whisk in my hand, countless white silk threads instantly formed a silk screen, and then quickly wrapped the gray fist.

When I saw my bank's first shot, and it was still a powerful killing move, Cheng Zhi, who raised his arm for the third time, had no choice but to give up his shot.


"They are coming!"

When Cheng Zhi first used the invisible palm to attack the Earth's pulse and formed a deafening roar, he had already alarmed Yu Haoran who was consolidating the realm of surgery.

Although Divine Thought could not penetrate the dual obstacles of Taoism and the formation of the cemetery, he could also know what was happening outside the mountain cemetery with the images he saw when the realm of art and Tao broke through.

"Yu Haoran, at this moment there are five strong warriors in the realm of Valkyrie. Judging by their clothes and breath, they should be Liu Yunzong from one of the seven top sects."

The roar and Yu Haoran's reminder let Taling immediately use the help of the Chaos Mark, and then use the divine thoughts in the realm of the three robbers to check the situation in the mountains.

Liu Yunzong is the only one among the top seven denominations that belongs to the Eastern Region. Yu Haoran was not surprised to be the first to arrive after being informed of the Zhenyuan Great God Cemetery.

Turning his head and glancing at the stairs to the third floor of the Tibetan Pavilion, a gaze moved in his eyes.


The silk screen formed by whisking dust quickly wrapped the gray fist, and then the silk screen began to gather faster, a posture intended to capture and cut directly.

The fist condensed with gray energy, although not as huge as the white giant palm condensed by countless snowflakes, is also the size of a mountain.

Under the pressure of speeding up the gathering of the silk screen, the shape of the gray fist quickly shrinks, and the fate of avoiding capture and cutting is avoided as much as possible.

In this regard, our bank gently waved the dust in our hands, and a smug smile appeared on our face.

However, when the smile on his face had not yet fully bloomed, the shape of the gray fist was shrinking, the shape and color gradually began to change, and it soon became a dazzling pair of scissors.

"This is the golden tenth scissors that ranks in the top ten among innate spirit treasures!" Looking at the head as a scissors and the tail as a cricket, exudes a dazzling golden light, the towering spirit shouted in shock.

Looking back at the picture you saw when the realm of art was broken, the golden light body, with delicate scissors like head to head and tail to tail, was surprised by Hao Ran, and had already redone its fate. Out arrangement.

Along with Ta Ling's shouting cry, the golden shovel that quickly converged and dazzled golden light, twisted gently against the silk screen gathered around him.

The silk screen gathered by the dust was instantly cut out of a gap. After the golden quilt cut along the gap and got out of the screen, it quickly turned into two golden dragons. Then Zhangya danced his claws and rushed into the air. The five warriors from Liu Yunzong Strong.

"One palm sets the sky!"

Seeing the two golden dragons rushing fast, there was no panic about Chengzhi. The third raised arm quickly took a palm stroke, and the giant palm that formed quickly was suddenly slammed at the two golden dragons.

The two golden dragons intertwined at the tail quickly reverted to the appearance of golden scissors. The two sharp scissors formed by the dragon's dragon's head were gently twisted against the giant palm that was photographed, and the giant palm was cut in half from it. Then the countless brown energy disappeared into the air.

"Yu Haoran, Liu Yunzong's five martial arts strong men must die."

Through the attention of divine mind, Ta Ling gave Yu Haoran the process of fighting in the mountains while giving his own judgment.

When Shu Dao Xiu broke through the realm of the Grand Master, in the realm feedback, there was a process in which the five realms of Liu Yunzong were cut and hanged by Jin Mao. Therefore, Yu Haoran nodded in recognition of the spirit of the tower.

Smoothly cut the golden palm scissors of the giant palm, re-opened the sharp scissors, and then cut directly to Cheng Zhi who provoked and attacked the graveyard three times in succession.

The palm of one's palms seems to be freehand when it is displayed. In fact, it has used nearly nine layers of the power of Chengzhi and the mystery of the laws that have been realized. The power is infinitely close to the early state of the Three Gods of Valkyrie.

Using such a powerful technique, he was easily cut off by the golden scissors. Cheng Zhi knew that he might not be the opponent of the golden scissors, and he greeted us quickly.

"Brother, help me!"

I also realized that the golden scissors were powerful and cautious. I waved the dust in my hand and instructed the other three newcomers to the martial arts realm.

"Let's do it together!"

The power fluctuations formed when the five warrior realms joined forces to launch an attack are like the terror of the last days.

However, Jin Maoshou ignored the attack jointly attacked by the opponent. After the sharp scissors cut off the five attacking forces in succession, one scissors directly hanged the three gods who entered the realm of Wu Shen.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp-edged scissors Jin Jin scissors were re-expanded, aiming directly at Wu Xing and Cheng Zhi who had just escaped the attack just now.

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