Destined Martial God

Chapter 1785: Rogue means

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Huaiyu Mountains!


The destruction of the soul interception **** thunder formed by the seventh thunder robbery almost broke through the defensive formation that condenses the soul power, directly harming the spirit in the sea-conscious space.

Fortunately, a thorough consideration of the towering spirits in advance has reduced more than 70% of the destruction of the soul-killer thunder force in advance.

Fortunately, the quintessential thunder and lightning energy formed by the sixth destructive soul-hunting **** thunder made his own cultivation about to be transformed, and finally, Yu Haoran survived the seventh thunder raid without any fear.

According to the pre-planned robbery plan, the Qinglian Baose array flag resists the first and second thunder robbers, the ground-flame flame array flag resists the third and fourth thunder robbers, and the plain cloud cloud array flag Resist the fifth and sixth thunder robberies, and then use coercion to bring the book spirit to resist the seventh and eighth thunder robberies.

In the end, Ta Ling used Yuan Tu and A Bi Er's last two swords to resist the thunderbolt. It was also the most powerful one to destroy the spirit interception **** thunder.

However, due to the accident of Suzaku's capture of the ground-flame array flag, the target of the fourth thunderbolt attack was transferred, which led to the ground-flame array flag that should resist the fourth thunderbolt, and finally successfully resisted the fifth mine. Robbery, which also changed the original robbery plan.

After a brief discussion with Ta Ling, Yu Haoran fully absorbed the energy of the thunder and lightning in the sixth consciousness of the sea while slowly opening his eyes, and then directly got up and walked towards the ginseng fruit tree ten thousand meters away.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Yu Haoran suddenly got up and walked toward the ginseng fruit tree, and asked the earth book implement spirit to change his face suddenly.

"By coincidence, I got the green lotus safari flag, the off-ground flames flag, and the plain cloud world flag in the Innate Five Elements Banner."

While speeding up to approach the ginseng fruit tree, Yu Haoran said with a slight smile on his face.

"Today, all three array flags have suffered very serious wear and tear because of their resistance to the destruction of the spirit interception thunder formed by the thunder, and they can no longer resist the remaining two thunders."

"So, either you Di Shuqiling personally took the action to resist the remaining two thunderstorms, or I Haoran blew up and dragged the ginseng fruit tree and destroyed them in the thunderstorm."

"Boy, you ...!"

Yu Haoran was a rogue threat, immediately letting the earthly book implement aura not know what to say.

At the same time, Yu Haoran made use of the ginseng fruit tree to force the book implement spirit to resist the thunderous robbery, which not only caused a look of contempt in the faces of Qinglong and Baihu, but also a look of thought in the eyes of the basaltic beast.

"Boy, judging from the situation of crossing the calamity in the past, you should use the energy of the destruction of the soul interception gods formed by the thunder calamity to impact the cultivation of the peak limit of the Emperor Jiupin, or the cultivation of the demi-god realm. "

As the top of the innate spiritual treasure, he also experienced the grinds of ancient, middle, and modern times. The deep state of mind and experience of the earthly book spirit made him quickly calm down from his anger.

Watching sitting on the knees at a distance of 100 meters from the ginseng fruit tree can not only prevent the destruction of the soul-killing **** thunder to the ginseng fruit tree, but also in the case of failure to cross the calamity directly drag the ginseng fruit tree to destroy Yu Haoran, quickly The calming spirit of the earthly book began to think about how to cope with the immediate dilemma.

When he felt the faint flash of lightning energy on Hao Ran's body, combined with the situation in front of him, the earthly book spirit finally found a solution to the other's threat.

"If I'm going to fight thunderstorms, I'm afraid you won't get the slightest thunderstorm energy."

After looking up at the eighth Destroyed Destroyer Thunder in the dark black clouds, Yu Haoran calmly ordered, looking at the earthly book spirit, thousands of meters away.

"The book spirit, after weakening the strength of the eighth thunderbolt, took the initiative to withdraw the defense against the thunderbolt."

"Boy, why should I listen to you." Seeing Yu Haoran who ordered his subordinates to order himself generally, a strong murderous question appeared in the eyes of the earthly book spirit.

After all, as the top innate spiritual treasure bred in chaos, even the Zhenyuan who was promoted to the highest level, communicated with each other in an equal capacity, and never dared to order and instruct him to do anything.

"Earth of the earth book implements, either obey my order, or I directly use twenty-nine ginseng fruits to achieve my purpose." Ignoring the question of the earth book implements spirit, Yu Haoran looked at the ginseng fruit hanging in front of the ginseng fruit tree. , The look still threatened indifferently.

"Boy, you are a mean man who is more shameless than a rogue."

Whether it is the innate aura whose quality is far stronger than that of the heavens and the earth, or the inherent breath of the law, the use of ginseng fruit to enhance the cultivation effect is not inferior to the thunderstorm formed by the destruction of the soul interception **** mine.

Therefore, the face of Hao Ran's second more rogue threat, the earth book instrument spirit was burning in the fury, and could not help swearing.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

For Yu Haoran, whose face is as thick as a city wall, the earthly book spirit just did not have any lethal reproaches. Not only did he not let him feel the slightest wave in his heart, but beyond everyone's expectations, he regarded the insult as praise. Compliment.


The earthly book spirit of such a shameless person has never been seen before, and once again being enraged does not know what to say.

"The book spirit, there is not much time left for your consideration!"

Watching a black ink-like cloud destroy a soul-killer **** thunder as a bucket, Yu Haoran warned against the book spirit, and stood up to stand near the ginseng fruit tree.

The ginseng fruit tree is not only the foundation stone for Zhenyuan's cemetery to be able to be upgraded enough to bury the magic weapon of the gods, but also the key to whether his body can obtain the imprint of chaos and impact the innate treasure.

Therefore, ginseng fruit trees must not be able to make any mistakes.

Faced with Hao Ran's threats and warnings, even the anger burning in anger made him anxious to directly discredit the shameless kid in front of him.

However, now he can only forcibly suppress the murderous spirit in his heart, and has to take the initiative to stand up for him to resist the eighth Destruction Interceptor Thunder formed by Thunder.

Although the eighth Destroyed Destroyer Thunder formed by thunder robbing is ten times more powerful than the seventh Destroyered Destroyer Thunder, it is relatively easy to mobilize the earthly book spirit that stores the power of the earth in the cemetery. .

"Globe spirit, that's it!"

After being reminded by the towering spirit in the sea, Yu Haoran, who had condensed the soul defense defensive formation in the space of the sea, reminded the spirit of the book in the mid-air, and looked at the ginseng fruit tree in front of him.

Although he did not want Yu Haoran to use his power to destroy only 30% of the Destroyer Soul Thunder to improve his cultivation and strength, but when he saw his gaze at the ginseng fruit tree, the earthenware can only look so dreary and tear the power of the earth veins. The eighth destructive soul-hunting **** Lei, who was formed by Lei Jie, thundered at Yu Haoran.

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