Destined Martial God

Chapter 1791: Ambition

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Huaiyu Mountains!

The terrible shouting of the spirit of the earth book instrument suddenly attracted everyone's attention at the scene. Zhen Yuanzi, who was also eager to get an answer, hurriedly asked.

"Man, what the **** is going on with this guy?"

After taking a deep breath, forcibly adjusting the shock of constant inner tumbling, the spirit of the earth book implement looked at Yu Haoran full of admiration, and introduced it in a complex tone.

"Brother Zhenyuan, since ancient times, the limit of nine is the number derived from six, three and three."

"Yi Youyun: Life is two, life is two, life is three, and everything is born, so heaven and earth give birth to thousands of souls."

"So, no matter it is the realm of martial arts, or the treasure item derived from the path of auxiliary practice, Jiupin is the limit."

"Dear man, talk about the key points directly!"

The introduction of the Earth Book Spirit is a fact recognized by the entire practice world, and it is also the basic knowledge that every living being needs to understand when stepping into practice.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi, eager to know the answer, couldn't help interrupting the introduction of Di Shuling, and urged.

"When the gods and demons ruled the ancient continent, the ancestor of the extreme state of the demons was also the magic heart of Dan Dao Xiu who was not lost in the middle ages. He had accidentally refined a very special mood elixir. "

Suddenly interrupted the storytelling spirit of the book, after a rather dissatisfied glance at Zhen Yuanzi, continued to introduce.

"According to the process of Devil Experiencing Alchemy, he found that although the effect of the elixir in that state of mind was far higher than the second-order and nine-grade products, it did not reach the level of the first-order and one-grade products. There is no iron rule, so he once made a bold guess. "

Explained here, the eyes of the earthly book spirit swept across the edge of the mountain, and those who focused on themselves, such as Yu Siqi, Chiren, the basalt beast, and the warrior strongman who guarded the family, finally returned to Haoran. , Continue to say.

"Nine is the number of poles, ten is perfect!"

"So, no matter whether it is the way of martial arts of living beings or the way of auxiliary practice, the level of the realm should be ten perfect!"

"This is impossible!"

After hearing Di Shuqiling's introduction to the realm of martial arts, Zhenyuanzi quickly shook his head and retorted.

"Since the creation of martial arts and auxiliary practice at the beginning of heaven and earth, there have never been any records or rumors about the perfection of the ten realms of the realm."

With one finger, Yu Haoran began to gradually recover the realm of breakthrough, and Zhen Yuanzi flashed a look of disdain.

"A talent and potential are barely considered outstanding boys, how can they break the countless realm of iron rule."

Zhen Yuanzi's questioning was also a doubt within everyone on the edge of the mountain.

Even the basaltic beast that has always suspected that Hao Ran is likely to be the son of destiny has the same questioning look in his eyes.

After all, the perfect state of martial arts is only a rumor, a false statement that has been verified by countless top evildoers.

Even if he has the asylum of heaven and earth, even if he possesses the different understanding of talent, the Xuanwu God Beast does not believe that Yu Haoran can break the iron rule of martial arts.

Knowing how shocking the explanation was just now, the Earth Book Spirit was not surprised by Zhen Yuanzi's questioning.

I just reached out and took out a spiritual leaf from the floating ginseng fruit tree, and then bounced directly on Yu Haoran's powerful momentum.

As a top spiritual fruit that can help ordinary creatures to advance to the realm of gods and assist the gods to continue to grow, ginseng fruit trees have already broken through the first-grade grade and reached the first-grade nine-grade peak limit.

If it wasn't for Zhen Yuanzi's wiping off the ingenuity of the ginseng fruit tree, the ginseng fruit tree at this time would be a strong man with the peak of the nine levels of divine realm.

Therefore, even an ordinary spirit leaf on a ginseng fruit tree has reached the level of artifact level.

However, under the impact of the mighty momentum, numerous small scars soon appeared on the surface of the Lingye.

But no matter how powerful the momentum is, it cannot completely destroy Ling Ye.

As the master of the ginseng fruit tree, Zhen Yuanzi's understanding of Lingye far surpasses the spirit of the earth book. He also knows how the Lingye will be damaged under the impact of the force.

Therefore, looking at the spirit leaf that is constantly rising and falling in the mighty momentum, watching the small cracks appearing on the spirit leaf, Zhen Yuanzi's doubts are gradually shocked and replaced, and there is some speculation in the beginning that I believe in the spirit of the book.


After deciding to use the thunderbolt formed by the destruction of the spirit interception **** thunder, to assist the idea of ​​impacting the perfection of Wudi Shipin, Yu Haoran did not care whether he would expose himself to be able to impact the perfection of Shipin.

Therefore, he did not feel the slightest panic when he heard Di Shuqiling's ten-state realm of martial arts and the possibility that he might break the iron rule since the establishment of martial arts.

Opening his eyes slowly, he looked at the empty space above his head, and a lot of milky white energy was still washed down in the black dark clouds.

Recalling just now that the opalescent energy was a powerful aid to enhance the power of cultivation, body, spirit, and law, Yu Haoran's heart gradually emerged with a hint of ambition.

However, in order to make the ambition a reality with the reward of Thunderbolt, he needs an absolutely quiet and safe environment, so he now needs to know the power gap between Taling and Zhenyuan to decide whether to continue his adventure to achieve his ambitions. .

"Ta Ling, with your current strength, how long can you resist the attack of Zhen Yuanzi's residual soul if you cooperate with Yuan Tu and A Bi's two excaliburs, or with the immortal sword and trapped fairy sword?"

"Yu Haoran, you are wrong!" After a light smile, Ta Ling gave a reply that made Yu Haoran feel inexplicable.

"Ta Ling, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran asked with a slight frown.

"Yu Haoran, you should ask me how long it takes to be able to defeat and kill Zhen Yuanzi's remnant soul." Ta Ling replied with a strong confidence.

The white tiger demon beast and the blue dragon beast that can reach the peak of the sixth grade of the divine realm with one stroke have fully proved the strength of Zhenyuanzi's residual soul.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, repairing a towering spirit that has only three peaks and demigods, can you defeat and kill Zhen Yuanzi who has the peaks of martial arts.

Therefore, after hearing Ta Ling's extremely arrogant reply, Yu Haoran still frowned, and couldn't help but start to observe standing in the space where he knew the sea, with a confident smile on his face and his hands behind his back. .

The perfect state of Wudi Shipin not only gave him the strength to enter the realm of Wu Shen, but also greatly improved his eyesight.

Although the volley standing on the towering spirit in the space of consciousness did not show the slightest strength, Yu Haoran was still able to faintly feel a powerful strength far beyond himself in the breath emanating from him.

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