Destined Martial God

Chapter 1795: Threats and conditions

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Huaiyu Mountains!

If the strongest attacks by Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast have already threatened the security of the Earth Book Spirit.

Then, using all strength Yu Haoran, combined with the strongest attack of the immortal sword and trapped fairy sword, the power is strong enough to seriously damage the book and the body.

Therefore, Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast repelled the one-step earthly book spirit, and felt that the two powerful sword strengths exerted by Yu Haoran contained the terrorist power sufficient to re-create himself and the body, and his face changed suddenly at the same time. , Had to withdraw immediately the power and the original energy used to resist the two red swordman.


Even if the power of all the ground veins stored in the cemetery is mobilized, and then one-third of the original energy of the overdraft is used to resist the two red swordsmanships that contain the mystery of the application of the towering spirit, it is already very reluctant.

Now, after extracting a portion of the earth's vein power and original energy, two red swordsman quickly broke through the defense of the earth book spirit, one red swordsman penetrated Zhenyuanzi's residual soul, and the other red swordsman It is the breath of a remnant soul that directly penetrates the void of the mountains, and then goes straight to the distant endless void.

At the same time, the earthly book spirit that draws back part of the power of the earth's veins and the source of energy is barely regarded as resisting the two powerful swordsmanships that Hao Ran uses the immortal sword and trapped fairy sword.

However, when he saw Yu Haoran, who was holding the immortal sword and trapping the immortal sword tightly with both hands, and intended to continue to perform powerful sword skills, he quickly raised his hand and asked loudly.

"Stop it, stop it, please listen to me!"

The previous attack could threaten the spirit of the Earth Book, because the power of the earth veins he mobilized, and the overwhelming source of energy, were mostly used to resist Taling's swordsmanship using Yuan Tu and A Bi's two excalibur swords, This is to protect Zhen Yuanzi's remnant soul.

Nowadays, Zhenyuanzi ’s remnant soul has been destroyed. Without the need for the earth book instrument spirit to be protected, he can play the strength and defense of the top innate spiritual treasure. With his current strength of the ten emperors of Wudi, he is not a land book for the time being. Instrumental opponent.

Therefore, after hearing the request from Di Shuqi Ling, Yu Haoran quickly stopped the sword technique being performed, and then looked at the other person indifferently.

"Xiaoyou, the surprise attack was just Zhenyuan's own decision. It has nothing to do with my instrument, and I don't have any idea of ​​hurting him."

Seeing Yu Haoran who had stopped casting his sword, the spirit of the earth book implement was secretly relieved, and he quickly expressed his attitude.

"Nothing malicious!"

After hearing the expression of the spirit of the book, Yu Haoran could not help but sneer and questioned.

"Globe spirit, if you have no malicious intentions against me, then why did you just take the shot to resist the attack of two red swordsman."

"Little friend, since I knew each other in the Middle Ages, and after countless years of companionship, my relationship with Brother Zhenyuan has been a good teacher and friend."

Facing Hao Ran's sneer question, the earthly book spirit obeyed the original explanation.

"So, when Brother Zhen Yuan's remnant soul is facing a life and death crisis, I must help him out of reason and reason."

"Earth book spirit, since the relationship between mentors and friends requires you to help, then the endless hatred with Zhen Yuanzi gives me a reason to deal with you."

The authentic response of the earth book implement, although he admired Yu Haoran sincerely, but in order to obtain sufficient benefits in the future, he had to continue to pretend to be a tough attitude.

"Xiaoyou, though, but don't forget, I don't need to continue to protect the Zhenyuan brother's residual soul. I can't deal with it anymore." Faced with a strong and tough attitude, the Earth Book Spirit is full of confident threats. Road.

"Earth of the earthly book spirit, though, but don't forget, you don't need to continue attacking the red swordman of Zhenyuanzi's soul, it is also not something you can resist." Facing the threat of the earthly book spirit, Yu Hao Ran is equally full of strong self-confidence.


Thinking of the two red swordmangs that killed Zhenyuanzi, the special rules contained in the mystery, the earthenware spirit's face changed suddenly, but I didn't know how to fight back against Hao Ran's threat.

"Earth book spirit, if you want to keep your life and continue to protect this special cemetery, then you must agree to my three conditions." Seeing the threat of the fire is almost the same, Yu Haoran looked indifferent. Reminded.

"Yes, please tell me!"

The power of the ground veins stored in the cemetery and the source energy of the second overdraft body have been used several times, making it difficult for the book spirit to recover the strength of the peak of Wu Jiupin in a short period of time. Red Jian Mang.

So, facing the concession offered by Haoran, the book spirit quickly nodded.

"In the first condition, in addition to the innate spiritual treasures that I have obtained, the remaining innate spiritual treasure-bound dragon ropes and flying smoke swords belong to me."

After holding out a finger, Yu Haoran began to propose his own conditions.

Although the offensive Congenital Lingbao is very precious, it can't be compared with its own safety. Therefore, in the face of Hao Ran's first condition, the Earth Book Spirit nodded without hesitation.

"no problem!"

"The second condition is to lift the two seals on the friend of Qingfeng Dao, which will allow him to leave the shackles of the puppet art, and be able to escape the restrictions of the cemetery."

The attitude of the geographer's quick and agreeable attitude was not beyond Hao Ran's surprise, he continued to extend his second finger.


Facing Hao Ran's second condition, the geographer suddenly hesitated.

Because Qingfeng is not only a personal disciple of Zhen Yuanzi, he has the potential to achieve the supreme strong person, but he is also an instrument used to cultivate after the cemetery is promoted. An important part of an error.

The spirit of hesitation of the earth book instrument was also not unexpected, and his expression indifferently showed that he could not change his attitude.

"Earth book spirit, when the wind breeze Taoist received me into Taoist Temple and gave me a ginseng fruit, I promised him personally, to give him a chance to get a new life, I hope you will not let me violate the promise oath."


Yu Haoran explained in detail, so that the book spirit had known that the other party would never give up.

At the same time, considering the replaceability of the graveyard spirit, and his own safety, the earth spirit finally nodded in agreement with the second condition proposed by Yu Haoran.

"Third condition, I want to take away the ginseng fruit tree!"

The spirit of the earth book can give a step back to let go of the breeze, and let Hao Ran breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he had a certain confidence in the third condition proposed next.

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