Destined Martial God

Chapter 1799: Yuxu Palace

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

"Senior Xuanqiang, please tell me!"

Now that he has clearly stated his intention to leave immediately, Xuan Qiong still speaks out to retain, indicating that what he said next must be very important.

Therefore, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed his complicated thoughts and looked at what Xuan Qiong wanted to say.

Facing Hao Ran's gesture, Xuan Qiong did not immediately speak.

Instead, from the independent space, nine array flags embroidered with different beast patterns were arranged, and a defensive array method capable of shielding the divine peep and speculative inference was arranged, and the expression was solemnly asked.

"Yu Zhendi, I wonder if you know the consciousness of the sky?"

When hearing Xuan Qiong's consciousness of the sky, Yu Haoran immediately remembered reuniting with the ethereal rat in the cave under the ground. He saw the three white-haired old men on the huge silver chessboard through the memory crystal left by the ethereal rat in the past. Nodded solemnly.

"The predecessors of Xuanqiang, the so-called Cangtian consciousness, seem to refer to the three strong men who possess the power of heaven and earth. They can manipulate the heavenly consciousness of Tianxuan continent through very special means, and then have the power and means of punishing the heavens . "

"Yu Zhendi, you are right!"

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and a glance at Yu Haoran, while Xuan Qin nodded to confirm, further added.

"The three strong men who control the heavenly consciousness are the Star Supreme representing the Big Dipper, the Silver Moon Supreme representing the moon and the stars, and the Sunburst Supreme representing the sun."

Added to this, Xuan Qiong turned to look at the direction of the central area, said a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Thirty years ago, the Supreme Master Xingyue and the Supreme Master Yinyue once joined forces to use the first treasure in the art path, claiming not to lose the Tianyuan chessboard of the innate treasure. The whole guess. "

"In the end, they not only calculated the exact time when the hundred protoss such as ancient protoss, ancient demons, ancient demons and ancient nethers were born, they also accidentally calculated the whereabouts of the destiny's sons, and widely informed the top forces of Tianxuan Continent . "

After hearing Xuan Qiong's further supplement, Yu Haoran frowned.

Because through the transformation of Destiny Stone, and the personal confirmation of Ta Ling, he already knew that he was the destiny son who could start and end the infinite robberies.

But the time when Supreme Master Xingyue and Supreme Master Yinyue estimated the destiny was thirty years ago, when they were not born at that time, how did they calculate their own existence.

Moreover, the four guardian families who already know the identity of their destiny, Yuxu Palace and Liu Yunzong, why dare to offend and kill themselves!

"Yu Zhendi, do you know who is the Son of Destiny that the Supreme of the Stars and the Supreme of the Silver Moon have worked out together?" After looking back at the Central Realm, Xuan Qiong asked without any concealment of his irony.

"who is it?"

Xuan Qiong's ridiculous questions made Yu Haoran immediately realize that the sons of destiny calculated by the Supreme Star and the Supreme Silver Moon were not themselves.

This not only cleared his inner doubts, but also wanted to know who the two supreme masters of miscalculation were.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Palace in Yuxu Palace, a journey of arrogance and ignorance!"

Xuan Cang was full of contempt, and a trace of murderousness was revealed in the tone of the reply.

"It's him!"

After hearing Xuan Qiong's answer, Yu Haoran was surprised, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

Regardless of talent and potential, or prestige and means, among the countless top evildoers and strong men of the three generations of Tianxuan mainland, Ji Xing's performance can be said to be the most outstanding, to the qualifications of a child of fate.


Nodded his consent, Xuanqiong complained slightly.

"If it wasn't because Discipline was the son of destiny, then why could he be on an equal footing with our godlike beings."

"If it weren't for the strong protection of the Supreme Star and the Supreme Silver Moon, what strength and strength does the Yuxu Palace have, it can become the top seven denominations of the Celestial Continent, and it has the power to surpass our guardian family and the hidden family . "

"Xuanqiang senior, do you mean that the number of the top strong in Yuxu Palace and the overall strength of the denominations are actually not as powerful as rumors." The information revealed in Xuanqiong's uncomfortable complaint, Let Yu Haoran immediately realize a key question and quickly asked.


While Xuan Qin nodded and confirmed, his look was still full of sarcasm.

"The only predecessor in Yuxu Palace has long died tragically in the ruins of the Middle Ages."

"Of the three ancestors of the semi-robbery state, one died in the adventure of the endless swamp, one died in the hands of a woman in peach blossom, and one died in the ruins of ancient times."

"Among the nine ancestors of the nine pinnacles of the pinnacle state, four died in the internal battle of the Yuxu Palace, two died in the pursuit of the enemy, one died in the spirit demon who broke through the realm, and only one left. He was also severely wounded by the spirit, and has been in a deep sleep. "

Introduced here, Xuan Qiong's eyes turned to ten thousand meters away, pointing at the five guardian warriors from the Yingtai family, the Kong family, and the Tianwumen, standing beside the guardian warrior.

"The Emperor Yu Wu, the Yingtai family and the Kong family were able to become hereditary inheritance families because their ancestors not only appeared in an ancestor of the Supreme Realm, but also the ancestors of the Supreme Realm who still live in the world, only temporarily. Living in an endless void. "

"The reason why Tianwumen can become the top seven denominations of the Tianxuan continent is because their denominations have the semi-robber supreme ancestors who are falling asleep, and at least three to five strong gods of the highest level of martial arts. Array. "

After hearing Xuan Qiong's introduction to the strength of Yuxu Palace, Tianwumen, Yingtai and Kong clan, Yu Haoran was very shocked, and he could understand why Xuan Qiong would understand Jade after he knew his true identity. Xu Gong and Ji Xing felt strong dissatisfaction.

After taking back the attention of the five martial arts strong men, Xuan Qiong took a deep breath, adjusted the inner dissatisfaction caused by the introduction of Yuxu Palace, and then reminded with a solemn look.

"Yu Zhendi, although the miscalculations of the Supreme Star and the Supreme Yinyue have given Yuxu Palace and Ji Xing a lot of benefits for no reason, but it is also because everyone mistakenly believes that Ji Xing is the son of destiny. It's a good protection. "

"Because you can just take advantage of the attention of all the top powers in Tianxuan Continent and pay attention to the actions of Ji Xing, secretly enhance your cultivation and strength, and slowly develop and strengthen your power."

"When you are sure you can determine and influence the situation in the entire Tianxuan continent, you can start the calamity of countless calamities, and then take the opportunity to kill all the enemies and truly become the master of the new era in the future."

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